Harry Potter Inspired Knitting Pattern: Hermione's Wand Gloves from Deathly Hallows with Detailed Stitch Guide and Color Chart

Harry Potter's Deathly Hallows Hermione's Wand Gloves


1 skein each of a worsted weight yarn in the following colors: 1. Deep Plum 2. Natural White 3. Pale Pink 4. Rose 5. Lilac/Periwinkle 6. Deep Berry Red 1 set of US size #7 needles. Tapestry Needle and Stitch markers GAUGE Garter stitch: 18 sts / 38 rows = 4 inches using US size # 7 needles. FINISHED MEASUREMENTS Using worsted weight and US # 7: Width at wrist: 4 inches Length: 11 inches


pmplacemarkersmslip r marker
M1RFrom the back, lift loop betweenM1LFrom the front, lift loop between
stitcheswiththeleft needle,stitcheswiththeleftneedle, knit into the back of loop
knit into the front of loop.
Kf&bknitintothefrontandback.increase of 1st.


There is no left or right with this mitten so just make two. With US # 7 needles and Rose Color, cast on 37sts. CUFF Work Rib k1,p1 for 6 rows. about 1 inch. ARM Follow the color chart and knit right and wrong side rows to create a garter stitch.


Row 53: k18, pm (M1R, k1, M1L) pm, k18 39 sts Rows 54-56: Knit Row 57: k18, sm (M1R, k3, M1L) sm, k18 41 sts Rows 58-60: Knit Row 61: k18, sm (M1R, k5, M1L) sm, k18 43 sts Rows 62-64: Knit Row 65: k18, sm (M1R, k7, M1L) sm, k18 45 sts Rows 66-68: Knit Row 69: k18, sm (M1R, k9, M1L) sm, k18 47 sts Rows 70-72: Knit Row 73: k18, sm (M1R, k11, M1L)sm, k18 49 sts Row 74: Knit Row 75: k18, Slip 13 sts to stitch holder, cast on 1st, k18. 37 st

Pattern illustration


Continue to follow the color chart, bind off last row.


Slip 13 sts back onto US #7 needles. Then return to color chart pattern Row 75: Kf&b, K11, Kf&b 15 sts Rows 76-86:Knit. Row87:Bind off. FINISHING Sew up seams and weave in all ends.

Center stitch222252922620

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