Papirkurven's Easy Knit Mittens Pattern: Quick, Magic Loop-Free, and Identical Twin Mittens Guide

Papirkurvens easy mittens

- You don't like knitting with 5 needles? Or magic loop? Wanna knit a fast and easy mitten? Here it is!! A mitten knitten forth and back, and the thumb is so easy you can knit two IDENTICAL mittens!

You need:

2 needles 7 mm and 1 skein of yarn to fit

Knit easy mittens like this:

CO 25 stitches om 7 mm needles. Leave enough tail to sew the mitten together Knit 5 rows. Continue working in stockinette. When you have 15 rows altogether, start increasing for thumb

Pattern illustration

Thumb increase:

1:k12, 2in1, k12=26 3: k12, 2in1x2,k12= 28 5: k12, 2in1, k2, 2in1, k12=30 7:k12,2in1,k4,2in1,k12= 32 9: k12, 2in1,k6, 2in1, k12=34 1 1: k12, pull a scrap thread through de next 9 stitches and slip them of the needle. K 13. (Be sure to tighten alittle to avoid a gap) Continue in stockinetter over 25 st until the mitten covers the pinky

Mitten decrease:

k1, 2tg.k7, ssk, k1, 2tg, k7, ssk,ki k1, 2tg. k6, ssk, k1, 2tg, k6, ssk, k1 Continue this way until 4-6 st remaining, pull thread through and weave in.


Put the stitches from the scrap thread. Pick up two stitches from the <body> Knit until the thumb covers the thumbfinger

Thumb decrease:

2tg, k3, 2tg, k3 2tg, k2, 2tg, k3 2tg, k2, 2tg, k i 2tg k1, 2tg Pull thread through and weave inn, or use thread to sew up thumb. Sew the mitten up and weave inn the end. Knit another IDENTICAL!!

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