Flowers for Nelly: A Unique Sock Yarn Leftovers Project - Warm Summer Wrap or Winter Shawl

Pattern illustration

flowers for nelly

Pattern illustration

a sockyarn leftovers project:

100 g solid with lots of different colours make a warm summer wrap. or winter shawl, as you like. I mixed 2 of my patterns for this big and warm shawl. birthday present for 2. daughter. start with the triangle chart, make 33 rows. change color often. leave ends of yarn to make tassels. make 11 flowers (chart #2). insert flowers: use 7 SC or SS to join the sides (orange symbols in chart show the stitches to be joined) 7 SC or SS to join the bottoms to the shawl. (see chart #3) fill in the corners as in chart #3. make 8 more rows as in chart #1. make nice, fluffy tassels.

Pattern illustration

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