Tanz in den Mai: Regia Silk Sock Pattern by Stephanie van der Linden (Sizes 37-40)

Tanz in den Mai

Pattern illustration

$\copyright$ Stephanie van der Linden Sockweight yarn, approx $400\mathrm{m/l00g}$ this is Regia Silk in white set of 5 dpns size $2{,}5\mathrm{mm}$ , or size to obtain gauge Size 37-40 Gauge Stockinette Stitch: 30 sts $\mathrm{~x~}42\;\mathrm{rds}=10\;\mathrm{cm}\;\mathrm{x}\;10\;\mathrm{cm}$ May Pattern: 36 sts $\mathrm{~x~}40\;\mathrm{rds}=10\;\mathrm{cm}\;\mathrm{x}\;10\;\mathrm{cm}$

Pattern illustration

twist stitch purl yarn over, purl in following round yarn over, knit in following round 3 ktog 3 sts twisted blue fields mark stitches at the edge of the pattern (foot), notice: at the edge just ktog 2 insted of 3 stitches! Work stitches in even rounds as they appear purled or twisted. To ktog 3 sts twisted $\boxed{3}$ at begin of a round you need the last st of the previous round. Tip: Work the first 2 sts of a round as they appear and do the $\boxed{3}$ at the begin of an even/at the end of an uneven round.

ktog 3sts twisted

slip $1^{\mathrm{st}}$ stitch, slip next stitch with right needle on the back of work from left to right, bring both stitches back to left neele, slip both stitches together as to knit, twist following $(3^{\mathrm{rd}})$ stitch an pull $1^{\mathrm{st}}$ an $2^{\mathrm{nd}}$ stitch over

Cast on 60 (size 37/38) or 64 (size 39/40) stitches and \* twist 1, purl $1~\ast$ for 12 rounds. Change to May Pattern and increase stitches in $1^{\mathrm{st}}$ round:

If you work over 60 sts twist a single stitch $\boxdot$ when there is written $\boxed{3}$ ktog 3sts twisted. If you work over 64 sts twist change $\boxed{3}$ into $\boxed{\bullet}3$ times. So you get 70 stitches to work the leg up to your favourite length. Completing the pattern with round 10 or 20 gives a nice change to the heel!

Heel and Foot

For setting the heel knit 13 stitches, turn and work a short row heel over 32 stitches. Therefor purl together $32^{\mathrm{nd}}$ and $33^{\mathrm{rd}}$ stitch. Now continue to work in rounds. Knit sole stitches and work foot stitches in May Pattern. On right and left edge just ktog 2 stitches twisted.Work your required length and here again take care to complete the pattern with round 10 or 20.

Knit 1 round over all stitches and decrease: 1x ktog $6^{\mathrm{th}}$ and $7^{\mathrm{th}}$ stitch, then 4x ktog $5^{\mathrm{th}}$ and $6^{\mathrm{th}}$ stitch (64 sts / 16 sts each dpn) For the classic toe shaping I used the following decreasing scheme: 1x each $4^{\mathrm{th}}$ round, $3\mathbf{x}$ eych $3^{\mathrm{rd}}$ round, $3\mathbf{x}$ each $2^{\mathrm{nd}}$ round and 6x each round

Don't forget the $2^{\mathrm{nd}}$ one!

$\circledcirc$ Stephanie van der Linden http://www.vanderlinden-ffm.de/ fuir die Sockenkreativliste http://de.groups.yahoo.com/group/Socken-Kreativ-Liste/ erschienen im Mai 2007 Dieses Muster ist iber die Socken-Kreativ-Liste frei verfugbar. Bitte verwendet es nur zu nicht-kommerziellen Zwecken. Ich freue mich, wenn Ihr das Muster als Grundlage nehmt, um es abzuandern und weiterzuentwickeln. Bitte gebt es dann aber auch unter gleichen Bedingungen weiter - macht es frei verfigbar. Danke!

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