L'il Bunny Foo-Foo's Whimsical Knit Patterns for Shawls and Fichus with Oak Leaf Edge


Suggested Needle $4.5\;\mathrm{mm}$ Suggested Yarn - fingering or lighter May be worked as a square, a double down triangle, or the 3 panel Foo-Foo Fichu.

Pattern illustration

L'il Bunny Foo-Foo: modified 8/019/09

Pattern illustration

Cast On:

Square: 8 stitches -join and knit around once. Work 2 knit stitches between chart repeats. There are 4 chart repeats per round. Uncharted rows are knitted plain. Fichu: 10 stitches. Work 4 rows in garter stitch to anchor the shawl. The odd numbered pattem rows are worked as knit 3. work chart, knit , work chart, knit 2, work chart, k3. The even numbered rows are worked knit 3, pur t last three stithe knit3. Double Down Triangle: 8 stitches. Work 4 rows in garter stitch to anchor the shawl. The odd (pattern) rows are worked as knit 3, work chart, knit 2, work chart, k3. The even numbered rows are worked knit 3, purl to last three stitches, knit 3. L'il Bunny Foo-Foo: modified 8/019/09 If you want to, you canuse any border you want. Just remember to cast on the corect number of stitches and keep an eye on the border patern.

Pattern illustration

NOTE: s2kp and skp $=$ what are these? $\mathtt{S2k p}$ is a double decrease. Slp two stitches, knit one, and pass the slipped stitches over the knitted stith. Skp is alft leaning decrease. Slip one stith, knit the next, pass the slipped stith over the knitted stith. Other centred andft leaning decreases are available.

Pattern illustration

NOTE: Stitch markers Highly recommended! It would be a good idea to have various markers for various parts of the shawl. If you're doing the circular shawl, put a very distinctive one at the start of the round. Also, with al the shawls, it is not abad idea to use highly distinctive ones at the beginning and end of the pattern repeats, using plain markers to mark the other repeats. You can also mark the spines as well, so that you know where you are in a row and don't knit these stitches into the pattern. Copyright 2009 MMario Leo a Pola de Finale Emelia Free Will donations may be made through PayPal to MMario $@$ familyoffaire.com Transcribed by Amanda Hodgkinson and Jeremiah Flannery L'il Bunny Foo-Foo: modified 8/019/09


blank $=$ knit $\scriptstyle{\mathsf{p}=\mathsf{p u r l}}$ $\mathrm{A}=$ double decrease (S2kp) $\mathrm{O}=$ yarnover $/=\mathrm{k}2\mathrm{tog}$ $\backslash=$ left lean single decrease (skp) $\mathbf{s}={\mathrm{slip~}}1$ $\mathbf{b}=$ bind off ${\boldsymbol{\mathrm{T}}}=$ knit through back loop Please note that only the CHART stitches are written out. The transcription is divided into sections corresponding to the charts.

