Ystavalle Cardigan Pattern: A Classic Finnish Design for Friends

Ystavalle (For a friend) "Ystavalle" is Finnish and means "for a friend". This pattern was originally designed and written as a surprise for my secret pal during spring 2008 Finnish secret pal round. This cardigan is basically very classic with little waist shaping and set in sleeves, with three simple patterns giving a small accent.


Garnstudio Bomull-Lin (bomull $53\%$ linen $47\%$ ,,50g/ 85m), 350 (350, 400) g


18 sts and 24 rows in stockinette $=10$ cm


$4{,}5\;\mathrm{mm}$ and 4 mm or according to gauge

Pattern illustration


6 buttons, 1,5 - 2 cm


S (M, L), chest 86 (96, 106) cm, sleeve 5 cm S (M /L ), chest 86 ( 96/ 106) cm, sleeve 5 cm


Before you start

Read instructions carefully before starting: in each section there is first explained the used pattern andthen shaping. Notes: I'm using long tail cast on which in my mind gives nicer look when you are starting with wrong side row. That's why whole pattern assumes you are starting from wrong side row. Stitch pattern 1 Row 1 [WS]: \*k1, p1\*. Row 2 [RS]: \*k3, p3\* Repeat rows 1 and 2 Stitch pattern 2: 1x1 rib Row 1 [WS]: \*k1, p1\*. Row 2 [RS]: \*k1, p1\* Repeat rows 1 and 2 Stitch pattern 3: 1x5 rib Row 1 [RS]: \*k1 p5\* Row 2 [WS]: \*k5, p1\* Repeat rows 1 and 2 Note: Stitch patterns above are showing only complete repeats. It is mentioned in the instructions where to start every time when stitch pattern changes.


Using larger needles cast on 79 (87, 97) sts. Start stitch pattern 1. ●1.row (WS): p1, (p1/ k1, p1), $\spadesuit\sf k\bmod$ :p1\* .2.row (RS): p2, (k3, p3/ k2, p3), $^{\star}\mathsf{k}3$ ,p3\* p2 (k1, p5/ p5), $^{\star}{\sf k}1\ p5^{\star}$ Start waist shaping at row 6: k2tog at both ends of the row. Repeat decreases every 6th row 4 times. Work 12 rows and start increases: add one sts at both ends of the row. Repeat increases 4 times on every 12th row. Continue in pattern until work measures 36 (37/ 38) cm. Start armhole shaping. Bind off5 sts at beginning of next two rows. Continue by BO each side at the beginning of every row 2 sts 2 times, 1 sts 2 times. 57 (65/ 75) sts remain. Continue in pattern until work measures 53 (55/57) cm. Start neck shaping. Work 14 (17/ 21) sts, B0 29 (31/ 33) sts, work 14 (17/ 21) sts. Work both shoulders separately. BO 1 st from neck edge at beginning of next two rows. BO remaining 12 (15/ 19) sts.

Left Front

Cast on 39 (43/ 48) sts. Work stitch pattern as in back: Start stitch pattern 1. ·1st.row (WS): p1, (p1/k1, p1), $^{\star}{\sf k}^{\intercal}$ p1\* :2.row (RS): p2 (k3, p3/ k2, p3), \*k3, $\mathsf{p}3^{\star}$ Work stitch pattern 1 for 23 rows. Work 6 rows 1x1 rib. Continue with 1x5 rib. Start row as follows: p2 (k1, p5/ p5), $^{\star}{\sf k}^{\intercal}$ , ${\mathsf p}{\mathsf{5}}^{\star}$ Work waist shaping as in back: k2tog at a beginning of the row 6. Repeat decrease every 6th row 4 times. Work 12 rows and start increases: add one st at beginning of the row. Repeat increases 4 times on every 12. row. Continue in pattern until work measures 36 (37/ 38) cm ending with WS row. B0 5 sts at a beginning of next row. BO at the beginning of next RS rows 2 times 2 sts, 2 times 1 st. 28 (32/ 37) sts remain. Continue in pattern until work measures 40 (41/ 42) cm ending with WS row. Start neck shaping: BO at the beginning of next row 6 (7/8) sts. BO in the beginning of every second row 5, 2, 2, 1 sts. Continue in pattern until work reaches same length as in back.

Right front

Work as left front, reversing shaping and stitch patterns.


CO 57 (59/ 61) sts and work stitch pattern as in body: Start stitch pattern 1. 1st.row (Ws):k1, p1 (p1/k1, p1), $^{\star}{\sf k}^{\intercal}$ p1\* 2.row (RS): p3 (k1, p3/ k2, p3), $^{\star}\mathsf{k}3$ p3\* Work stitch pattern 1 for 23 rows. Work 6 rows 1x1 rib. Continue with 1x5 rib. Start row as follows: p5 (k1, p5/ p1), $^{\star}{\sf k}^{\intercal}$ ? ${\mathsf p}{\mathsf{5}}^{\star}$ (make sure that k st continues from k st. Shape sleeve caps starting on row 16. B0 at both sides every second row 5 sts, then, $3\!x\!Z$ sts, 3x1 sts, then every 4. row 1(2/ 3) x1 st, then every 2. row 2 $(1/\,0)\!\times\!1$ st, 2 sts, 3 sts. BO remaining 9 sts.


Block pieces as desired. Sew pieces together. With smaller needles and RS facing, pick up evenly along neck line odd number of sts - about 115 (123,/ 131) sts. Work in 1x1 rib for 6 rows. BO. With smller needles and RS facing, pick up about 75 (77/79) sts evenly along lef front edge. Work in 1x1 rib for 6 rows. BO With smaller straight needles and RS facing, pick up the same number of sts as for the lef front band. Mark positions for six buttons placed evenly along the edge. Work in 1x1 rib for 2 rows. Next row [buttonhole row]: (continue 1x1 rib) \*work to buttonhole position, yo, k2tog; rep from \* untilall buttonholes have been formed, then work to end. Continue in 1x1 rib. BO after 6 rows. Sew buttons and weave in ends. Block also collar and front bands.

Pattern illustration

Diagram All measurements in cm.

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