Hand-Knitted Violets Pattern: A Step-by-Step Guide to Crafting Intricate Flower Leaves with Yarn

Pattern illustration


① Johanna Wallin 2009

Yarn: Small amounts of Drops alpacka, dark purple, light purple, white and yellow Needels and hook: $2.0\;\mathrm{mm}$ Extra: Sewing needle, small safety pin ca $2\;\mathrm{cm}$

Dark purple flower leaf:

Cast on 3 st with dark purple yarn Row 1: k3 Row 2: kl, 1 dbl, kl, 1 dbl, k1.

Pattern illustration

Row 3 - 7: k1, p1, k1, p1, kl Row 8: k1, slip 1st, k2 tog, pass slipped st over, k1 Row 9: p3 tog. Make slip stitch with the hook along the left side of the leaf, all the way down to the first row.

Pattern illustration


$\mathrm{k=knit}$ $\boldsymbol{\mathbf{p}}=\boldsymbol{\mathbf{\uppurl}}$ $\mathbf{s}\mathbf{t}=$ stitch $\mathrm{{db}1=}$ increase by a loop on right needle 上 $:2{\mathrm{~tog}}={\mathrm{knit}}\,2$ together p3 tog $=$ purl 3 togehter Crochet 2 chain stitch With needle, pick up 3 st, of which 2 st come from the chrochet chain and the 3:d st from the hook.

Pattern illustration

Work row 1 - 9 once more and do the slip stitch down to the first row. Cut the yarn and pull yarn through the last st. Neat the ends and sew a few stithes to make the both leafs tight together.

Pattern illustration

Light purple flower leaf:

Make the light purple flower leaf the same way as the dark purple ones with the exception of the few sewed stitches.

Pattern illustration

Neat one of the ends. With the other end sew the light leaf together with the dark one.

White flower leaf Cast on 5 st

Row 1: k5 Row 2: k1, 1dbl, k3, 1dbl, kl Row 3 - 7: kl, pl, kl, pl, kl, pl, kl Row 8: k1, pl, slip 1st, k2 tog, pass slipped st over, p1, k1 Row 9: kl, p1, kl, pl, k1 Row 10: kl, p3 tog, k1 Row 11: p3 tog Cut the yarn and pull yarn through the last St. Neat the ends. Neat the other end when the both parts is sewed together. Result this far:

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Sew the white leaf together with the 2 purple ones with yellow yarn through the center with severel stiches. Be sure to sew through both layers

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Pattern illustration

Neat a safety pin on the back..

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