Kirsten's Winfer Hear wamer
What will you need?
Yarn:Smallamountofleftover yarn—lusedabout30yardsof DKweightBlueFacedLeicester left over from a sweater. Needles:US7needles Gauge:5stitches/inch,5rows/ inchinstockinettestitch Finished Size:13"from end to endofcenterpanel,31/2"from peaktostraightedge Notions:additional lengthsof yarn(eitheracontrastingcolor orthesameyarnyouused to knitthe small shawl—thiswill be forthetiesthataretwisted and (added attheend.) "Kirsten Larson and her family arrive in America in 1854, after a long sea voyage. Everything looks so different from the life Kirsten knew back in Sweden—the ways people talk and dress seem strange! Getting lost in a big city and parting with her best friend only add to Kirsten's worry. Will she ever feel at home here? It is only when the Larsons arrive at a tiny farm on the edge of the frontier that Kirsten believes Papa's promiseAmerica will be a land filled with opportunity for them all." I have wanted a Kirsten doll since I got my very first American Girl catalogue in 1987 or so...and I just adopted a Kirsten doll of my very own. Part of what intrigues me so much is the fact that her fictional story has some similarities to my own heritage. My grandfather's family came from Sweden in the early 20th century, which was after the days of the Oregon Trail and Kirsten's pioneer life, but the travel was still grueling and long. They settled in Flandreau,SouthDakotatofarm,and my grandfather eventually made his way to Minnesota. My grandmother's family travelled from Norway around thesame timeandsettled inMinnesota -from

I love learning new things, and local history, untold stories, and the daily life (My grandfather's family passport photo used in their immigration is above right and the farmstead in Flandreau is pictured at the left.) of thepeople who camebefore me fascinate me. I've had a lovely time learning more about the textiles and domestic lives of people in my area (southern Wisconsin) and have created quite a few little things for my newly adopted Kirsten doll reflecting some of what I've learned. This shawl ties on to stay out of the way of both play and chores, and would keep her warm and toasty during our tough winter months...particularly before central heating! This shawl is a quick and easy project, just perfect for that partial skein of leftover yarn, and can easily be scaled up for a child or an adult. I find it helpful to mark the right side of my work with a locking stitch marker or safety pin, as the construction is completely in garter stitch.

PATTERN: Using the long tail cast on, CO 3 stitches. INCREASESECTION: Row 1 (and all WS rows): Knit all stitches Row 2: K2, m1, K1 Row 4: knit all stitches Row 6: k2, m1, kto the end of the row Row 8: knit all stitches

Repeat rows 6-8 eleven more times for a total of 13 stitches increased. DECREASESECTION: Row 1 (and all WS rows): knit all stitches. Row 2: k2, ssk', knit to the end of the row Row 4: knit all stitches Repeat rows 2-5 until you have decreased back down to 3 stitches Bind off all stitches. Weave in ends.

FINISHING: Pull the shawl gently into shape (no need to wet block). Cut two pieces of yarn into 32" lengths. Fold the yarn so it is doubled and then pull the looped end through the final row of one end of the shawl so that the midpoint of the folded yarn is at the point of the shawl (8" on each side of the knitted piece) Hold the shawl firmly and twist the two yarn lengths in opposing directions until the twist is quite tight. Firmly holding the ends of the yarn, release the shawl and allow the yarn to twist around itself creating a twisted tie. Tie a quick overhand knot to hold the twist. Repeat this same process on the other side. This piece is worn by your 18" doll by putting the widest section over the shoulders, crossing the ends over the front (warming her heart), and tying the ties in the back of her waist. It goes beautifully with the school dress. When not encouraging the creative minds of local musical theatre students, Kirsti can be found cozied up in front of her fireplace, sipping tea and creating new knitting patterns in the comfort of her magical house in thewoods in herbeautiful mid-western city. Follow @TravelStitches and @kjerstie for chatting about knitting, musical theatre, and Jane Austen

Knit into the stitch below the next stitch on your left needle. 1 stitch increased. liptwstitchsftkitathacktththadlekitthtgththruhthbackft loops