EZ 100th Anniversary PI Shawl: Gull Wings - A Tribute to Elizabeth Zimmermann's Knitting Legacy in Celebration of Her 100th Birthday

EZ $100^{\mathtt{t h}}$ Anniversary PI Shawl: Gull Wings

Elizabeth Zimmermann was born on August 9th, 1910 (8/9/10). This shawl is one of a set of three shawls designed as a tribute to EZ and a celebration of all she has done for us. It is based on her wonderful Pl Shawl in her book "Knitter's Almanac". For the EZ 100th Anniversary Pl Shawls, modifications have been applied so that the repeats (stitches and rounds) are multiples of 8, 9, and 10 (the numbers in EZ's birthday). Thanks to FullCircle for the inspiration to use these numbers!

Pattern illustration

For tne snawi in tne pnoto, I usea 5mm neeaies and 1320 yards of fingering weight yarn; the shawl was $62^{\prime\prime}$ (158cm) in diameter while blocking. Your experience may vary depending on yarn weight, needle size, and tension. Use any yarn weight and needle size that you like. You don't have to use the stitch patterns provided here, you could unvent your own! Include any pattern that has stitch repeats of 8, 9, or 10. Note for people who printed the earlier version of these instructions: To keep the charts consistent across all threeshawls,I changed theround numbersofthe GullWings andVines instructions and charts, but the end result is identical to the end result of the previous instructions. Join our KAL (Knit Along) on Ravelry: http://www.ravelry.com/discuss/10-shawls-in-2010/1099997/ The other two shawls can also be found on Ravelry: ${\mathsf{E}}{\mathsf{Z}}\,100^{{\mathsf{t h}}}$ Anniversary PI Shawl: Hearts

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

EZ 100th Anniversary PI Shawl: Camping Cast on: There are several ways to cast on to start a circular shawl. I like to use a long-tail cast on using 2 circular needles (cast on to one circular; divide stitches over the 2 circulars and join to work in round). I made a photo tutorial here: http://mwaaknit.blogspot.com/2010/04/starting-circular-shawl-on-2-circular.html Another way to cast on is to use a crochet hook to do Emily Ocker's circular cast on, which is what EZ recommended. There's a great YouTube video tutorial by Kelley Petkun to help learn how to do this. She uses a crochet hook and then transfers the stitches to a long magic loop circular, but you could use DPNs or 2 circulars instead: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCftliy60Gw Symbols: k: knit; p: purl; yo: yarn over; k2tog: knit 2 together; ssk: slip 2 stitches knitwise one at a time, slip left needle into the front of both stitches from the left and knit them together from that position OR slip 1, knit 1, psso (pass slipped stitch over); sk2p: slip 1, k2tog, psso. Cast on for a circular Pl shawl and complete the first few rings as described in Elizabeth Zimmermann's Knitter's Almanac (www.doverpublications.com) on pages 72 and 73. I'm sorry I cannot repeat the description here due to copyright limitations. If you are not able to purchase Knitter's Almanac you should be able to find it in the public library. I highly recommend getting a copy of Knitter's Almanac, after all, this shawl was designed as a tribute to Elizabeth Zimmermann, and Knitter's Almanac is a truly wonderful little book, packed with treasures and small enough to carry with you wherever you go. Once you have reached the end of the 72 stitch ring, as described in Knitter's Almanac, you will be ready to start the 144 stitch ring. From that point on, follow these instructions: 144 stitch ring: Gull Wings (adapted from Barbara Walker's Treasury of Knitting Patterns, page 201). Modified to 9 stitch 4 round pattern. For the next 20 (10x2) rounds: Knit 3 rounds Start Gull Wings pattern: Round 1: k2, k2tog, yo, k1, yo, sk, k2 Round 2: knit Round 3: k1, k2tog, yo, k3, yo, ssk, k1 Round 4: knit Repeat these 4 rounds 4 times in total (16 rounds) Knit 1 round

288 stitch ring:

(k1, yo) around (288 st) Vines (adapted from BW Treasury, page 218). A simple 9 stitch 4 round pattern. For the next 40 (10x4) rounds: Knit 3 rounds Start Vines pattern Round 1: k1, yo, k2, ssk, k2tog, k2, yo Round 2: knit Round 3: yo, k2, ssk, k2tog, k2, yo, k1 Round 4: knit Repeat these 4 rounds 9 times in total (36 rounds) Knit 1 round 576 stitch ring: (k1, yo) around (576 st) For the next 45 (9x5) rounds: Knit 3 rounds Start GullWingspattern Round 1: k2, k2tog, yo, k1, yo, ssk, k2 Round 2: knit Round 3: k1, k2tog, yo, k3, yo, ssk, k1 Round 4: knit Repeat these 4 rounds 10 times in total (40 rounds) Knit 2 rounds Border: The Hearts pattern was inspired by the tulip pattern in Maggie Righetti's Knitting in Plain English (page 166). It was modified to reduce stitches from 12 to 9 and to knit in the round. Modifications produced a simple 9 stitch and 8 row pattern. Note that this 8 row pattern is defined by rounds 3-10 (below) but I begin with rounds 1 and 2 so that the top of the first row of hearts is better defined. (K2tog, yo) arouna (to proauce eyeiets) For the next 20 (10x2) rounds: Knit 2 rounds Start Hearts pattern: Round 1: k1, yo, sk2p, yo, k1, yo, ssk, k2tog, yo Round 2: knit Complete rounds 1 and 2 only once (2 rounds). Round 3: k5, yo, ssk, k2tog, yo Round 4: knit Round 5: k5, yo, ssk, k2tog, yo Round 6: knit Round 7: yo, ssk, k1, k2tog, yo, k4 Round 8: knit Round 9: k1, yo, sk2p, yo, k1, yo, ssk, k2tog, yo Round 10: knit Repeat rounds 3-10 two times in total (16 rounds) Bind Off: You can use any bind off that you like, but it is critical that it be VERY stretchy, because a circular shawl needs an extremely stretchy edge to allow it to be stretched enough while blocking. Here is one option I've used which produces a stretchy enough edge (but of course, you are the boss of your knitting and you might have a favourite and equally stretchy bind off of your own): Round 1: (k1 yo) all the way around (1152 st) Round 2: Bind off in purl. If you like, use a larger needle size (l used 6mm). Charts for the stitch patterns (rounds not shown are knit): Gull Wings (4 rounds)

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Vines (4 rounds)

Pattern illustration

Hearts (10 rounds)

Pattern illustration

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EZ 10oth Anniversary Pl Shawl: Gull Wings

Pattern illustration

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