Chart One

1) yo (e.g. first row of triangular shawl would be: k3, yo, k2, yo, k3) 3) yo, k1, yo 5) yo, k3, yo 7) yo, k5, yo 9) yo, k7, yo 11) yo,k2, k2tog, yo, kl, yo, skp, k2, yo L'il Bunny Foo-Foo: modified 8/019/09 13) yo, k2, k2tog, yo, k2tog, yo, k1, yo, skp, k2, yo 15) yo, k5, yo, s2kp, yo, k5, yo 17) yo, k4, yo, skp, k1, t, k1, k2tog, yo, k4, yo 19) yo, k6, yo, skp, t, k2tog, yo, k6, yo 21) yo, k5, yo, skp, kl, yo, s2kp, yo, k1, k2tog, yo, k5, yo 23) yo, k7, yo, skp, kl, t, k1, k2tog, yo, k7, yo 25) yo, k2, yo, k2tog, k2, yo, skp,kl, yo, skp,t, k2tog, yo, kl,k2tog, yo,k3, yo, k2tog,kl, yo 27) yo,k2, (yo, k2tog)x 2,k2, yo, skp,kl, yo, s2kp, yo,kl, k2tog, yo,k3, (yo, k2tog)x 2,kl, yo 29) yo, k4, yo, k2tog, k4, yo, skp, kl, t, k1, k2tog, yo,k5, yo, k2tog, k3, yo 31) yo, k12, yo, skp, t, k2tog, yo, k12, yo 33) yo, k9, yo, k2tog, k3, yo, s2kp, yo, k4, yo, k2tog, k8, yo 35) yo, k9, (yo, k2tog)x 2, k8, (yo, k2tog)x 2, k8, yo 39) yo, k4, k2tog, yo, k1, yo, skp,k19, k2tog, yo,k1, yo, skp, k4, yo 41)y,k,kg,y,, skky,g,k,ykg,k,g,k,ysx L'il Bunny Foo-Foo: modified 8/019/09 43)y,kg,y,sk,ky,,ykg,y,g,,ysk, 45) yo, k18, yo, k2tog, k4, yo, k2tog, k17, yo 47) yo, knit across, yo Chart Two Repeat the section between the \*\*'s three times in each section. 49) yo, k1 \*k15 \*\* k1, yo0 51) yo, k2, \*\* k5, k2tog, yo, k1, yo, skp, k5 \*\* k2,yo 53) yo,k3,\*\*k4, (k2tog, yo)x2; kl1, yo, skp,k4\*\* k3, yo 55) yo, k4 \*\* k6, yo, s2kp, yo, k6 \*\* k4, yo 57) yo, k5 \*\* k4, yo, skp, k1, t, k1, k2tog, yo, k4 \*\* k5, yo 59) yo, k6 \*\* k5, yo, skp,t, k2tog, yo, k5 \*\* k6, yo 61) yo, k7, \*\* k3, yo, skp, kl1, yo, s2kp, yo, kl, k2tog, yo, k3 \*\* k7, yo 63) yo, k8 \*\* k4, yo, skp, k1, t, k1, k2tog, yo, k4 \*\* k8, yo 65) yo,k3, yo, kl, yo, k2tog x2, k1 \*\* k2, yo, skp, k1, yo, skp,t, k2tog, yo, k1, k2tog, yo, k2 \*\* k1, skp x2, yo,kl, yo,k3, yo L'il Bunny Foo-Foo: modified 8/019/09 67) yo,k3, yo,kl, yo, k2tog x2,k2 \*\* k3, yo, skp, k1, yo, s2kp, yo,kl, k2tog, yo, k3 \*\* k2, skp x2, yo, k1, yo, k3, yo 69) yo,k3, yo,kl,yo,k2tg x2,k3\*\* k4, yo, skp,kl,t,k1, k2tog, yo,k4\*\* k3, skp x2,yo,k1, yo,k3,yo 71) yo, k3, yo, kl, yo, k2tog x2, k4 \*\* k5, yo, skp,t, k2tog, yo, k5 \*\*, k4, skp x2, yo,kl, yo,k3, yo 73) yo, skp,yo,kl, yo,k1, yo, k2tog x2, k5\*\* kl, yo, k2tog,k3, yo, s2kp, yo,k3, yo, k2tog,k1 \*\* k5 skp x2, yo ,k1, yo, k1, yo, k2tog, yo 75)yo,k,sx2y,y,k\*\* (y,kg,,y,kt)x2\*\*k,y,y,g,ky 77)yo,k3,skpx2, (yo; k1)x3, yo, k2tog x2, k1 \*\* k1,yo, k2tog, k9, yo, k2tog,k1 \*\* k1, skp x2, (yo; k1)x3, yo, k2tog x2,k3,yo 79) yo, k6, skp, (yo, k1)x 2, yo, k2tog x2, k2 \*\* k15 \*\* k2, skp x2, (yo, k1)x 2, yo, k2tog, k6, yo 81) yo, k9, yo, kl, yo, k2tog x2, k3 \*\* k4, yo, k2tog, k4, yo, k2tog, k3 \*\* k3, skp x2, yo, k1, yo, k9, yo 83)yo,k9, yo, kl,yo, ktog x2, k4 \*\* k3, yo, k2tog, yo, k2tog, k2, yo, k2tog, yo,k2tog, k2\*\* k4 skp x2, yo,k, yo, k9,yo 85) yo,k9, yo, k1, yo, k2tog x2, k5 \*\* k4, yo, k2tog, k4, yo, k2tog, k3 \*\* k5, skp x2, yo, k1, yo, k9, yo 87) yo, skp, knit across to last two stitches, k2tog, yo L'il Bunny Foo-Foo: modified 8/019/09 Chart Three Repeat the section between the \*\*'s five times on each section. 89) yo \*\* k17 \*\* yo 91) yo, k1 \*\* k6, k2tog, yo, kl, yo, skp, k6 \*\*, kl, yo 93) yo, k2 \*\* k5, (k2tog, yo)x 2, k1, yo, skp, k5 \*\* k2, yo 95) yo, k3 \*\* k7, yo, s2kp, yo, k7 \*\* k3, yo 97) yo, k4 \*\* k5, yo, skp, k1, t, k1, k2tog, yo, k5 \*\* k4, yo 99) yo, k5 \*\* k6, yo, skp, t, k2tog, yo, k6 \*\* k5, yo 101) yo, k6 \*\* k4, yo, skp, k1, yo, sk2p, yo, k1, k2tog, yo, k4 \*\* k6, yo 103) yo, k7 \*\* k5, yo, skp, k1, t, k1, k2tog, yo, k5 \*\* k7, yo 105)y0,k,(ykg\*\*k3yo s,k,y, sk,,k,y,k,g,k\* sk,yxy 107)yo,k4,yo,kl yo,kogx2\*\*k4, yo,sk,k, yo, s2kp,yo,k,ktog,k4\*\* skpx2yo,kl,yo,k,yo 109)yo,k4,y,k,y,ktgx2,k1\*\* k5,y,sk,k,t,k,ktg,yo,k\*\*k1,skpx,yo,k,yo,ky 