Crochet Pattern: Puff Stitch Blanket with V-Stitch Lacing and Post Stitch Edging

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Special stitches used.

Beginning Puff stitch (beg puff st): With yarn loose on hook, Iyo, insert hook in place indicated, yo, pull 1p through] 3X, yo, pull through all Ips on hook. Puff Stitch (puff st): Yo, insert hook in place indicated, yo, pull 1p through] 3 times, yo, pull through all 1ps on hook. V-Stitch (v-st): (dc, ch1, dc) in indicated sp. Front Post Treble Crochet (Fptrc). Yo 2x, insert hook in sp indicated, yo, pull through loop,I yo, pull through 2 loops]2x Materials. Size I hook, Lions Brand Pound of Love yarn in desired color Gauge: Rounds 1&2 of blanket beginning=approximately 2 3/" Pattern notes: Ch3 at beginning of row or round equals the first double crochet unless otherwise stated. All joins are w/ sl st in the stated or understood stitch tch count at end of rows are accurate. This is crucial to working this pattern

Let's Begin!

Round 1. Ch4, sl st in first ch to form ring. ch3, 11 dc in ring, join in 3rd ch of beg ch-4 Round 2 Beg Puff st in same st,\*[ch1, puff st in next st] twice, ch 5 (corner made)\* puff st in next st, rep from \* around, ending last rep at \*\*, join in top of beg puff st. (12 puff st) Round 3. SI st into next ch sp between puff stitches, beg puffst in same ch sp,\*ch1, puff st in next ch sp,ch2, 5dc in next ch-5 sp, ch2\*\*,puff st in next ch sp, rep from\* around, ending last rep at \*\*, join in beg puff st. (8 puff st, 20 dc; 47 sts total) Round 4. SI st into next ch sp, beg puff st in same ch sp, \*ch2, sk next ch-2 sp, [dc in dc, ch1]twice, (dc, ch1)3 times in next st, (dc in next dc, ch 1) 2x, ch1, sk next ch sp\*\*, puff st in next ch sp, rep from \* around ending last rep at \*\*,join in beg puff st. (72 sts total w/ 28 dc, 4 puff st) Round 5. Ch1, sc in same sp, sc in each dc and ch st around, being sure to work 3 sc in each 4th dc at each corner to turn corner. Join to 1st sc. (79 sc) Round 6. Ch1, sc in same sp, sc in each sc around. To turn corner, work 3 sc in the center stitch of each corner-3sc. Join to 1st sc, finish off. (87) Round 7. With finished off row to be worked first, \*join yarn at center st at right corner with a sc, NOT a sl st. Sc in ea sc to next center corner st, finish off. Repeat from \* at opposite end of blanket. (2 sides of the blanket on this row DO NOT get worked on) Round 8: Join yarn at 1st sc of row 7 w/ sl st, ch1, 3sc in same sp,\*sc in ea sc to 2nd to last sc of row, 3sc in last sc to turn corner, sc in next sp (center st of corner-turning-3sc of row 6), sc in next 21 sc, sc in next sp. (center st of corner-turning-3sc of row 6)\*\*, 3 sc in row 7's sc join st, repeat from \* to \*\*, join w/ sl st to 1st sc. (99scC)

V-Stitch Lacing Section

Round 1. Sl st 1x over to land in center sc of corner ch-4, in center sc-corner work V-st, \* sk 2sc, v-st in next sC, repeat from \* around, working (dc, ch1,dc,ch1,dc) in ea center st of corner sc3. Join w/ sl st to 3rd ch of beg ch4. (If, at the end of any side here, you must skip only 1 sc rather than 2 before working the corner in the correct stitch, that is fine) Round 2: ch4, v-st in 2nd dc of corner, ch1, dc in ch-1 sp, v-st in next 7 ch-1 sps, dc in next ch-1 sp, ch1, v-st in 2nd dc of corner, ch1, dc in ch-1sp, v-st in next 8 ch-1 sps,\* dc in next ch-1 sp, ch-1, repeat from \* ending at \*, join w. sl st 3rd ch of beg. Ch-4. Round 3: sl st 1x into ch-1 sp just created, ch4, dc in same ch-1 sp, (dc,ch1,dc,ch1,dc) in next ch-1 sp, (v-st in next ch-1 sp) 9x, (dc,ch1,dc,ch1,dc) in next ch-1 sp, (v-st in next ch- 1 sp)10x, \*(dc, ch-1,dc,ch1,dc) in next ch-1 sp, (v-st in next ch-1 sp)9X, repeat from \*, join to 3rd ch of beg ch-4. Round 4: Ch-1, sc in same st, sc in ea dc & ch st around, ending in a dc. To turn corner, work 3 sc in the 2nd dc of the (dc, ch-1, dc, ch-1, dc) at ea corner. Join to 1st sc. (142 sc) Round 5. ch-1, sc in same st, sc in ea sc around. To turn corner, work 3 sc in ea 2nd sc of turning corner, Join to 1st sc. (150 sc) Round 6: ch1, sc in ea sc around w/3 sc in ea center corner sc. (158sc) Round 7: sl st in ea sc around & join, ending w/ a sl st to top of 1"t sc of round 5. (159 sl st)

