Crochet in Common: March 2014 Square Pattern - Detailed Instructions and Techniques

Crochet in Common Designs?

"CIC Marching into Spring"

Designed by: Aurora Suominen, Amy Carlson, Kathy Joelsen, & Sherry Grizzle Copyright 2014 All rights reserved. with an H Hook & Worsted Weight Yarn. Example uses Color A and I

C.l.C 3rd sq from our year long crochet a long. "March 2014 Sq"

Pattern illustration

W/color A: Ch 4 & join to form ring. NOTES: Bolded print: Repeat in pattern. "STS"=Stitches: Any st or chsps. BEHIND SC: Insert hook from behind the next st under both loops, complete as a sc. POPcORN: Work 5 dc in same st, drop loop from hook, insert hook from front to bacl in the top of the first dc of group and pull dropped loop through st. BKsC=Backward single crochet: instead of working a sc from the front, work it exactly like a sc, but go under both loops from the back of the work to front. Rnd 1: Ch 3 (counts as dc), 2 DC in ring. Ch 2. (3DC in ring, ch2), 3 times. Join with slst to top of ch3. (12dc, 4ch2) Rnd 2: Ch 2, Front Post Double Crochet (Fpdc) in next dc, hdc in next dc. [\*(2 sc, ch2, 2 sc) in ch 2\*. 1 hdc in next dc, Fpdc in next dc, hdc in next dc.] 3x. Repeat \*to\* once, join with slst to top of ch2. (4dc, 8hdc, 16sc) Rnd 3: Ch1, fpdc in same hdc as joining, bpdc in dc, fpdc in hdc. [\*Ch1, sk2sc, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in corner sp, ch1, sk2sc\*, fpdc in hdc, bpdc in dc, fpdc in hdc]3x. Repeat \*to\* once and join in top of first fpdc, pulling color B thru. (28dc) Rnd 4: Ch1, [Going behind the next 3 post sts, bpsc around all 3 together, 4dc in next ch1sp, sc in next dc, going behind the next 2dc, bpsc around both dc, (this is the 2nd & 3rd dc of corner), sc in next dc, 4dc in next ch1sp]4x. Join in top of first bpsc. (32dc, 16sc) Rnd 5: Ch6 and 1trc in joining; [\*ch4, sc in between 2nd & 3rd dc, ch4, sksc, hdc in next sC, ch4, sksc, sc in between 2nd & 3rd dc, ch4\*. (Trc, ch2, trc) in next sc.] 3x Repeat \*to\* once. Slst in 4th ch of beg ch 6. (8tc, 4hdc, 8sc) Rnd 6: Slst to ch2sp. (ch2, dc, 2trc, ch2, 2trc, dc, hdc) in ch2 sp. [\*Ch3, hdc in sc st, ch3, hdc in hdc st, ch3, hdc in sc st, ch3\*, (hdc, dc, 2trc, ch2, 2trc, dc, hdc) in ch2 sp] 3x. Repeat \*to\* once, join with sl st in top of ch2 st. Fasten off color B (8stsin corners, 12hdc on sides) Rnd 7: Join Color A in any corner ch2sp & (ch1, 2sc, ch2, 2sc) in same sp. [\*Sktc, BKSP (see notes) in next 3 stitches, (ch2, hdc in hdc)3x. Ch2, skhdc, bksc in next 3 st\*, (2sc, ch2, 2sc) in corner ch2sp]3x. Repeat \*to\* once, join with sl st in top of 1st sc. (40sc, 12hdc) Rnd 8: Slst over to ch2sp, (ch1, 3sc) in sp. [\*Sc in next 5sts. (2sc in ch2 sp, sc in hdc)3x. 2sc in ch2sp, sc in next 5sts\*, 3sc in ch2sp]3x. Repeat \*to\* once, join to first sc. (96sc) Rnd 9: Slst into next sc & work (Ch3, dc, ch2, 2 dc). [+Ch3, sk3sc, 1sc in next sc, ch1, sk1sc, 2dc in each of the next 2sc, ch1, sk1sc, 1sc in next sc, (ch1, sk1sc, 2dc in next sc)2x. Ch1, sk1sc, 1sc in next sc, ch1, sk 1 sc, 2dc in each of the next 2sc, ch1, sk1sc,+ 1 sc in next sc, ch3, sk3sc, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in next sc.]3x. Repeat +to+ once, join to first sc. Fasten off (F0) color A. (64dc, 16sc, 64ch1sp)

\*Note: Tc sts are worked behind Rnd9 and into the skipped sc sts of Rnd8 only.

Rnd 10: W color B, join in any corner ch2sp & (2dc, ch2, 2dc) [+Dc in next 2dc, tc in next 3sc of rnd8, sksc of rnd9, tc in sc of rnd8, (skdc, fphdc in next 2dc together, skdc, tc in sc of rnd8, sksc of rnd9, tc in sc)3x. Tc in next 2sc of rnd8, dc in next 2dc]3x. Repeat +to+ once, join to first ch3. (48tc, 32dc, 12hdc) Rnd 11: Sl st into next ch2 & work (ch 3, dc, ch 2, 2 dc). [+Dc in next 8sts; (wk popcorn stitch in next st; dc in next 2sts)3x. Dc in next 6 sts,+ (2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in next ch2]3x. Repeat from +to+ once, join (12 popcorns, 4 ch2, 96 dc) Rnd 12: Slst into next ch2 & work (ch 3, dc, ch 2, 2 dc). [Dc in next 12sts, wk popcorn stitch in next st, ch4, sk popcorn, wk popcorn stitch in next st. Dc in next 12sts. In corner ch2sp work (2dc, ch2, 2dc)]3x Repeat \*to\* once, join w/slst to top of ch3. FO color B. (4 Ch4, 4 ch2, 8 popcorns, 112dc) IF square is 12", end on rnd 12. Rnd 13: W color B, join in any corner ch2sp & work (ch3, dc, ch2, 2dc). [(Dc in next st. sk1st, Ch1)8x, Working behind ch4, tc in top of popcorn stitch from row 11, ch1, (dc in next st. sk1st, Ch1)]7x, in ch2sp work (2dc, ch2, 2dc)]3x. Repeat \*to\* once, join w/ slst to top of ch3. (60ch1, 4ch2, 4tc, 80dc) IF sq is 12", F0, if over 11”" move on to R14 Rnd 14: Slst over to ch2sp & ch1, 3sc in same sp. [Sc in 37sts, 3sc in next corner ch2sp]3x. Sc in last 37sts, join to first sc. (160sc)

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