Amigurumi Pacman Ghost Pattern: Crochet Tutorial with Spiral Rounds and Assembly Guide

Pattern illustration


Acrylic, worsted weight 4 ply yarn in: · Ghost Colour - Red, Blue, Pink or Orange · Wh -White · Nv - Navy Blue Polyester Fiberfill stuffing. FINAL SIZE: $10\,\mathrm{cm}/4$ inches HOOK SIZE: Size $\mathrm{F}/5/3.75\mathrm{mm}$ RIGHTSIDE/WRONGSIDE:

Pattern illustration

The 'right' side corresponds to the The 'wrong' side corresponds to side where the stitches look like the side where the stitches look 'V's. This will be referred to as the like 'tt's. This will be referred to as 'V' side. the 't' side. This amigurumi is made 'V' side out. This means that the finished body part must be turned inside out before stuffing. ScDec refers to a Single Crochet Decrease. To make this stitch virtually invisible when the amigurumi is 'V' side out, follow this well known method of only using the front loop:

Pattern illustration

Keep the loop on the hook. Insert crochet hook into front loop of next stitch, yarn over and pull through.

Pattern illustration

Insert crochet hook into front loop of There should be 3 loops on the hook next stitch, yarn over and pull Yarn over and pull through all three through. loops on the hook. ABBREVIATIONS $\operatorname{Ch}=C\mathrm{h}\mathbf{a}\mathrm{in}$ Sl st $=$ Slip Stitch ${\sf S}_{\sf C}=$ Single Crochet ScDec $=$ Single Crochet Decrease


The Ghost is done entirely in spiral rounds. Be sure to keep track of each row by placing a piece of yarn or a stitch marker on the last stitch of each row.


Pattern illustration

In Ghost Colour, Ch 2. Row 2: 2 Sc in each stitch around. (12 St) Row 3: (Sc in next stitch. $2\,S c$ in next stitch.) Repeat () around. (18 St) Row 4: (Sc in next 2 stitches. 2 Sc in next stitch.) Repeat O around. (24 St) Row 5: (Sc in next 3 stitches. 2 Sc in next stitch.) Repeat () around. (30 St) Row 6: (Sc in next 4 stitches. 2 Sc in next stitch.) Repeat () around. (36 St) Row 7-16: Sc in each stitch around. (36 St) Place stitch marker on the final stitch of the last row. Do not fasten off yarn. Refer to Figure 1 for the following instructions on how to make the legs.

Leg A

Row 1: Following the blue numbers in Figure 1, Sc in next 6 stitches. Ch 11. Row 2: Sc in first stitch of the last row. Sc in next 5 stitches. Sc in next 11 chain stitches. Row 3: Sc in next 6 stitches. Sc in next 3 stitches. ScDec. Sc in next stitch. ScDec. Sc in next 3 stitches. Row 4: (ScDec. Sc in next stitch.) Repeat O around. Row 5: (ScDec.) Repeat O 3 times. Fasten off yarn. Weave loose end through each remaining stitch. Pull tightly to close.

Pattern illustration

Figure 1: Diagram for legs A through F

Leg B

Attach yarn in A6, leaving a long yarn end. Ch 1. Row 1: Following the red numbers in Figure 1, Sc in next 6 stitches. Ch 11. Row 2: Sc in first Sc of the last row. Sc in next 5 stitches. Sc in next 11 chain stitches. Repeat Rows 3-5 from Leg A.

Leg C

Attach yarn in B6, leaving a long yarn end. Ch 1. Row 1: Following the yellow numbers from Figure 1, Sc in next 6 stitches. Ch 11. Row 2: Sc in first Sc of the last row. Sc in next 5 stitches. Sc in next 11 chain stitches. Repeat Rows 3-5 from Leg A.

Leg D to F

Leg D: Attach yarn in C6. Leg E: Attach yarn in D6. Leg F: Attach yarn in E6. Always leave a long yarn end at the beginning. Continue the pattern established for each leg. Use Figure 1 as a guide


In Wh, Ch 2. Row 1: 6 Sc in second chain from hook. (6 St) Row 2: 2 Sc in each stitch around. (12 St) Row 3: 2 Sc in next stitch. Sc in next stitch. 2 Sc in next stitch. Sl st in next 3 stitches. 2 Sc in next stitch. Sc in next stitch. 2 Sc in next stitch. Sl st in next 3 stitches. Fasten off yarn. Leave a long enough piece for sewing the eye to the head. Make 2 of these.


In Nv, Ch 2. 6 Sc in second chain from hook. Sl st to first stitch. Fasten off yarn. Leave a long enough piece for sewing the pupil to the eye. Make 2 of these.


Using the long yarn ends from each of the legs, stitch the legs together using the back loops from all of the chain stitches (see picture to the right). Remember that the centre chain stitch of each leg should be sewn to the centre chain stitch of every other leg, as it is the centre of the bottom of the ghost. Before you have completed the sewing, stuff the ghost firmly.

Pattern illustration

Sew the pupil to each eye. Sew each eye to the head between Rows 9 and 15 with the'V' side of each eye facing you. Darn in any remaining loose ends.

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