Hand-Knit Hot Water Bottle Cosy Pattern with Detailed Instructions and Finishing Techniques for a Cozy Fit

Hot Water Bottle Cosy

Pattern illustration


Naturally Harmony 10 Ply - 2 skeins main colour (803 brown), 1 skein contrast colour (801 gray) 4mm needles for working in the round Finished Dimensions Body: 8.5 inches wide, 12 inches long Neck: 3 inches (folded over) Gauge 6 stitches & 6 rows per inch, stockinette BodyDirections Cast on 108 stitches provisionally in main colour, join for working in the round. Knit threerows. Knit chart. Knit chart right to left, bottom to top. The chart corresponds to one side of the cosy; knit each row of chart twice to complete round. Dark squares represent contrast colour. Knit three rows in main colour. $\copyright$ Sarah Dennis 2010 Pattern is for personal use only. Cast off 18 stitches from each side of the cosy using three-needle bind-off. Knit across 18 stitches (centre portion of cosy). Cast off remaining 18 stitches from each side of cosy using three-needle bind-off. Break yarn. You should have 36 stitches (18 each side) live in the centre of the cosy; these stitches form the neck.

Neck Directions

Attach yarn at one edge of neck and divide stitches for working in the round. Work k2 p2 rib for 45 rounds (6 inches). Cast off loosely in rib.


Insert hot water bottle at bottom of cosy. Pick up stitches from provisional cast-on. Cast off using three-needle bind-off, sealing hot water bottle inside the cosy. The bottle can be removed through the neck if needed and may be inserted through the neck after closing the bottom seam if desired. Block cosy by soaking with hot water bottle inside. Fold neck over. Lay cosy on laundry or baking rack to dry.

Pattern illustration

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