Valerian Hand-Knitting Design Pattern: Measurements, Tension, and Step-by-Step Instructions for a Unique Knitted Project


Hand- Knitting


Pattern illustration


20 cms x 22 cms/ 8x8.5 inches


15sts and 28 rows over pattern rows ${}_{-10}$ cms/4inches


Drop stitch=knit first of next 2 loops, drop $2^{\mathrm{nd}}$ loop (this makes one long or dropped stitch)


Using $4.5\mathrm{mm/US7}$ needles and 2 strands of yarn together cast on 40 sts. Knit every row until work measures 3 cms/1.5 inches.

Make Handle

K10sts, cast off 20 sts , K10sts. K10sts, cast on 20 sts, K10sts. Next Row: K1, ${}^{*}\mathbf{K}$ wrapping yarn around needle twice\* repeat from \* to \* to last stitch, K1. Next Row: K1\*drop stitch repeat from \* to last stitch, K1. K5 rows. Repeat these last 7 rows twice more. Continue knitting every row until work measures 15cms/6 inches from original cast on edge. Next Row: K1, ${}^{*}\mathbf{K}$ wrapping yarn around needle twice\* repeat from \*to\* to last stitch. K1. Next Row: K1, \*drop stitch repeat from \* to last stitch, K1. K5 rows. Repeat last 7 rows twice more.

Make Handle

K10 sts, cast off 20 sts, k10 sts. K10 sts, cast on 20 sts, K10 sts. K every row for 3 cms/1.5 inches. Cast off loosely.

Make up

Fold in half lengthways. Stitch sides to top edge (including handles)

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