Bobbolicious Scarf Pattern: Simple Handspun Yarn Project with Texture Bobs

BobboliciousScarftastic $\circledcirc$ NuclearKnits2009

This is a super simple pattern that is made out of handspun yarn. You wont regret making it - although I would suggest an extra 100 yards over what I used. Needles: size 8 US Yarn: Handspun 32 Flavors Neapolitan DK weight 200 yards

Pattern illustration


K -Knit RS - Right side k2tog - knit two together P -Purl WS - Wrong side yo - yarn over ssk - slip stitch,k,yo Make Bobble: K into front of stitch (leave stitch on the left needle), yo, knit into front of stitch, yo, knit into front of stitch and slip the stitch off (you will now have 5 stitches were you used to have one). Turn. Purl the 5 stitches. Turn. K2tog, ssk, k2tog, ssk (you will now have 1 stitch were you use to have 5).


Cast on 35 sts. $^{*}\mathrm{K}5,\mathrm{P}5^{*}$ repeat from \* (RS) across first and $3^{\mathrm{rd}}$ row. P5,K5 on the $2^{\mathrm{nd}}$ row (WS). Follow the K and $\mathrm{P}$ sequence throughout. On row 3 begin making your bobbles. Bobble row: $^{\ast1}\mathrm{k}2$ make bobble in $3^{\mathrm{rd}}$ stitch, k2, $\mathsf{p}^{5^{*}}$ . Knit 18 rows and then $*_{\mathrm{p}5,\,\mathrm{k}2}$ , make bobble, $12^{*}$ Continue in regular pattern (paying attention to WS and RS) and making bobbles every 18 rows. You will find the bobbles appear on both sides.

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