Post Stitch/Puff Stitch Section

Round 1: ch1, hdc in same sc, hdc in next 7sc, (2hdc, FPdc) in next sc, \*(dc, FPdc) in next, FPdc, (4dc, 2FPdc)5X, 3dc, (dc, FPdc) in next sc, FPdc in next, (dc, FPdc) in next, \*\*hdc across side, (40) (2hdc, FPdc) in center corner turning sc, repeat from \*ending at \*\*, hdc across, join to top of 1" hdc. Round 2. Ch-1, hdc in same sp, 9hdc, (hdc, dc) in next dc,\*Fpdc around Fpdc, 2dc in next dc, (Fpdc in next 2 Fpdc, 4 dc)6X, Fpdc in next 2 Fpdc, 2 dc in next, Fpdc around Fpdc, (dc, hdc) in next, \*hdc in ea hdc across, (hdc, dc) in last hdc of row before FPdc, repeat from \* ending at \*\*, hdc across row to last hdc. Join to top of 1st hdlc. Round 3. Work beg puff st in same st, (ch1, sk 1 hdc, puff st in next hdc) 5X, 2dc in next dc, \*(2FPdc in FPdc) 2 dc in same sp, dc in next, (2FPdc,4dc) 6X, FPdc in next 2 FPdc's, dc, 2dc in next dc, 2FPdc in FPdc, 2dc in dc, 1 dc in next, \*\* (puff st in next dc, ch1, sk next hdc) 2oX, puff stitch, dc in next, 2dc in next dc, repeat from \*ending at \*\*, (puff st in next dc, ch1, sk I hdc) to end. Join to top of I" puff st. Round 4: ch-1, hdc in same sp, 11 hdc in ea puff st & ch-1 st, \*hdc & dc in next sp, Fpdc in Fpdc, 2FPdc in next Fpdc, 2dc in next dc, 2 dc, (2 Fpdc,4dc)6X, 2Fpdc, 2dc, 2dc in next dc, 2Fpdc in next Fpdc, Fpdc in next Fpdc, dc & hdc in next, \*\* hdc in ea st across to last puff, hdc in next 2 st, repeat from \* around, ending at \*\*, hdc to last puff,. Join. Round 5. ch-1, hdc in same sp & next 12 hdc, \*hdc & dc in next, 2Fpdc in next Fpdc, Fptrc in next Fpdc, 2 Fpdc in next Fpdc, (4dc, 2Fpdc)7X, 4dc, 2 Fpdc in Fpdc, Fptrc in next Fpdc, 2 Fpdc in next Fpdc, dc & hdc in next dc,\* hdc across side to 2nd to last stitch before FPdc, repeat from \* ending at \*, hdc across to last hdc, join. Round 6. sl st around, end w/ last sl st going into center "v" of first sl st, sl st into back Ip of sc behind hook to position yarn for next row. Round 7: ch- 1, sc in ea stitch from round 5, working 3sc in ea FPtrc to turn corners. Join. (208 sc) Round 8. ch-1, sc in same sp, sc around to last sc, working 3sc in center sc of turning-3 sc. Join. Finish off.


