Knifty Pets!@
Charles theCountry Mouse is tbefrst oftbeKnifty Pets! tobe born.His birthday is October 30th 2008. His favourite food as you can see is a nice big wedge of Leicestershire English Country CbeddarCheese and bisfavourite pastime isplaying with and teasing Charleslovestosit atthe window tokeepalookutforanycatfriendsthatmay be lurking outside. Please watch bim carefully, be isbigbly miscbievous so you needto keep aneye on bim otberrwise be willcreate a lot of miscbief inside your bouse lookingfor more cheese and avoiding tbe cats during cbasing games. So ifyou dare to create thisbappy litlefelle,folow tbe instructionsbelowto bring Charles to life in your bouse. Remember tbougb, you bave been warned, be can be extremely miscbievous so dont forget to pass on this warning to anyone you give bim to as a gift otherwise they might not speak to you again once be gets loose in their bouse !!
24 peg blue knifty knitter round loom 2 strands of Rowan Tweed or similar in Taupe shade yarn held together as One black acrylic yarn for sewing the face and whiskers fibre fill tapestry needle 2 jingle bells wrapped in fibrefill Stitches drawstring cast on ewrap double ewrap knit stitch stocking stitch (knit every row) gather bind off MouseBody. Drawstring cast on ewrap pegs twice knit off bottom loops as one leaving only one stitch on each peg " Knit tworows Ewrap all the pegs twice and knit off the bottom two stitches as one leaving only one stitch on each peg " repeat from \*\* to \*\* once more Pull the drawstring cord yarn tail to close the gap under the bottom of the loom tight so that there is no hole. With a tapestry needle weave in the yarn tail. Ewrap all the pegs twice and knit off the bottom two stitches as one leaving only one stitch on each peg "Knitworows Ewrap all the pegs twice and knit off the bottom two stitches as one leaving only one stitch on each peg " repeat from \*\* to $\star\star_{{\bf6}}$ times Ears Section Knit 7, \* purl 3 turn and knit 3 turn \* repeat from \* to \* four times more, purl 3 continuing the rest of the row, K4 \* purl 3 turn and knit 3 turn \* repeat from \* to \* four times more, purl 3 Knit last seven stitches Knit row Ewrap all the pegs twice and knit off the bottom two stitches as one leaving only one stitch on each peg Bottom Shaping Lift the loop on Peg 6 to peg 5 and from Peg 19 to 20. (pegs 5 and 20 now have two loops on them) Purl from peg 1 to 5 knitting both loops off together as one, turn and knit back to peg 1 Purl from peg 24 to 20 knitting both loops off together as one, turn and knit back to peg 24 Purl from peg 1 to 5, knit from peg 5 to 1 Purl from peg 24 to 20, knit from peg 20 to 24 Lift the loop on Peg 5 to peg 4 and from Peg 20 to 21. (pegs 4 and 21 now have two loops on them) Purl from peg 1 to 4 knitting both loops off together as one, turn and knit back to peg 1 Purl from peg 24 to 21 knitting both loops off together as one, turn and knit back to peg 24 Lift the loop on Peg 4 to peg 3 and from Peg 21 to 22. (pegs 3 and 22 now have two loops on them) Purl from peg 1 to 3 knitting both loops off together as one, turn and knit back to peg 1 Purl from peg 24 to 22 knitting both loops off together as one, turn and knit back to peg 24 Purl from peg 1 to 3, knit from peg 3 to 1 Purl from peg 24 to 22, knit from peg 22 to 24 Lift the loop on Peg 3 to peg 2 and from Peg 22 to 23. (pegs 2 and 23 now have two loops on them) Purl from peg 1 to 2 knitting both loops off together as one, turn and knit back to peg 1 Purl from peg 24 to 22 knitting both loops off together as one, turn and knit back to peg 24 Lift the loop on Peg 2 to peg 1 and from Peg 23 to 24. (pegs 1 and 24 now have two loops on them) Purl peg 1, Knit peg 1 Purl peg 24, Knit peg 24 making sure the working yarn is on the right of peg 1 Move peg 24 to peg 1 tug the working yarn to tighten the stitch then move the working yarn to the left of peg 1. Lay the working yarn across the top of the peg and knit off both loops. Cut working yarn leaving a 7 inch tail and pull through the last stitch to secure. Head shaping. re-attach the working yarn to peg 18 move stitch from peg 18 to peg 17 move stitch from peg 7 to peg 8 purl row knit row purl row knit row move stitch from peg 17 to peg 16 move stitch from peg 8 to peg 9 purl row knit row purl row knit row move stitch from peg 16 to peg 15 move stitch from peg 9 to peg 10 purl row knit row move stitch from peg 15 to peg 14 move stitch from peg 10 to peg 11 purl row knit row purl row knit row move stitch from peg 14 to peg 13 move stitch from peg 11 to peg 12 purl row knit row move stitch from peg 13 to peg 12 place working yarn on the left of peg 12 Knit both loops off together as one cut working yarn leaving a 7 inch tail thread working yarn through stitch and pull to create a knot. Finishing.Up turn inside out and seam up the sides of the ears. seam up along one side of the head and half the other side leaving an opening for the mouse to be stuffed with fibrefill. Turn back the right way round and shape the ears with your fingers. Pack the ears with fibrefill. Stuff the mouse's body with fibrefill really full making sure some goes into the length of the nose as well. If you are adding jingle bells, push two down inside the middle of the body before adding filling to the head and nose. Making sure the knot at the end of your yarn is inside the mouse, tightly seam up the side of the nose. Push the loose end of yarn at the end inside the nose so it can not be seen. Shape with your hands until you are happy with the shape of your mouse. Tail cast on by winding all 24 pegs working as a flat panel ewrap and knit off row ewrap and knit off row ewrap and knit off row pick the loops up from the cast on row and place them on the pegs just like you would for the brim of a hat ewrap all pegs and knit off both the bottom loops together as one flat panel bind off. Attach tail to the back of your mouse weaving in all the ends very neatly. Face Using black yarn sew on the eyes and whiskers finishing the tip of the nose off in pink. Sweater Materials Briggs & Little Anniversary Twist - Bordeaux or other thick wool - use two strands together as one throughout Stitches crochet cast on knit stitch purl stitch ewrap crochet bind off Instructions using two strands together as one crochet cast on 24 stitches joining in the round by lifting the bottom loop off the top loop on peg 1. " Knitworows Ewrap all the pegs twice and knit off the bottom two stitches as one leaving only one stitch on each peg "

