Haruko the Little Monkey: Free Crochet Pattern for the Chinese Year of the Monkey

Haruko the little monkey

Pattern illustration

To celebrate the Chinese year ofthe monkey here's my first shared pattern for everyone! o(^o^)/ Zeynep Aytulun ?2016 This pattern is my very own design so don't sell it or post it anywhere as your own. Thank you! Yow need: · Two different coloredyarnsA/B (I used cotton yarw for 3 mm hooks) . 2.5 mmhook · A bit of black felt, yarn or 15mm safety eyes · Needle, scissors, filling Abbreviations: Sc = single crochet ·St = stich ·Inc= increase · Dec = inwisible decrease - The whole pattern iz worked in a spiral without joining roundz. -

Head: [A]

(1) Magic ring 6sc (2) 2sc in each sc (3) 2sc in every 2nd sc (4) 2sc in every 3rd sc (5) 2sc in every 4th sc (6) 2sc in every 5th sc (7) 2sc iw every 6th sc (8) 2sc in every 7th sc (9) -(16) 1scineachsc (17) (6sc, dec) x6 (18) (5sc, dec) x6 (19) (4sc, dec) x6 (20) (3sc, dec) x6 (21) (2sc, dec) x6 -fil thehead (22)(1sc, dec) x6 (23) dec x6 Body: [A] (1) Magic ring 6sc (2) 2scineach sc (3) 2sc in every 2nd sc (4) 2sc in every 3rd sc (5) 2sc iw every 4th sc (6) 2sc in every 5th sc (7) Work inthe back loop 1sc in each sc (8) -(11) 1scineachsc (12) (4sc, dec) x6 (13) 1sc in each sc (14) (3sc, dec) x6 (15) 1scineachsc (16) (2sc, dec) x6 - fill the body lightly sothe base can be flattened to sit (17) 1sc in each sc (18) (1sc, dec) x6 2xArms: [A] (1) Magic ring 6sc (2) 2sc in each sc (3) 2sc every 6th sc (4) -(5) 1scineach sc (6) (5sc, dec) x2 (7) (4sc, dec) x2 (8) (3sC, dec) x2 (9) (2sc, dec) x2 (10) -(21) 1scineachsc -the hands are not going to be filed. - 2xPalms:[B] (1) Magic ring 6sc (2) 2sc in each sc - press the two sides of the hand together and sew the palm piece on the flat side. -

2x Feet: [A]

(1) Magic ring 6sc (2) 2sc in each sc (3) 2sc iw every 2nd sc (4) -(5) 1scineach sc (6) 14sc, 2x dec (7) 1sc in each sc (8) 14sc, dec (9) 13, dec (10) 6sc, dec, 3sc, dec (11) dec -Press the piece down along the increase and decrease stiches to get a nice flat piece. - 2x Sole offoot: [B] Work a chain of 4 (1)skip first st and work 3sc (2) Inc, 2sc (3) 1scineach sc (4) InC, 3sC (5) Inc, 4sC (6) 1sc in each sc (7) Dec x3 - you will see that yow get a right and left foot, so be careful when yow sew the sole on. - 2xLeg&: [A] [(1) magic ring 6sc] (2) -(12) 1scineach sc -Yow could work both partz separately or pick up 6sc onthe backside side ofthefoot. Be carefulto-pick it up (or sew it on,) on the footz narrow part. - 2xEarx: [A] (1) Magic ring 6sc (2) 2sc in every 3rd sc (3) 1sc in each sc 2xEyepiecex: [B] (1) Magic ring 6sc (2) 2sc in each sc (3) 2sc in every 2nd sc Mouth:[B] Work a chain of 7 (1) skip first st, inc, 4sc, 3scin 1st, workontheother side ofthe chain 1sc in each sc [=14sc] (2) (2sc ineachsc) x2, 4sc, (2scineachsc) x3, 4sc, inc [=20sc] (3) (2sc in every 2nd sc) x2, 4sc, (2sc in every 2nd sc) x3, 4sC, iNC (4) (2sc in every 3rd sc) x2, 4sc, (2sc in every 3rd sc) x3, 4sC, inC (5) -(7) 1scineachsc (8) (2sc, dec) x2, 4sc, (2sc, dec) x3, 4sc, dec (9) (1sc, dec) x2, 4sc, (1sc, dec) x3, 4sc, dec Fill the mouth piece.


1. Attach the armz to the body. They should be sightly closer together on one side 2.Sew the feet on Round (7) in one line tothe arms 3.Attachthe head without the facial featurez (that makez it a lot easier) 4. Between (8) and (9) ofthehead should bethetop of the eye piecez. Sew them on separately with 2 - 3st in between. Leave a long enough tail of yarn to weave in the space in between. 5. Sew on the mouth right below the eyes. 6.Attach the ears. 7.With a strand of yarn stich on the nose and mouth of your little monkey. 8. Glue/ sew on the eyes. 9.And thats it! Have fun and please share own monkey!

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