Tapestry Crochet Graph Paper for Right Rounds: A Unique Design by Carol Ventura

Tapestry Crochet Graph Paper for Right Rounds $\circledcirc$ Carol Ventura 2002

This is one of 8 tapestry crochet graph papers in my More Tapestry Crochet book. For pieces worked in rounds, the stitches stack up diagonally. On flat pieces, all of the stitches slant to the right on one row, then on the next row they all slant to the left. The tapestry crochet graph papers that I designed are different for that reason. My tapestry crochet graph papers also take into consideration stitch height, shape, and placement. The actual stitch height, or rows per inch measurement, will depend on the yarn, tension, and the number of carried yarns. The stitch height can significantly affect the proportion of the finished motif. The stitches will become taller with each additional yarn that is carried. To determine which graph paper to use,tapestry crochet a sample (while carrying the yarns), then measure the stitches and rows per inch. For more papers and information about using this tapestry crochet paper, please look at my Tapestry Crochet and More Tapestry Crochet books and page 11 at http://www.kenw.org/cl/5200crafts2.pdf and my free video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZTqLx5OfI0 For more about tapestry crochet and my patterns and boks, please look at www.tapestrycrochet.com.

Pattern illustration

Thistapestry crochet graphpaper is designedforcrochetin inrounds withthe rghthand whenthe numerf stitches per inch equals the number of rows per inch.

Pattern illustration

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