This storage tube for your grocery bags is worked flat and crochet together. For adding more interest to the knitting and as a design element a three stranded braid cable is worked at the front. For customization just cast on more stitches evenly distributed at both sides of the cable and knit as many repeats as you like. Therefore also gauge is not crucial. As well as the given yardage is only estimated and depends on the size you are going for.

The sample was knit with left over sock yarn held double but it can be adjusted to the yarn youwanttouse. Note the first stitch of each row is slipped and the last stitch is knit through the back loop to allow easier seaming.
CO 45 and work 2 rows of stockinette. K13, place marker, work according to chart, place marker, K12. Repeat until the desired length. (The sample had a length of 40 cm before the garter stitch) Work 10 rows of garter stitch and bind off loosely. Seam the two sides together by turning the fabric inside out and insert the crochet hook through both slipped stitches at the side of the tube and crochet them together with slipped stitches. After seaming the sides of the tube seam the garter ridge at the bottom around a hair tie. To do so stretch the hair tie while seaming through the bind off and a garter ridge above it so that the hair tie is not visible anymore. This will tighten the lower edging such that you can pull out single bags. Prepare a braided band. Pull the braided band trough the fabric at the upper part of the tube at several places to allow closing of the tube. Last crochet a chain of about 15 stitches and attach it to the tube using slip stitches at two point to create a loop at which the tube can be hung up. Weave in all the ends and wet block if desired. To customize cast on more or less stitches evenly distributed around the braid.

Copyright 2014 , Kathrin Steinhauer. All rights reserved. Pattern for personal use only. Designer can be contacted at