Lung Wang Dragon Circle Knitting Pattern - Detailed Lace Weight Instructions and Charts


Dragons Circle / Dragon Pi

Pattern illustration

Above sample courtesy snowknits Below sample courtesy pgphop

Pattern illustration

Suggested yarn: lace weight Suggested needle size: 3.25 mm Cast on 9; Join

Stitch Key: (First Chart )

blank = knit A = s2kp O = yarnover V = knit front and back boxed number = knit that many \ = skp / = k2tog <1 moves start of round 1 stitch left = yarnover + slip yarnover of previous row purlwise with yarn in back treat doubled strand as a single stitch

STITCH KEY (Filet section)

Each box is 2 stitches by 3 row The first row of each triplet is numbered

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Lung Wang (Dragon Circle) - last modified 6/30/2010 Notes: Pay attention to the round numbers on the first chart. Spacing varies. Those rounds not charted are knit plain. (This is not true once you reach the filet charts) Each row of the chart is repeated sufficient times to complete the round. On round 38 the beginning of round moves left one stitch. On the filet chart, each row gives the instructions for three rounds. There are no "resting rows" Row A: blank squares are worked as yarnover, k2tog boxed x is worked as k2 Row B: blank squares are worked as @, k1 boxed x is worked as k2 Row C: all squares are worked as k2.


Round 222, 223: knit Round 224: (O, K2tog) repeat around Round 225: knit Round 226: Bind Off loosely. This straight knit edge was chosen to minimize the distortions to the filet. You may use a knit on border of your choosing if so desired. Copyright 2010 MMarioLeo a Pola deFinale Emelia Free Will donations may be made through PayPal to MMario

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