Handcrafting Amethystos: A Step-by-Step Guide to Knitting a Gemstone with Wire and Beads in February's Birthstone Colorway


knitting a gemstone with wire and a variety of beads in the colourway of February's birthstone, amethyst

Pattern illustration

Supplies needed:

· 0.5mm non-tarnishing wire (approx. 1 metre) · 3.75mm knitting needles · a variety of beads in different hues of purple, I also added several green beads as an accent (approx. 40 - 50) ·round tipped pliers or needle nosed pliers ·wirecutters

Pattern illustration

Knit a Gemstone...

1) Leaving a 10cm tail, randomly thread approximately 40 - 50 beads onto the wire.

Pattern illustration

2) Cast on 4 stitches.

Pattern illustration

3) Slide 4-5 beads along the wire, right up to the left knitting needle.

Pattern illustration

4) Knit l stitch.

Pattern illustration

5) Slide another set of beads along the wire (vary the number of beads each time) and knit l stitch. 6) Continue sliding the beads and knitting one stitch until you are left with a 10cm tail . 7) To cast off: Slide the knitting needle out. Thread the tail end of the wire through the loops and pull using the pliers.

Pattern illustration

8) Weave in both ends at the back of the work, by using round tipped pliers and tucking the ends in, taking care to bury the sharp ends of the Wire.

Pattern illustration

Shape your project to create a gemstone

Pattern illustration

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