Jack of All Trades: Multicolored Cable Knitting Pattern for Stocking Cap and Slouchy Hat


Jack of ale Tnades

Fits head circumference of 56 cm [22 in] but stretches to accommodate other head sizes Length, Stocking Cap: 66 cm [26 in] Lenght, Slouchy Hat: 29 cm [12 in]

materials / Noticns

Jack of all trades, master of none - or so they say. Trick your audience into believing that you are the master of knitters, as you show off this fun stocking cap. Malabrigo Yarn Rios (192 m [210 yds]/100 g skein The spectacular multicolored cables are actually really easy to make, but that will be our secret! Combine your favorite Malabrigo colors, for once you don't have to decide between them. It's not easy, being a jester, but with a hat like this it's not hard either. MC Stocking Cap: approx. 240 m [260 yds] MC Slouchy Hat: approx. 140 m [153 yds] CC 1: approx. 50 m [55 yds] CC 2: approx. 30 m [32 yds] 5.00 mm [US 8] circular needle, or size needed to obtain gauge Stitch markers, cable needle, darning needle, waste yarn, spare circular needle same size or smaller, pompom maker

Pattern illustration

Shown in VAA, Indiecita, Zarzarmora andNatural

Pattern illustration


20 sts and 30 rows = 10 cm [4 in] in stockinette stitch,knit in the round


CC Contrast color CO cast on k knit k2tog knit 2 stitches together I/rhn left/right hand needle MC main color m1 make one, using strand between the two stitches below p purl pm place marker rnd(s) round(s) ssk slip, slip, knit slx slip x stitches purlwise slm slip marker st(s) stitch(es)

Pattern illustration

Contact me at tanja.flischer@gmx.at or ColorBloX on ravelry if any questions arise or you need helpwithmodifications. This pattern is copyright ? by Tanja Fleischer and may. not be reproduced, distributed orsold without permission.Patternis for personal and non-profit use only.


Photo tutorials of all following techniques are available on my blog at anglesoncolor.blogspot.co.at

Provisicnal crochet cast on

Using waste yarn, make a slip knot and place it on your crochet hook. Hold crochet hook in your right hand and knitting needle in your left. Loop yarn strand over your left index finger as if to knit continental style. \* With crochet hook held in front of needle and waste yarn behind it, catch yarn with crochet hook and pull over needle and through the loop on your crochet hook. The back loop of a crochet chain forms around your knitting needle, creating 1 CO stitch. (Note: This CO does not countas thefirstrnd of livests,asitisworkedwithwaste yarn.) Move yarn around to back and under your needle. \* Repeat from \* to \* until you have required number of CO sts on your needle. Chain two more sts without looping around the needle. Secure end.

Knitting cables vith yarn cn Bcbtins

To work a small amount of sts with a yarn bobbin, knit with MC to the first CC st. Cross MC over CC and knit the CC sts.Drop CC, strand MC across the CC stitches and continue knitting without crossing the yarns. Next round, bring CC across the back of the CC sts loosely and cross with MC to start with the rightmost CC stitch. Working with this technique, the CC stitches will always jump out of your work, similar to a sewed on I-cord, which givescablesagreatdefinition.Thecablescanbeworked withcableneedleandwithout. For cable crosses, work to the cable cross as usual, then use your preferred method to cross the cables. If you are working with a cable needle, that means slipping the stitches onto the cable needle and holding them to the back or front of your work. At this step, it is important to make sure that the CC bobbin stays with its stitches and doesn't wrap around the MC stitches. Then, simply knit the MC sts with MC and the CC sts with CC. As described above, cross MC over CC when changing from MC to CC. Do not cross yarns when changing back from CC to MC.

Pattern Directicns

Cut off two strands of MC with approximately 2 m [2 yds] length and wind them into figure 8 bobbins. Cut off and wind approximately 3 g (approx. 5 m [5 yds]) of CC1 into figure 8 bobbins twice.


Using provisonal crochet cast on and waste yarn, CO 88 sts. Being careful not to twist, join to work in the rnd. Pm for start of rnd. Slip markers if not noted otherwise. Using MC, work 14 rnds in stockinette st. Purl one rnd. Jack cf ale Trades by Tanja Fleischer Work 13 rnds in stockinette sts. Make sure the MC yarn tail is secured and woven in before continuing with the next step. Unzip provisional cast-on and place the 88 CO sts on spare circular needle. Fold work along purl ridge (purl sides are facing each other). Hold needles parallel to each other, so that the sts of both needles align and sit behind each other. Insert right hand needle knitwise into first st of outer layer and into first st of inner layer. Knit both sts together. Repeat around until all sts have been worked.


