Prisoner of Azkaban Sock
by Audrey in Hufflepuff

I created this pattern as part of the Hogwarts Sock Swap fun. My swap partnerisin Ravenclaw,therefore | had touse grey and blue yarn. found this great skeinof Opal lemente yarn in my stash that had the perfect colours forit and wasoffl knit asweater for my sweetheart not long ago that used a very nice 9 stitches cable on the sleeve. I thought it looked a lot like chain links and that they would look very nice on a sock. And so the Prisonerof Azkaban socks were bom.lam happy to share this pattern with you and hope you willike it. The cables are a bit more complicated than regular cables because they require 2 cable needles and also, they require alarge numberof stithes on the leg because the $\boldsymbol{y}$ don't stretch very well. Material: Any fingering weight yarn, 2 circular neeldes #2 US (2.5 mm), 2 cable needles Yarn suggestions: (Ravenclaw) Lonas Laces Jeans, Opal Crazy # 1904 - (Hufflepuff) Lornas Laces Bee Stripe, Regia Nation #539 1 - (Griffindor) Regia Nation #5393 - (Slytherin) Online Sierra Color #8 90 Rain Forest
$\textsf{N l}=$ needle 1 $\lceil\!\!\rceil2=$ needle 2 s13b $\therefore$ slip next three stitches on cable needle and leave on back of work $s l3f=$ slip next three stitches on cable needle and leave on front of work $\textsf{m i}=$ increase $\mathrm{b}y$ one stitch $\mathrm{b}y$ taking the stith in the row underneath the next stitch you are going to knit, place it on the left needle and knit this new stitch $k3\Delta c n=$ knit the three stitches on back cable needle $k3f_{C\cap}=$ knit the three stitches on front cable needle $k2\mathrm{tog}=$ Knit two stitches together skpo $=$ slip onestitch, knit next stitch, pass slipped stitch over knit stitch $\mathsf{p}2\mathrm{to}g=\mathsf{p u r l}$ two stitches together $s!\uparrow k=$ slip one stitch as if to knit $s^{|\r_{1}}p=$ slip one stitch as if to purl $k2\mathrm{tog\tbl=}$ knit two stitches together through the back loop
RegularRow:\*pi,ki,pi,k99,pi,ki,pi Repeat from \* to end of row

Cable Row 1:\*p1,ki,pi, sl3b,sl3f,k3,k3fcn, k3bcn,pi,ki,p2,ki,pi,k9,pi,ki,pi Repeat from \* to end of row CableRw2:p1,k,,k9,,2,,,l3b,3f,,3fcn,bn,,k, Repeat from \* to end of row
Cast on 6 stitches, divide equally between two circular needles. Join and start knitting in the round K1, P1 for 15 rows. Place stitch marker onfirst row of needle 1 to know at alltimes where it is. - Add 24 stitches as you knit the next row (distribut $1\;2\times\mathsf{m}\;1$ over each needle). You now have a total of 90 stitches (45 on each needle). Knit 4 rounds of the regular row Knit cable row 1 Knit 4 rounds of the regular row Knit cable row 2 Repeat these last four steps until the leg reaches the length you want. nd aftera series of 4 regular rows.
$\textsf{N l}=$ spread 13 decreases (k2 tog) over the 45 stitches $\lceil\!\!\rceil2=$ spread 12 decreases (k2 tog) over the 45 stitches You now have atotal of 65 stitches (32 stitches on N1 and 33 stitches on N2)
The heel is worked over the 32 stitches $\mathsf{o f}\,\mathsf{N}\,\mathsf{I}\,.\,\mathsf{N}\,2$ is left out for this part of the sock and willbe taken back when heelisfinished and $y o u$ are ready to knitin the round again. -\*sl 1k, ki Repeat from \* until end of row - sl1p, purl to end of row Repeat these two rows until yourheel measures $21/2"\left(6.25\;\mathrm{cm}\right)$ - ending with a purl row
Right side facing you sl1k,k17,k2togtbl,ki,tun sl1p,p5,p2tog pi, turn sl1k, k6,k2togtbl, ki,turn sl1p,p7,p2tog, pi,turn Continue doing so until you have used all the stitches on your needle. Note: on the last tworows you knit, you willnotbe able to knit orpurl thelast stitchaloneYou will endon a purl row. Next row sl1k,k17, with same needle, pick up and knit 19 stitches from leftside of heel (simpl insert yourneedle underthe edge sipped stitch and knit).Now pick up N and knitits 33 stitches.Take N1 again and pickupand knit 19 stitches onthe right side of heel. With samened, contiueknittingstitchesuntilyoureach the last stitches, t. Knit stitches with N2. GUSSET DECREASE ROWS: N1: k1, skpo, knit tolast 3 stitches, k2 tog,k1 N2: knit allstitches ROW 2 N1 & N2: knit all stitches Repeat these two rows untili you have 33 stitches again on $\dag{\lor}\dag$ After that knit allstitches until you reach $1\;\;1\big/2^{\mathfrak{n}}\;\big(3.75\;\mathsf{c m}\big)$ before the end of your footlength.Once you do, you willbe ready towork the toe decrease.
ROW1 Ni &N2:ki, skpo,knit tolast3 stitches, k2tog,ki
ROW 2:
$\ N\mid\,\hat{\varepsilon}\,{\ N\o2}\,=$ knit all stitches Repeat rows i and 2 until you have a total of 30 stitches left (15 on each needle). Break yarn, graft remaining stitches and weave in ends. $\circledcirc$ 2007 Audrey P. This pattern is a gift from a knitter who's benefitted from many free patterns on the internet. You are free to print and distribute it for personal use.