Yellow Jersey Jumper Knitting Pattern by Amanda Berry - Detailed Instructions and Abbreviations

Yellow Jersey kniltingpatterms byAmanda Berry

Pattern illustration

You will need

. 2 x 4mm straight needles · Less than 20g of yellow and black double knit yarn · A darning or tapestry needle to sew together


k Knit P Purl st(s) Stitch(es) WS Wrong side [..] Repeat the sequence in square brackets by the number indicated. (.. sts) The number in round brackets indicates the number of stitches per row.

Pattern notes

. The finished jumper is approximately 6cm across and 6cmtall. · All pieces are knitted flat on straight needles. . The tension (or gauge) is approximately 24 sts x 28 rows for a 10 x 10 cm square in stockinette. . Use mattress stitch to sew the seams.

Copyright @ 2014

AmandaBerry All patterns designed by Amanda Berry are protected by international copyright laws. Any unauthorised copying will constitute an infringement of copyright. All rights reserved.

knitting patterns by Amanda Berry

Knitting Patterns

Jumper Back

Make 1 in yellow. Cast on 16 sts Row 1: [k1, p1] x 8 (16 sts, WS) Row 2: repeat row 1 (16 sts) Row 3: p (16 sts) Row 4: k (16 sts) Row 5: p (16 sts) Rows 6 to 11: repeat rows 4 and 5 three times (16 sts). Mark the ends of row 11. Rows 12 and 17: repeat rows 4 and 5 three times (16 sts) Row 18: k (16 sts) Row 19: p3, k10, p3 (16 sts) Cast off all sts

Jumper Front

Make 1. Cast on 16 sts and follow the back piece pattern for rows 1 to 5. Then work number motif as follows: Row 6: Yellow k6, Black k4, Yellow k6 (16 sts) Row 7: Yellow p7, Black p2, Yellow p7 (16 sts) Row 8: Yellow k7, Black k2, Yellow k7 (16 sts) Row 9: repeat row 7 (16 sts) Row 10: repeat row 8 (16 sts) Row 11: repeat row 7 (16 sts) Row 12: Yellow k7, Black k3, Yellow k6 (16 sts) Row 13: repeat row 7 (16 sts) Row 14: Yellow k7, Black k1, Yellow k8 (16 sts) Then follow the pattern for the jumper back piece rows15to19 andcastoff.

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Join shoulders

Before working the sleeves, use the cast off tails and sew4stsfromtheendofthefrontpiecetothe4sts the end of the back piece to join the shoulder. Repeat on the other end, leaving a neck opening in the middle.

Jumper Sleeves

Make 2 in yellow. With the right side facing you, pick up 15 sts between the markers at row 11 on the side edge (pick up 7 sts from the front, 1 st at the shoulder join, and 7 sts from the back). Hint: If you are not sure how to pick up stitches, simplycaston15stsandfollowthepattern.Sew thecast onedgeofyoursleeveto thebodyofthe jumperbetweenthestitchmarkersbeforesewing the seams to finish the jumper. Row 1: p (15 sts) Row 2: k (15 sts) Rows 3 and 4: repeat rows 1 and 2 (15 sts) Row 5: [k1, p1] x 7, k1 (15 sts) Row 6: [p1, k1] x 7, p1 (15 sts) Cast off. Sew the seams on the inside of the arms and the side seam of the jumper to finish.

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