Beginner's Guide to Crocheting Stylish Triangle Earrings with Recycled Plastic Bottles

Patterns & Instructions

Triangle Earring

Pattern illustration

Skill Level Beginner


In here you will find pattern and instructions for an easy, elegant and stylish crochet triangular shaped earring. Pattern ebook includes a photo guide for the entire making of the earring, with a diagram, followed by instructions in American Standard Terms included inside the photo guie. Don't forget to pay a visit to my Facebook page where upload and update new projects and pattrens! Thank you and Happy crocheting!


Crochet Thread Size #20 in your choice of colors. Crochet Hook Size 1.0mm to 1.6mm (your choice) - 2 x Earring Hooks. - 4 x Jump or Split Rings. Tapestry needle. - Utility knife (or equally sharp object). - An Empty plastic bottle (water / coke / etc) - Scissors.

Pattern notes

The e-book starts with a photo tutorial with the pattern diagram and then the instructions for the crocheted part is inserted when required (in American Standard Terms, See appendix for conversion to British).

Materials Note :

I recommend using a 100% mercerized cotton thread in Size #20. But, of course, any durable thread in size between #10 to #40 should work.

Pattern illustration

I've created a page in my Blog where I updated a list of recommended tested threads - see here. \* If you have problem finding the material needed, don't hesitate to contact me and Ill do my best to help.


sl-st - Slip Stitch ch - Chain sc - Single Crochet yo - Yarn over beg - Beginning

Triangle eEarring

As mentioned before, there are few things more satisfying in DIY then to create something using simple, cheap or even better used materials :) Here, we'll use a used plastic bottle to make the core of the earring (You can make 5 pairs of earrings from a single bottle). This earring is made in 3 stages :

Pattern illustration

Stage 1 : Making the Earrings Core

To achieve the earrings shape we'll use an empty coke bottle - any large plastic bottle should work, the important part is the shape of the top part of the bottle. I'm using a 1.251 coca-cola bottle, but, others bottle should work as well.

Stage 2 : The Crocheting Part

Next, we'll crochet around the the Core - 2 rounds of easy and fun crochet :) We'll crochet using 2 threads at the same time.

Stage 3 : The sewing part

Lastly, we'll make the grid-shaped part in the middle, by sewing horizontal lines, followed by vertical lines. This ebook shows how to make this earring following the stages above. It recommended to follow the photo guide before starting to crochet.

Preparing the Earring's Core

The core is the part that gives the earrings its shape, and provides firmness and flexibility. We are going to make the core from a used/empty plastic bottle, I'm using a 1.25L Coke bottle, but, of course, any bottle of that similar size, with a similar shape at the top would work great!

Pattern illustration

Step 1 - Empty the bottle from its content (I can't recommend drinking it, lol).

Pattern illustration

Step 2 - Using a utility knife, or any other equivalently sharp tool - cut the bottle, following the top end of the sticker.

Pattern illustration

Step 3 - Store the right part (or throw/recycle). We'll only be using the left part.

Pattern illustration

Step 4 - When you look closely at the left part, you'll notive tiny vertical grooves

Pattern illustration

Step 5 - This ones ...

Preparing the Earring's Core (#2)

Pattern illustration

Step 6 - Mark this grooves, that they will be easier to see (optional).

Pattern illustration

Step 7 - And simply run the scissors/knife, through the marked linkes/grooves.

Pattern illustration

Step 8 - Next, cut the elements out of the bottle part.

Pattern illustration

Step 9 - And we have 2 triangular elements.

Pattern illustration

Step 10 - Next, using a marker, draw a pointy shape, just as in the photo above.

Pattern illustration

Step 11 - And cut - you'll get something like this.

Preparing the Earring's Core (#3)

Pattern illustration

Step 12 - To achieve a similar shape with the other element, simply place the already cut element on top of the other element, and mark/cut.

Pattern illustration

Step 13 - Next, we'll smoothen the base of the elements - use the marker to draw a nice balanced new base.

Pattern illustration

Step 14 - And cut, do for the other element as well.

Pattern illustration

Step 15 - Now, its time to make the hole in the middle - again, with the marker, draw a nice symmetric and balanced shape in the middle.

Pattern illustration

Step 16 - Cutting will be slightly difficult, so I recommend, cutting a line in the middle of the shape you just draw.

Pattern illustration

Step 17 - And using this hole to slide a scissors and cut following the line you draw.

Preparing the Earring's Core (#4)

Pattern illustration

Step 18 - Follow the line closely, you want it to be nice and symmetric.

Pattern illustration

Step 19 - And, we have a single finished core.

Pattern illustration

Step 20 - Repeat the same for the second element (you can use the first element to replicate the shape in the middle).

Earring - Pattern Diagram

Pattern illustration

Top Element - Instructions

Make 2 of this. Keep the thread tight when doing the first round.

