Hand-Knit Cotton Kerchief Pattern for Bad Hair Days or Windy Weather with Bamboo Lace Accent and Customizable Beaded Embellishments


Pattern illustration

This kerchief is a good accessory to put some order in a bad day hair, or a windy day. Also because it is made out of fine cotton yarns it will keep your head fresh. Materials: Two 4 mm straight or circular needles. Two yarns of light fingering cotton yarn, 1 yarn of bamboo lace weight. Gauge: 10 rows x 6 stitches (garter stitch) = 1 inch x 1 inch Final measures: 42 cm of width (without the straps) x 21. ciorelgt. The final product is perfect to fit on a 58 cm (or more) head circumference.


K - knit. p - purl. st(s) - stitch(es). (3 yo st) x # - make 3 yarn over on your working needle. Knit it in the next row. Do it # times. 2 more sts (increasing of 2 st) - create 2 more stitches in the working st.: 1k in the back thread, 1 yo, 1k in the front thread. 2 less sts (decreasing of 2 st) - slip a st, k together the following two sts. Pass the slipped st over the together st. plst - plain stitch - k at one side of the work, p at the other side of the work.

Begining at one side of the kerchief

1- Create 10 points, k 9, 2 more sts. (12 p) 2- k every even row up to the last three points, p 3, (the exceptions are the corresponding even rows of the (3 yo st) rows. 3 - k 11,3 in st. (14p) 5 - (3 yo st) x 14. 7 - k13, 2 more sts. (16p) 9 - k15,2 more sts. (18p) 11 - k 17, 2 more sts. (20p) 13 - k 19,2 more sts. (22p) 15 - k 21, 2 more sts. (24p) 17- k 23,2 more sts. (26) 19 - k 25, 2 more sts. (28) 21 - (3 y0 st) x 28. 21 - k 27,2 more sts. (30) 23 - k 29, 2 more sts. (32) 25 - k 31, 2 more sts. (34) 27 - k 33, 2 more sts.(36) 29 - k 35, 2 more sts. (38) 31- k 37,2 more sts. (40) 33- (3 y0 st) x 40. 35- k39,2 more sts. (42) 35- k 41, 2 more sts. (44) 37- k 44, without incremen 39- k 41, 2 less sts. (42) 41- k39, 2less sts. (40) 41- k37, 2less sts. (38) 43- (3 yo st) x 38. 45- k35, 2less sts. (36) 47- k 33, 2less sts. (34) 49- k 31, 2less sts. (32) 51- k29, 2 less sts. (30) 53- k27, 2less sts. (28) 55- k 25, 2less sts. (26) 57- (3 yo st) x 26. 59- k 23, 2less sts. (24) 61- k 21, 2 less sts. (22) 63- k 19, 2 less sts. (20) 65- k 17, 2less sts. (18) 67- k 15, 2less sts. (16) 69- k13, 2 less sts. (14) 71- (3 yo st) x 14. 73- k 11, 2 less sts. (12) 75- k 9, 2less sts. (10) 77 - k7, 2less sts. (8) 79 - k 5, 2less sts. (6) 81 - k 3, 2less sts. (4) 82- P4. - plst x 35 cms. aproximat

Completing the other side

- create 8 sts at the opposite side (beggining at the edge), turn. - 2 less sts, k 6, turn. - p 2, k 1, 2 less sts. (4) - plst x 35 cms. aproximatelly. Now, embellish your endings sewing some beads at the end of the stripes and some others at the bottom tip of your kerchief or wherever you prefer.


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