Orenburg Shawl Knitting Pattern: Ancient Magic Signs and Unique Design


TO opeH6yprcKH HAJIaHTHH. B cepe TpaINNOHHOrO opeH6yprcKoro y30pa, CHHTaIOIHeTOCA OIHHM H3 KJIaCCHYeCKHX CHMBOJIOB pycCKOro peMecJIeHHOro IpoH3BOICTBa,3aJIOKeHbI IpeBHHe MaTHHeCKHe CHMBOJIb1. Ho HOBepbIO, KaKIaA ⅢaJb ABJIHeTCA OTpaKeHHeM BceJIeHHOn, TaK, KaK eé IpeICTaBJIAeT MaCTep.ИMoⅡIaJIaHTHHHe HCKJIIOYeHHe. A peIⅢUIa Ha3BaTb ero TaK H3-3a y3Opa, KOTOpbIi BbITJAINT BeCbMa HeO6bIuHO. ECJIH Ha HerO IOJITO CMOTpeTb, MOKHO BHIeTb TO CHeKHHKH, TO KBaIpaTHKH. IpAKa: TOHKa8 IpAKa IIA WaJIei HO BaⅢeMy BbI6opy. IIA HaJIaHHTHa H3 4 paIIIOpTOB B BbICOTy MHe HOHaI06uJI0cb 130 r. HexopKH IHTHo, 100% ⅢepcTb MepHH0ca,415m./100r. WHcTpyMeHTbI: CHIHIb1 No2. ycJ10BHbIe 0603Ha4eHUA: CM. 1O cXeMe 1) HH3 H3IeJIH8 IpeICTaBJIAeT c06o1 KaYMy H3 3y6IOB. BoKOBHIe HeTJIN KaMMbI W IeTIN IepBOrO W HOcJIeIHerO 3y61a CTaHyT OIHHM rOpH3OHTaJIbHBIM pAIOM. Ha6paTb 9 eTeJIb, IpOBA3aTb HyJIeBOH pAⅡ JIHHeBbIMH, IaJIee ⅡO cXeMe IpOBA3aTb 11 3yOOB. B cXeMe HeT 06paTHbIX PAIOB, KOTOpbIe CJIeIyeT HpOBA3bIBaTb JIMHeBbIMH HETIAMH. IIepBa8 IETIX CHUMaeTCA, KaK IpH H3HaHO4HOM BA3aHHИ. 2)IIp0BA3aTb HIepBbIM pAI 3y6Ia, Ha6paTb H3 Kp0M04HbIX HeTeJIb HHKHHX 3y6HOB 89 HeTeJIb И HIOIHHMaeM ⅡIO Ha6opHOMy KpaIO HHKHUX 3y6OB HeTJIH IJI8 3y6IOB JIEBOrO KpaA HaJIaHTHHa - 3TO HepBbIM JINHeBOH pAI TeJIa. BAKeM H3HaHOuHbI pAI. Te1epb Ha CIIHaX IeTJIN IpaBO KaMMbI, TeJIa N JIeBOY KaUMbI. 3) B BbIcoTy IOBropaeM IIepBbIe 24 paIa.4 pa3a pamopT c 25 no 151 paI μ ocJIeIHue paIb1 c 535 no 559. 4) TeIepb HyKHO BbIBA3aTb BepxHHe 3yOubI, IIpOBA3BIBa HIOcJIeIHIOIO HIeTIIO KaHMbI H HIepByIO HeTJIIO TeJIa BMeCTe. KorIa BCe 3yOubI rOTOBbI, 3aKpbITb OTKpbITbIe IeTJIH KaiMbI. 5)CIpATaTb XBOCTbI, 3aMOuHTb WaJIb B TeIJIO BOIe,HOcTHpaTb CMATKHM cpeICTBOM A  CTHpKH,HpoHOJIOCKaTb c KOHIHHOHepoM,cJIerKa OTKaTb H3a6JOKHpOBaTb. OcTaBHTb cOXHyTb HIO MeHbIWeY Mepe Ha24 uaca. AkyulIeBa AHHa

llisuon Wrap

This is an Orenburg wrap. At the heart of a traditional Orenburg pattern, which is considered one of the classic symbols of Russian handicraft, there are ancient magic signs. Each shawl is believed to present a picture of the Universe the way the knitter imagines it. And my wrap is not an exception. I decided to name it like this because of the pattern, which seems to be rather queer. If you keep looking at it for some time, you may see either snowflakes or squares. Yarn: fine or lace yarn of your choice. For the wrap of 4 motifs repeat I used 130 gr. of “Pekhorka Elitnaya", 100% merino wool, 415m/50gr. Tools: Needles size recommended: No 2mm.


X - edge stitch. · - yarn over (yo) V - knit 2 together (k2tog) O- 3 together O - “peas" pattern has to be knitted in both odd and even rows: RS: yo, k2tog; WS: k1, yo, k2tog 1) Bottom of the wrap is an edging. Edge stitches and stitches from the 1" and last “tooth" will become one horizontal row. Cast on 9 stitches, knit one setup row, then continue knitting on the chart until you make 11 “teeth'. There are no even rows on the chart, you should knit them all. The 1" stitch is slipped as if to purl. 2)Knit the 1" row of a new tooth, pick up 89 stitches out of the edge stitches of the set-up row and cast on the stitches for the edging on the left - this makes the 1" row of the wrap body. Turn your work on the back side and knit the row of the WS. Now you have all stitches on your needles the right edging, the wrap body and the left edging. 3) Repeat in height: the first 24 rows of the body, 4 times the pattern from the 25" up to the 151 row, and the last rows from the 535t# up to the 559"h. 4)Now you should knit the stitches of the upper edging, knitting the last stitch of the edging and the 1st stitch of the wrap body together. When all the teeth are made, join the open stitches of the edging together. 5)Hide the loose ends, soak the wrap in warm water, wash with mild detergent, rinse with conditioner, slightly wring out and block it. Air dry it for at least 24 hours. Yakysheva Anna

BAKHTe C yIOBOJIbCTBHeM!Enjoy your knitting!
AKyWeBa AHHaYakysheva Anna

Mnnro3uA cx 21 Akyueea AHHa

Pattern illustration

Akyweea AHHa

namb Hakud uXO0C DU
G3cxeMaA3amb' dee Mecme nuu.nUu.pA0y.B u3H. pAdyHakudu dee eIeMecme nuu.jee eMecme nuu. akudKeHhoWod
akudnpoeR3amb nuu.
cxeMacxeMa 3 together knit
Yakysheva Anna
SAkyweBa AHHa
"VnnH03UA" yCn. 0603Ha4eHUR
3Repeat from 3 by 17 rowc 3 no 17 pad.3y6eu 6 6bicomy noemopamb

Pattern illustration

Mnnto3ua cx11Akyweea AHHa

Pattern illustration

UnnHo3UR cx 12 Akywe6a AHHa

Pattern illustration

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