Musica: The Sock 20124 - Updated Pattern with Treble Clef Motif and Multiple Sizes


by Deborah Tomasello

Pattern illustration

Recently, I released the long-requested Musica Sweater pattern. It was well received, so I decided to go back and update the Musica sock pattern, using the same colors and motifs I used in the sweater. Here is the result. I give you Musica: The Sock 20124. For fun, I included a treble clef on the sole of the sock. The pattern allows for multiple sizes, so you can knit Musica socks for all the music lovers you know! Knit the standard medium sizes with #3 DPNs, or make the socks smaller by dropping a needle size (or two!) or make them slightly larger by increasing the needle size. Size: Teens and Women, medium, and Men's medium Materials: 1 ball each of Knit Picks Palette: Cream, Coal, Opal Heather and Brindle Heather (You will use only small amounts of the Opal Heather and Brindle Heather.) 5 DPNs size #3 (To tweak sizes, go up or down a needle size per knitter's specs) tapestryneedle Gauge: 32 stitches = 4” on #3 needles Abbreviations: K2TOG= knit 2 stitches together SSK= slip one stitch, then slip the next. Insert left needle into the front loops of the slipped stitches and knit them together from this position SOCKS (Make 2) Instructions: Socks are worked top-down. Teen and Women's info is listed followed by Men's in parentheses. NOTE: Float every 2-3 stitches to keep toes from getting caught in floats! LEG: With DPNs and Coal, CO 64 (72) sts, 16 (18) sts on each of 4 DPNs. Join to work in round, placing marker and being careful not to twist stitches (if using a circ needle). Knit 15 rounds 2x2 rib After ribbing, begin following sock CHART A for Teen/Women or CHART B for Men. Follow chart for 53 rounds.


My socks feature the Sweet Tomato Heel (STH). You may use the heel of your choice, but I recommend one that does not employ a flap or gussets to allow for an even design flow through the instep. For a tutorial on the STH, see this video: Once you understand how to knit the STH, proceed using the STH heel instructions, knitting heel with Coal. Each heel wedge will begin in the center back of the sock. Work three wedges on the 32 (36) sts on needles 1 and 4. Work wedges leaving 7 (8) stitch pairs on each side (4 heel sts left unpaired between pairs). Knit according to pattern across the instep stitches between wedges. You will need to attach and detach colors for instep rounds as needed, floating Coal across the instep so it can be used to complete the second half of each wedge. Follow the chart for the instep stitches (the sts you have on needles 2 and 3). After working the first half of wedge one, work Brindle Heather across the instep per round 54 of the chart. The 2nd wedge will use Opal Heather as indicated in round 55 of the chart, and the 3rd wedge will use Brindle Heather as indicated in round 56 of the chart.


Working all sts on circular needle or split evenly on DPNs as with leg, 16 (18) sts on each of 4 needles Work chart from rounds 57-104.


Using both colors in stripes, decrease for toe as follows: Needle 1: K to last 3 sts of NEEDLE 1, SSK, K1 Needle 2: K 1, K2TOG, knit until the last 3 stitches of NEEDLE 3 Needle 3: K to last 3 sts, SSK, K1 Needle 4: K1, K2TOG knit to last 3 sts of NEEDLE 1 Repeat this until there are 7 (8) sts left on each needle. Place sts from needles 4 and 1 onto one needle: 14 (16) sts. Place sts from needles 2 and 3 onto another needle: 14 (16) sts. Graft the remaining stitches together using Kitchener st, and weave in all ends.


e in or trim all yarn ends at beginning and ends of rounds. Wash & block to fi Copyright 2014 by Deborah Tomasello All rights reserved. This pattern or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher. WARNING: Giving or accepting a free copy of this pattern to another, without permission of the designer, is stealing.

It was brought to my attention that my notes were not correctly written. The corrected chart is here:

Corrected chart roundsfor CHARTA

Pattern illustration

Corrected chartrounds for CHARTB

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

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