Tyrkys Bolero Crochet Pattern & Photo Instruction Guide (Size 36-38, Cotton)

Tyrkys bolero

Pattern illustration

pattern has been published in Diana - crochet fashion number 18. Published pattern needs a few experience with crocheting, so I decided to make this bolero for myself and make photo instruction. There you can see how to make V necklace on front side. Material: 25dkg Simplicity company Toptex /Czech production/, $100\%$ cotton 50gr cca $125\mathrm{m}$ . I used all material so probably would be better use 30dkg for size 36-38.

Pattern illustration

Instruction: front side: start with 43 chain

Pattern illustration

Continue with pattern below: start with stitch before VV, end after VV.

Pattern illustration

. - chain I - single crochet t - double crochet 2.row:

Pattern illustration


Pattern illustration

From right side make only part of pattern:

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Left front side is crochet same way:

Pattern illustration

Back side: start with 86 chain. Crochet with patter until we reach 26cm. Sleeve:

Pattern illustration

start with 43 chain, continue until reach 3 patterns:

Pattern illustration

Then increase on both sides of sleeve one pattern:

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Sew sleeves together, sew also sides and finish with crochet around necklace with border:

Pattern illustration

It is finished!!!

Pattern illustration

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