Pattern illustration

Please see the photo tutorial in the following pages before crocheting this part. Crocheting the elements takes two rounds :

Round 1 :

Crochet sc around the element's core. Its better to start at one of the bottom corners (as this will prevent the thread from sliding at the beginning). The amount of sc is not important, make sure you cover the entire element in a tight and balanced manner. Finish the round with a sl-st to beg sc.

Round 2 :

Start with a chain, and continue to crochet a sc in each stitch around. Please note, when you reach the corners, if you crochet a single crochet around the corner and a gap is left, re-do the corner and crochet a single crochet increase in the corner's stitch. Finish the round with a sl-st to beg ch.

Crocheting the Earring

Now that you have the finished cores, we can move on to crochet and finish the earrings. We will be using 2 threads (in you choice of colors), and crochet them together around the core (see photos). In the photos I'm using crochet thread size #20, but you can easily use slightly smaller or larger threads.

Pattern illustration

Step 21 - Grab both threads.

Pattern illustration

Step 22 - And work with both of them, crocheting single crochets around the element, starting at on of the bottom corners. At the beginnig, crochet around the short tail of the threads as well.

Pattern illustration

Step 23 - Yarn over ...

Pattern illustration

Step 24 - ... and pull through.

Pattern illustration

Step 25 - Repeat 23-24 all around the element. Keep the thread tight, and don't forget to crochet around the short tail as well.

Crocheting the Earring (#2)

Pattern illustration

Step 26 - After you've done around a half of the first side of the element - cut the short tail of the threads.

Pattern illustration

Step 27 - Once short tail is cut. Continue crocheting sc around.

Pattern illustration

Step 28 - Once you'll reach the tip, it might become difficult to complet the single crochets, if this happen - simply cut the tip to be less pointy.

Pattern illustration

Step 29 - Cutting the tip to make it less pointy will make it easier to continue crocheting around.

Pattern illustration

Step 30 - Almost there ..

Pattern illustration

Step 31 - Finish the first round with a sl-st to beg sc.

Crocheting the Earring (#3)

Pattern illustration

Step 32 - Start the second round, similar to the first, its all sc in each stitch of the first round.

Pattern illustration

Step 33 - One by one ..

Pattern illustration

Step 34 - Once the second round is finished, and the threads have been fastened off.

Sewing the Middle

The final step in making this crochet, is creating the grid in the middle of the thread - you can use one or more colors to make it (Ill be using White here). To make the grid, we'll simply sew the thread from side to side, horizontaly, following by sewing it from top to bottom.

Pattern illustration

Step 35 - Use a tapestry needle, match it to the thread you're using.

Pattern illustration

Step 36 - Add the thread at the back of the earring, at one of the bottom corners.

Pattern illustration

Step 37 - And head to the other side, keeping the thread tight.

Pattern illustration

Step 38 - ... and back to the other side, keep the threads parallel.

Pattern illustration

Step 39 - Repeat steps 37-38 all the way up, keeping the threads parallel and at the same vertical distance.

Sewing the Middle (#2)

Pattern illustration

Step 40 - Once all horizontal lines are done.

Pattern illustration

Step 41 - Next, we'll do the vertical lines, the amount of lines is up to you - I'll show here four lines.

Pattern illustration

Step 42 - When you head down, sew thruogh the horizontal lines - in an above-below-above-below fashion.

Pattern illustration

Step 43 - .. All the way down.

Pattern illustration

Step 44 - Sew through the bottom base, and again to the point where you want to start head up.

Pattern illustration

Step 44 - Head up in the same fashion you headed down.

Sewing the Middle (#3)

Pattern illustration

Step 45 - At the top, sew at the same spot you started heading down.

Pattern illustration

Step 46 - And head back down.

Pattern illustration

Step 47 - Finish the earing with another line up ..

Pattern illustration

Step 48 - And we're done! :)

Pattern illustration

Step 49 - Add a Jump Ring to the top loop of the earring, attach another jump ring, and lastly the Hook. That's it :) The Earrings are done. Since you cut the plastic bottle already, why not finish it and crochet 4 pairs more ? In different glorious color combos, make a pair for youself, your loved ones and your neighbour! :)

Pattern illustration

I really hope you enjoyed making this earring. If you have any question, please let me know and I'll do my best to help. Thanks and enjoy crocheting! Happy Patty :)

Copyright Notice / Terms of Use

This Pattern is my original and unique design, please do not resell, redistribute, copy or rewrite this file, its text content or the included patterns/photos. Feel free to include the finished flower in any project that you want, either for private use or for sell. If you choose to sell the flower, please include a link to my shop and credit Happy Patty Crochet as the original designer. Thank you for understanding!

Appendix Crochet Symbols and Abbreviations

Crochet Symbol
abbr (UK term)
Short description (if needed)

Pattern illustration

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