111y,g\*k,\*y L'il Bunny Foo-Foo: modified 8/019/09 113) yo,k1, skp, (yo,k1)x2, yo,k2tog x2,k3 \*\* k2, yo, k2tog,k3, yo,s2kp, yo, k3,skp, yo, k2 \*\* k3, skp x2, (yo, k1)x 2, yo, k2tog, k1, yo 115) yo, k2, skp x2, yo, k1, yo, $\mathrm{k}6**\mathrm{k}1$ yo,k2togx2),, sk,yox2),k1\*\* k6,yo,kl yo,ktg x2,ky 17)y,k,skx2yl x2),,g\*\*kyg,k9,sk,y\*sk,y,x2,g yo 119) yo,k7,skp,(yo,kl1 x 2),yo, k2tog x2 \*\* k17 \*\*skp x2, (yo, k1 x 2), yo, k2tog,k7, yo 121y,k,y,kg,k5y,,ktgx,k1\* k5yo,tg,3 sk,y,\*\*k sxyy,k,kg,y 123)yo,k3(yo,ktg ×2), k3, yo,k1, yo, k2tg x2, k2 \*\* k4, (yo, k2tog x2),k1,(skp, yox2),k4\* k2, skp x2, yo,k1 yo, k3, (k2tog, yo x 2),k3, yo 125)yo, k5, yo, k2tog,k3, yo,kl, yo,k2tog x2,k3 \*\* k5, yo, k2tog,k3, skp, yo,k5 \*\* k3, skp x2, yo,kl, yo,k3, ktog, yo, k5,yo 127) yo, knit across, yo L'il Bunny Foo-Foo: modified 8/019/09 Chart Four Repeat the section between the \*\*'s seven times on each side. 129) yo, $\mathrm{k}3**\mathrm{k}2$ yo, k2tog, k4, yo, skp, k3, skp, yo, k2 \*\* k3, yo 131) yo, k4 \*\* k1, (yo, k2tog)x2,k2, yo, s2kp, yo,k2, (skp, yo)x2, k1\*\* k4, yo 133) yo, k5 \*\* k2, yo, k2tog, k1, (skp, yo)x 2, k2tog, yo, k2, skp, yo, k2 \*\* k5, yo 135) yo, k6 \*\* k7, yo, s2kp, yo, k7 \*\* k6, yo 137) yo, k7 \*\* k5, yo, skp, k1, t, k1, k2tog, yo, k5 \*\* k7, yo 139) yo, k8 \*\* k6, yo, skp, t, k2tog, yo, k6 \*\* k8, yo 141) yo,k3, yo, skp, k4 \*\* k4, yo, skp,k1, yo, s2kp, yo,kl, k2tog, yo, k4, \*\* k5, yo, skp,k2, yo 143) yo,k3, yo, s2kp, yo,k4 \*\* k5, yo, skp,k1,t, k1, k2tog, yo, k5 \*\* k4, yo, s2kp, yo,k3,yo 145)yo,k2,(skp,yo)x2, ktog, yo,k3 \*\* k3, yo, skp,kl, yo, skp,t, ktog, yo,k1, ktog, yo,k3\*\* k2 (skp, yo)x , k2tog, yo, k3, yo 147) yo, k5, yo, s2kp, yo,k4 \*\* k4, yo, skp, k1, yo, s2kp, yo, k1, k2tog, yo,k4 \*\* k4, yo, s2kp, yo, k5, yo 149)yo,k4,yo,sk,k,t,k,ktog,yo,k2\*\* k, yo,sk,k, yo, skp,kl,t,kl,ktog, yo,kl,ktog, yo,k2\*\*, y, skp, k1, t, k1, k2tog, yo, k4, yo 151,k,y,sk,,gy\*ks,y,sk,t,g,g\*y,t L'il Bunny Foo-Foo: modified 8/019/09 k2tog, yo, k6, yo 153yo,k5,y,sk,k,y,2k,yK,tg,yo,k1\*\*k,y,sk,k,y, s2,y,k,tg,y,\*\* k,y,skp, k1, yo, s2kp, yo, k1, k2tog, yo, k5, yo 155)yo,k7,yo,skp,k1,t, kl, ktog, yo,k2 \*\* k2, yo, skp,kl, yo, skp,k1,t,k1,ktog, yo,kl, ktog, yok2 \*\*k,yo, skp, kl1, t, k1, k2tog, yo, k7, yo 157)yo,k6,yo, sk,k, y,sk,t, ktog,yo,k, ktog,yo \*\*k, yo, sk,k1, yo, skp,t,Ktg, y,k1, tg, yo, k\* yo, skp, kl, yo, skp,t, k2tog, yo, k1, k2tog, yo, k6, yo 159) yo,k8, yo,sk,k1, yo,s2kp,yo,k,ktog, yo,k1 \*\* k4,yo, skp,k1, yo, s2kp, yo,k1, k2tog, yo,k4 \*\* k, yo, skp, k1, yo, s2kp, yo, k1, k2tog, yo, k8, yo 161)yo,k,t,k6,yo, skp,k,t,k,ktg, yo,k2\*\*k5,yo, sk,kl,t,k1, ktog,yo,\*\* 2, yo, skp,kl,t,k, kg, yo, k6, t, k3, yo 163) yo,k3,yo,s2kp, yo,k6, yo, skp,t,ktog, yo,k3 \*\* k6, yo, skp, t, ktog, yo,k6 \*\* k3, yo,skp,t, ktg, yo,k, y,s2kp, yo, k4, yo 165) yo, k5,t,k8, yo, s2kp, yo, k4 \*\* k, yo, s2kp, yo, k7 \*\* k4, yo, s2kp, yo, k8,t, k5, yo 167) yo, k4, yo, skp, t, k2tog, yo, k13 \*\* k17\*\* k13, yo, skp,t, k2tog, yo,k4, yo 169) yo,k6,yo, s2k,yo,k5,ktog,yo,k, yo, s2kp,y,k1, yo, s2kp \*\* yo,, yo, s2kp,yo,kl, yo, sk,ktog, y,, yo, s2kp, yo, ki, yo, s2kp \*\* yo, kl, yo, s2kp, yo, k1, yo, skp, k6, yo, s2kp, yo, k6, yo 11y,,y,ky k L'il Bunny Foo-Foo: modified 8/019/09 yo, skp, k4, yo, skp, k1, t, k1, k2tog, yo, k5, yo 17y,,y,sk,t,tg,y,y,sk,,gy,\*\*,y,s,,t,y,k,y, sk,,g,, k1, yo, skp, k1, k2tog, yo, k7, yo, skp, t, k2tog, yo, k7, yo 175)yo,k9,yo, s2k,yo,k,ktog,yo,, yo, skp, yo,k, yo, s2kp \*\* yo,k1, yo, s2kp,yo,kl, yo, skp, ktog, yo,l, yo, s2kp, yo, kl, yo, s2kp \*\* yo, k1, yo, s2kp, yo, k1, yo, skp, k6, yo, s2kp, yo, k9, yo 177) knit with no increases 178) This row is only worked if you are going to do a plain cast off. Knit 3, purl across to last 3 stitches, knit 3 (for fichu or triangle) or just knit one more round for the circular shawl.