\*\*The border is comprised of a number of stitches, of which are shells made with a varying number of dc's or a combination of two shells together in some corners. Rows 2,3,& 4 are worked only on 2 sides of blanket oppositeeachother. Round 1 of Boarder: RS facing, join yarn in center sc of corner 3-sc with cable side to be worked first. Ch-3, 3dc in same sp,\* sk next 3sc, (dc, ch1,dc) in next sc, [sk next 3 sc, (2dc, ch1, 2dc) in next sc, sk next 3 ch, (dc, ch1, dc) in next ch]6X, sk remaining sc's in row, (4dc,ch 1, 4dc) in center corner sc, [sk next 3sc. (dc,ch1,dc) in next sc, sk next 3sc, (2dc, ch1,2dc) in next sc]7X, sk 2sc, (dc, ch1,dc), \*(4dc, dc1,4dc) in center st of corner, repeat from \* ending at \*\* . Work (4dc, ch1,2dc) in first worked st of row. Join. \*\*NOTE: In any of these sides, you may need to skip 2 stitches instead of 3 one or two times per side to ensure continuity of the pattern. Row 2 of Cabled Side of Boarder: sl st in next dc, sl st in between next 2 dc,\*ch3,(dc, ch1,2dc) in same sp (this will be between 6th & 7th dc of row 15's corner shel), [sk2dc, FPdc around next dc, ch1, FPdc around next dc, sk 2dc, (2dc, ch1,2dc) between next 2dc]7X, finish off. Repeat from \* on opposite edge of blanket, joining yarn w/ sl st between 6th&7th dc of beginning shell. Row 3 of Cabled Side of Boarder. Join yarn w/ sl st to 1"t ch1 sp of previous row just stitched, (ch3,dc,ch1,2dc) in same sp, [sk 2 dc, FPdc around next FPdc, ch1, FPdc around next FPdc, sk 2 dc, (2dc, ch1, dc) between next 2 dc]7X. Finish off. Repeat on opposite edge of blanket. Row 4 of Cabled Side of Boarder: Join yarn w/ sl st to 1st ch-1 sp of prev row just stitched, (ch3, dc, ch1, 2dc) in same sp, [sk2 dc, FPdc around next FPdc, ch1, FPdc around next FPdc, sk 2 dc, (2dc, ch1,2dc) between next 2dc] 7X, ch1, sc in last dc of row 3, 2sc in side of same dc, sc in last dc of row 2, sc in side of same dc, sl st in 5th dc of turning shell of 8 dc. Finish off. Repeat on opposite side of blanket. To \*finish off" each edge of rows I-4 of the right hand side of the boarder made up to this point: (Repeat on both right hand side corners of boarder thus far): Join yarn w/sl st to 4th dc of corner turning-8dc-shell, sc in 2nd ch of ch-3 of row 2, sc in top of 1st dc of row 2, sc in 2nd & 3rd ch of ch-3 of row 3, sc in top of Ist dc of row 3, sl st to 3rd ch of ch-. Finish off. Row 5 of Boarder. (This row will go around the entire blanket) Join yarn w/ sl st to 3rd sc of any puff st side of blanket, ch3, (dc,ch1,2dc) in same sp, \*sk1 sc, FPdc around next sc post, ch1, FPdc around next st, (2dc,ch1,2dc) between 6th & 7th dc of turning shell of row 1, Isk 2 dc, FPdc around dc, ch1, FPdc around dc, (2dc,ch1,2dc) in next ch1] 7X, sk 2 dc, FPdc around dc, ch1, FPdc around dc, sk2dc, (2dc,ch1,2dc) between next 2 dc, FPdc around 1\$t sc, ch1, FPdc around next sc, sk 1 sc, (2dc, ch1,2dc) in next sc, (2dc, ch1,2dc) in dc to turn corner. (NOTE. There is a change in the pattern here now) [(dc,ch1,dc) in ch1 sp, (2 dc,ch1,2dc) inch1 spl 7X, (dc, ch1, dc) in ch1 sp, sk 2 dc, (2dc,ch1,2dc) in 1st sc, \*sk sc, (2dc,ch1,2dc) in next sc, repeat from \* ending at \*. Join w/ sl st to 3rd ch of beg ch-3. Row 6 of Boarder: sl st 2x to land in ch-1 sp, ch4, dc in same sp, \*[(2dc,ch1,2dc) in ch1 sp, (dc,ch1,dc) in next ch-1 spl10X, sk 2 dc,(2dc, ch1,2dc) between the shells, (2dc, ch1,2dc) in ch1 sp, sk 2 dc, [FPdc around dc, ch1, FPdc around dc, (2dc, ch1, 2dc) in next ch1 sp, sk 2 dc]7X, FPdc around dc, ch1, FPdc around dc, sk1 dc, (2dc,ch1,2dc) in between 1s & 2nd dc of 4-dc shell, sk 2 dc, (2 dc, ch1, 2dc) between 3rd & 4th dc of shell, \*\* (dc,ch1,dc) in next ch1 sp, repeat from \* ending at \*\*, join to 3rd ch of beg ch-4.

Final Edging

Ch-1, [(sc, ch-2, sl st in 2nd ch from hook, sc) in next ch-1 sp, sc between Ist &2nd dc of shell, ch-3, (sc, ch-3, sl st in 2nd ch from hook, ch-1, sc) in ch-1 sp, ch-3, sc between next 2 dc] 11X, (sc, ch-2, slI st in 2nd ch from hook, sc) in next ch-1 sp,\* [(sc, ch-2, sl st in 2nd ch from hook, sc) in next ch-1 sp, sc between 1st &2nd dc of shell, ch-3, (sc, ch-3, sl st in 2nd ch from hook, ch-1, sc) in ch-1 sp, ch-3, sc between next 2 dcl 7X, (sc, ch-2, sl st in 2nd ch from hook, sc) in next ch-1 sp, \* [(sc, ch-2, sl st in 2nd ch from hook, sc) in next ch-1 sp, sc between 1st &2nd dc of next shell, ch-3, (sc, ch-3, sI st in 2nd ch from hook, ch-1, sc) in ch-1 sp, ch-3, sc between next 2 dc] 11X, (sc, ch2, sl st in 2nd ch from hook, sc) in next ch1 sp, repeat from \*, ending at \*\* Join W/ sl st to I't sc. Finish off. Weave in ends.

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