repeat from \*\* to $\star\star_{{\bf6}}$ times knit four rowscrochet bind off. Attach the sweater tube to Charles's body and secure around the neck with tapestry stitches to secure.

Cheese 2 strands of Debbie Bliss SoHo deep yellow and one strand of acrylic double knit yarn all held together as one - or other cheese colour yarn you have in your stash : use three strands together as one stitches crochet cast on knit stitch ewrap and knit off crochet bind off Instructions Laving a long yarn tail, make a slip knot and put the loop on peg 1 knit loop off using the knit stitch crochet cast on peg 2 ewrap and knit off row crochet cast peg 24 ewrap and knit off row ewrap and knit off row crochet cast on peg 23 ewrap and knit off row crochet cast on peg 3 ewrap and knit off row crochet cast on peg 22 ewrap and knit off row crochet cast on peg 4 ewrap and knit off row crochet cast on peg 21 ewrap and knit off row ewrap and knit off row ewrap and knit off row crochet cast on pegs, 5 6 7 8 9 and 10 knit stitch row crochet cast on pegs 20 19 18 17 16 and 15 ewrap and knit off row ewrap and knit off row for five rows crochet bind off pegs 10 9 8 7 6 and 5 knit stitch to end of row crochet cast off pegs 15 16 17 18 19 and 20 ewrap and knit off row ewrap and knit off row ewrap and knit off row crochet cast off peg 4 ewrap and knit off row crochet cast off peg 21 ewrap and knit off row crochet cast off peg 3 ewrap and knit off row crochet cast off peg 22 ewrap and knit off row ewrap and knit off row ewrap and knit off row crochet cast off peg 2 ewrap and knit off row crochet cast off peg 23 ewrap and knit off row take the loop from peg 24 and place it on peg 1 then knit off both loops as one using the knit stitch cut working yarn leaving a long yarn tail and thread it through the last stitch pulling tightly to form a knot. FinishingUp With right sides facing, seam on triangle shape to the sides and do the same with the other triangle leaving a gap to turn the wedge of cheese back the right way to stuff with foam or fibrefill. Work with your fingers until the whole thing looks like a wedge of cheese then seam the gap shut weaving in any yarn tails through to the inside. Using your tapestry needle seam down all the sides with yellow yarn to strengthen the shape of the wedge and end triangles. Crochet cast on 8 stitches ewrap for one row Crochet cast off 8 stitches using the cord you just made, attach the cheese to Charles so that it doesnt get lost.

$\copyright$ Copyrigbt 30th October 2008 Helen Jacobs-Grant This pattern is to be usedfor your oren use only and may not be reproduced or passed on to anyone witbout frst gaining my expresspermission in writing. You may save thispattern to your bard disc on your computer and print thbe pattern out for yourself You may not sel nor profit personally from any items made from this orany of my patterns. Any breech ofcopyrigbt wilbe treated seriously andtbe relevant International lares applied in full to any guilty parties. Helen facobs-Grant 2008