PLAIN "LACE" Cast Off:

Cast/bindoff usin tefolwing: l \*e tl nd, kit, tl ned,tg reea

Alternate trim:

After row 177 work the Oak Leaf edge. It may be useful to work with an extra straight needle so that, if you are using a cable with some “spring in it, this cable does not come out of the edge stitches. On even numbered rows, purl together one shawl stitch and one Oak Leaf edge stitch. This stitch is slipped on odd numbered rows. L'il Bunny Foo-Foo: modified 8/019/09 Cast on 11 stitches using a cable cast on. Knit one row. 1) sl1, k1, yo, p2tog, k2, yo x 2, k2tog, yo x 2, k2tog, kl 2) k2, pl, k2, pl, k3, yo, p2tog, kl, p2tog (shawl body join) 4) k2, pl, k2, pl, k4, yo, p2tog, kl, p2tog (shawl body join) 5) sl1, k1, yo, p2tog, k4, yo x 2, k2tog, yo x 2, k2tog x 2 6) k2, pl, k2, p1, k5, yo, p2tog, k1, p2tog (shawl body join) 7) sll, k1, yo, p2tog, k5, yo x 2, k2tog, yo x 2, k2tog x 2 8) k2, pl, k2, p1, k6, yo p2tog, k1, p2tog (shawl body join) 9) sll1, kl, yo, p2tog, k10, k2tog

Pattern illustration

10) cast/bind off4,k3, ktog, yo,k2, yo, p2tog, kl,p2tog (shawlbody join)

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