Break MC, attach CC2. Rnd 1, Stocking Cap: K all sts. Rnd 1, Slouchy Hat: K4, (m1, k7) 12 times; 12 stsincreased, 1o0 sts total. Rnd 2: P all sts. Rnd 3, Stocking Cap: Break CC2, attach CC1. K37, pm, k4, attach first MC bobbin and k2 with MC, k2 with CC1, attach second MC bobbin and k2 with MC, k4 with CC1, pm, k to end of rnd. Rnd 3, Slouchy Hat: Break CC2, attach CC1. K43, pm, k4, attach first MC bobbin and k2 with MC, k2 with CC1, attach second MC bobbin and k2 with MC, k4 with CC1, pm, k to end of rnd. Work rnds 4 - 22 according to stripe chart, breaking and attaching new colors at start of rnd according to the background color of the chart. The cable patten is situated between markers. Always use MC bobbins and CC1 bobbins for cables, even if the color of the rnd is the same as the bobbin color. Purl rnds 8, 16 and 22 outside of the stripe chart. Rnd 4: K with CC1 to first marker, slm, work stripe chart, attaching CC1 bobbins and working 2 sts at stitches 4 and 12 of the chart, slm, k to end. Rnds 5-6: K with CC1 to first marker, slm, work stripe chart, slm, k to end. Rnd 7: Break CC1, attach MC. K to first marker, slm, work stripe chart, slm, k to end. Rnd 8: P to first marker, slm, work stripe chart, p to end. Rnd 9-14: Break MC, attach CC2. K to first marker, slm, work stripe chart, slm, k to end. Rnd 15: Break CC2, attach MC. K to first marker, slm, work stripe chart, slm, k to end. Rnd 16: P to first marker, slm, work stripe chart, slm, p to end. Rnd 17-20: Break MC, attach CC1. K to first marker, slm, work stripe chart, slm, k to end. Rnd 21: Break CC1, attach CC2. K to first marker, slm, work stripe chart, slm, k to end. Rnd 22: P with CC2 to first marker, slm, work stripe chart, slm, p to end. Break CC2, attach MC. Break off MC bobbins.

Tip, Stocking Cap

Next Rnd: K with MC to first marker, slm, work main chart, slm, k to end. Work in established pattern until you have completed rnd 15 of main chart. Start decreasing for Tip as follows: Set up rnd: (K12, pm) 3 times, k1, work row 16 of main chart, k1, (pm, k12) three times. Decrease rnd 1: (K to 2 sts before next marker, k2tog) three times, k1, work main chart, k1, (ssk, k to next marker) 3 times. 6 sts decreased. Repeat decrease rnd 1 every 12th rnd eight times. 54 sts decreased, 36 sts total. Last rnd should be a rnd 1 of main chart. Remove chart markers in the following rnd. Work five more rnds in established pattern. Decrease rnd 2: Work to third marker, slm, ssk, work tip chart, k2tog, work to end. 2 sts decreased. Repeat decrease rnd 2 every 3rd rnd until 8 sts remain in total, while continuing the decreases of decrease rnd 1 every 12th rnd. Remove markers. Cut yarn and thread yarn tail through remaining sts twice, pulling tight.

Cnovn, Slouchy Hat

Next Rnd: K with MC to first marker, slm, work main chart slm, k to end. Work in established pattern until you have completed rnd 21 of main chart. Start decreasing for Crown as follows: Set up rnd: (K14, pm) 3 times, k1, work main chart, k1, (pm, k14) three times. Decrease rnd 1: (K to 2 sts before next marker, k2tog) three times, k1, work main chart, k1, (ssk, k to next marker) 3 times. 6 sts decreased. Repeat decrease rnd 1 every 2nd rnd five times. Last rnd should be a rnd 5 of main chart. 36 sts decreased, 66 sts total. Remove chart markers in the following rnd. Work one more rnd in established pattern. Decrease rnd 2: (K to 2 sts before next marker, k2tog, slm) three times, ssk, work crown chart, k2tog, (slm, ssk, k to next marker) 3 times. 8 sts decreased. Repeat decrease rnd 2 every 2nd rnd until 8 sts remain. Remove markers. Cut yarn and thread yarn tail through remaining sts twice, pulling tight.


Sew in all remaining yarn ends. Make one 8 cm [3 in] pompom and attach to crown or tip of your hat.


Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Sl1 onto cable needle, hold to back. K2 from Ihn, p1 from cable needle.

Pattern illustration

Sl2 onto cable needle, hold to front. P1 from Ihn, k2 from cable needle.

Pattern illustration

Sl2 onto cable needle, hold to back. K2 from Ihn, p2 from cable needle.

Pattern illustration

Sl2 onto cable needle, hold to front. P2 from Ihn, k2 from cable needle

Pattern illustration

Sl2 onto cable needle, hold to back. K2 from Ihn, k2 from cable needle

Pattern illustration

Sl2 onto cable needle, hold to front. K2 from Ihn, k2 from cable needle

Pattern illustration

Sl2 onto cable needle, hold to front. Insert rhn knitwise into first st of cable needle and into first st of Ihn. Knit both sts together using MC. Repeat for second stitch. 2 sts decreased. Break CC1 bobbins. Alternatively, Sl2 onto cable needle, then slip rightmost st from cable needle back to Ihn, ssk using MC. Repeat for second st. 2 sts decreased. Break CC1 bobbins. Jack cf all Tnades by Tanja Fleischer

main Chart

Pattern illustration

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