Flounce Baby & Toddler Dress designed by Erika Flory
XS (S, M, L) to fit 18 (19, 20, 21)" chest: 12 mos (18 m0s, 2T,3T) Instructions are given for the smallest size, with larger sizes in parentheses. When one number is given, it applies to allsizes. SKILL LEVEL Advanced Beginner FINISHED MEASUREMENTS Chest: 19 % (20, 21, 22 %)" Length: 18 (19, 19 %, 22)"
Blue Sky Skinny Cotton by Blue Sky Alpacas, 65g/150yds, 100% organically grown cotton, 2 (2, 3, 3) hanks color #317 Coral (MC) Blue Sky Skinny Organic by Blue Sky Alpacas, 65g/150yds, 100% color grown cotton, 1 (1,2,2) hank(s) color #30 Birch (CC)
Size 5 (3.75mm) needles 36" circular needle, 0r size needed to obtain gauge NOTIONS Stitch holders Tapestry Needle
In Stockinette Stitch, 20 sts and 28 rows = 4" Adjust needle size if necessary to obtain correct gauge.
Co:caston dec:decrease garter st: knit every row k2tog: knit 2 stitches together rep:repeat skp: slip, knit, pass stitch over-one stitch decreased
With CC, C0 306 (306, 319, 332) sts. Work Bell Ruffle as follows: Row 1 (Rs): K2, p3, \*k10, p3; rep from \* to last 2 sts; k2. Row 2 (ws): p2, k3, \*p10, k3; rep from \* to last 2 sts; p2. Row 3: K2, p3, \*skp, k6, k2t0g, p3; rep from \* to last 2 sts; k2. Row 4: P2, k3, \*p8, k3; rep from \* to last 2 sts; p2. Row 5: K2, p3, \*skp, k4, k2tog, p3; rep from \* to last 2 sts;k2. Row 6: P2, k3, \*p6, k3; rep from \* to last 2 sts; p2. Row 7: K2, p3, \*skp, k2, k2tog, p3; rep from \* tolast 2 sts; k2. Row 8: P2, k3, \*p4, k3; rep from \* to last 2 sts; p2. