Bromeliad Shawl Pattern: A Detailed Knitting Guide with Suggested Yarn and Needles for a 72x13 Inches Shawl

Bromeliad Shawl

Pattern illustration

Seite 1 yarn suggestion: DyeForYarn lace silk, 100g,600m (this is sufficient for a length of 72 inches) needlesize:US 2 %(3mm) shawl size: After 14 bromeliad repeats (big pannel repeats)the shawl has a size of 72 inches x 13 inches. Cast on 81 sts. Start with row 1 of the chart. After row 47 of the big pannel go on with row 14 of the big pannel. Small pannel and border part just continue in the same manner throughout the whole shawl. $\sqsupset$ right side: knit; wrong side: purl right side: purl; wrong side: knit $/$ Knit 2 together $\backslash$ slip one, knit one, pass slipped stitch over yarnover $/\bullet$ wrong side:knit 2 together the same as ·, I just marked the site where you start to purl instead of to knit and no stitches, only placeholders! Principleofthisstole: The border part is in stockinette stitch. One repeat consists of 8 rows. The small pannel is purled on the wrong side. One repeat consists of 6 rows. The big pannel is normally purled on the wrong side, except for the regions which are purled on the right side. End of the stole After 12 repeats of the big pannel you're automatically at the end of llthe other parts. This woud beagood poibity tobind off. f the length istoolitle goonknitting and bind offafterthe binding ff partof bothborder parts. Thisgives youa nice shape of the outerdgesBindofflsely.

Pattern illustration

This second chart is actually exactly the same as the first one above, but this is how you could end your shawl. Just bind offlosely, no special requirements here ;) Tabelle2

Pattern illustration

Larger version of the pattern

Pattern illustration

Larger version of the pattern ending

Pattern illustration

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