Pattern Written by Sarah Linton @ 2015

1 skeins of Bernat Softee Chunky Solids in Baby Blue (200 g) 1 skein of Bernat Softee Chunky Solids in Berry Red (100 g) 1 skein of Bernat Softee Chunky Solids in Faded Denim (100 g)
US Size 11 DPNs, Circular, and Straight Needles
1 Stitch Marker, Polyester Stuffing, Stitch Holder, Tapestry Needle, Black Embroidery Floss, White Embroidery Floss, Pins
CO: Cast on Sts: Stitches K: Knit RLI: Right Lifted Increase LLl: Left Lifted Increase SSK: Slip, slip, knit K2tog: Knit two together (Xxx)\*: Repeat parenthetical stitches across entire round or row Kfbl: Knit through front and back loop Pfbl: Purl through front and back loop P2tog: Purl two together P2togtbl: Purl two together through back loop
Judy's Magic Cast-On, and place stitch marker to indicate beginning of rounc Head Round 1 (And all odd Rounds): Knit all sts (6 sts) Round 2: (RLI)\* (12 sts) Round 4: (K1, LLI)\* (18 sts) Round 6: (RLl, K2)\* (24 sts) Round 8: (K3, LLI)\* (30 sts) Round 10: (RLl, K4)\* (36 sts) Round 12: (K5, LLI)\* (42 sts) Round 14: (RLl, K6)\* (48 sts) Round 16: Knit all sts (48 sts) Round 18: (K6, SSK)\* (42 sts) Round 20: (K2tog, K5)\* (36 sts) Round 22: (K4, SSK)\* (30 sts) Round 24: (K2tog, K3)\* (24 sts) Round 26: (K2, SSK)\* (18 sts)
Round 28: (RLl, K2)\* (24 sts) Round 30: (K3, LLI)\* (30 sts) Row 31: K18, leaving remaining 12 sts on stitch holder Rows 32 through 58: Work 18 sts flat in st st Row 59: (P2tog tbl, K1)\* (12 sts) Row 61: (P2tog)\* (6 sts), and place sts on stitch holder.
Move 12 sts from stitch holder to needles and work flat. Round 1: Switch to Berry Red and work flat (RLl, K1)\* (18 sts) Round 2 (And all even Rounds): Purl all sts Round 3: (K2, LLI)\* (24 sts) Round 5: (RLI, K3)\* (30 sts) PatternWrittenbySarahLinton2015 Round 7: (K4, LLI)\* (36 sts) Round 9: (RLl, K5)\* (42 sts) Round 11: (K6, LLl)\* (48 sts) Round 13: (RLl, K7)\* (54 sts) Round 15: Knit all sts (54 sts) Round 17: (K7, SSK)\* (48 sts) Round 19: (K2tog, K6)\* (42 sts) Round 21: (K5, SSK)\* (36 sts) Round 23: (K2tog, K4)\* (30 sts) Round 25: (K3, SSK)\* (24 sts) Round 27: (K2tog, K2)\*(18 sts) Round 29: (SSK, K1)\* (12 sts) Round 31: (K2tog)\* (6 sts) Sew together body and shell using mattress stitch, stuffing as you go. Close off ends using kitchener stitch. Big Spots (Make 3) CO 3 sts in Faded Denim Row 1: Kfbl, K1, Kfbl (5 sts) Row 2: Pfbl, P3, Pfbl (7 sts) Row 3: Kfbl, K5, Kfbl (9 sts) Row 4: Purl all sts (9 sts) Row 5: Kfbl, K7, Kfbl (11 sts) Row 6 to 10: Work in st st (11 sts) Row 11: SSK, K7, K2tog (9 sts) Row 12: Purl all sts (9 sts) Row 13: SSK, K5, K2tog (7 sts) Row 14: P2togtbl, K3, P2tog (5 sts) Row 15: SSK, K1, K2tog (3 sts) Bind off Little Spots (Make 2) CO 3 sts in Faded Denim Row 1: Kfbl, K1, Kfbl (5 sts) Row 2: Pfbl, P3, Pfbl (7 sts) Rows 3 to 8: Work in st st (7 sts) Row 9: SSK, K3, K2tog (5 sts) Row 10: P2togtbl, K1, P2tog (3 sts) Bind off Ears (Make 2) CO 12 sts in Baby Blue Round 1: Knit (12 sts) Round 2: K4, K2tog, K4, K2tog (10 sts) Round 3: Knit (10 sts) Round 4: K3, K2tog, K3, K2tog (8 sts) Round 5: Knit (8 sts) Round 6 K2, K2tog, K2, K2tog (6 sts) Cut yarn and pull securely through live sts, and stuff Feets (Make 4) CO 15 sts in Baby Blue Rounds 1 to 3: Knit all sts (15 sts) Round 4: (K1, K2tog)\* (10 sts) Round 5: Knit all sts (10 sts) Round 6: (K2tog)\* (5 sts) Cut yarn and pull securely through live sts, and stuff.
Finishing Up
Sew spots on Catbug's shell, ears on his head, and feets on his tummy. Use black embroidery thread to make Catbug's mouth and the white thread for his eyes. Weaveinallends Snuggle enthusiastically.