Voussoir Shawl Knitting Pattern: Cable Motifs and Short Row Techniques

Voussoir Shawl

Modeled after the wedge-shaped bricks that fill in the gaps in archways left behind by regular, lesser bricks.

Pattern illustration

The smocked cable motif stacks rows of stitches in a similar fashion, creating miniature archways of cabled stitch- es. Paired with ribbing, this scarf has no proper top or bottom.


Gauge16stitches and22rows=4 inches instockinettestitch.
Yam shownWoolyWonkaFibersAertenDK(80%superwashmerino,10%cashmere,10%nylon.230yardsper 100grams)Color shown:Bittersweet.

Finished size

10"/25cm at deepest point, 66.5"/169cm wingspan.


This shawl is shaped using short rows without wraps. If you have difficulty working short rows, I recommend using a removable marker to indicate where the short row ends. The gaps created by these short rows are closed using two special stitches: one for the first half of the shawl, and one for the second half. These special stitches are utilized instead of the wrap+turn method of short rows. If you prefer, you can work wrap+turn short rows.


Set Up

1(RS)sl1, k1, * p2, k2, repeat from * to end.
2(WS)sl1,p1,*k2,p2,repeat from *to end.

Repeat Rows 1-2 3 more times 8 rows total

Short Row Section 1

Short Row Section 1 Stitch Counts

1 (RS)sl1wyib,kto4stsfromgap,turnwork.
2 (WS)sl1wyib,p to4stsfromgap,turnwork.

Repeat Rows 3-4 4 more times 12 total rows in this section).

Pattern illustration

Short Row Section 2

Short Row Section 2 Stitch Counts

1 (RS)sl1wyib,kto8stsfromgap,turnwork.
2 (WS)sl1wyib,p to8stsfromgap,turnwork.

Repeat Rows 3-4 12 more times 26 total rows in this section).

Pattern illustration

Closing Gaps

Break yarn. Rejoin at beginning of next row (RS) Work RS row as follows: k all sts, closing gaps as you come to them. Gaps before center 10 sts: use cgf 22 gaps closed


Work Rows 1-23 once:

1 (WS)sl1, k to end.
2 (RS)sl1, k to end.
3sl1, k to end.
4sl1,p1,*k2, p2,repeat from *to end.
5sl1,k1,*p2,k2,repeat from *to end.
6sl1, p1,*k2, p2,repeat from * to end.
7*tie6, p2, repeat from * to last 2 sts, k2.
8sl1, p1, *k2, p2, repeat from * to end.
9sl1, k1, *p2, k2, repeat from * to end.
10sl1,p1,*k2, p2, repeat from * to end.
11sl1, k to end.

12 (RS)sl1, k to end.
13 (WS)sl1, k to end.
14sl1, p1,*k2, p2, repeat from * to end.
15sl1,k1, *p2, k2,repeat from * to end.
16sl1, p1, *k2, p2, repeat from * to end.
17sl1,k1, *p2, tie6, repeat from * to end.
18sl1, p1,*k2, p2, repeat from * to end.
19sl1, k1, *p2, k2, repeat from * to end.
20sl1, p1, *k2, p2, repeat from * to end.
21sl1, k to end.
22sl1, k to end.
23sl1, k to end.


Bind off as follows: p2tog, \*sl st from right ndl to left ndl, p2tog, repeat from \* to end. Copyright Liz Abinante, feministy.com, 2010-2014. For non-commercial use only. Do not distribute or sell pattern/items made using pattem without permission. Pattem support is free. If you've found an error or have questions please email support@feministy.com.


Voussoir Shawl, Squinch Shawl, Lancet Shawl. Special Stitches

cgfclosinggaps,firsthalfofshawl:usingtherightneedle,pickuptherightlegofthestitchbelow thenextstitchtobeworked and place on left needle, k2tog.
csgclosing gaps, second half of shawl:using the right needle,pick up the left leg of the stitch 2 stitches below the next stitch to beworkedandplaceontheleftneedle,k2togb.
tie6sl next 6 sts onto cn, wrap yan around sts counter-clockwise twice, (k2, p2, k2) from cn.

Standard Stitches

COcast oncncable needleeorend of row
inc2kfb, m1lkknit k2togknit two together
k2togbknit two together through the back loopm11make one left - insert left hand needle into the bar running between stitches from front to back, k through the back loop
ndlneedleppurlp2togpurl two together
p2togbpurl two together through the back loopp3togpurl three togetherpmplace marker
RSright sidesl2kpsl2,k1,pass the two slipped stitches over (together)sl2ppsl2,p1,pass the two slipped stitches over (together)
slslip (always purlwise)slmslip markersskslip, slip, knit two slipped stitches together
ststitchstsstitchesWSwrong side
wyibwith yarn in backwyifwith yarn in frontyoyan over

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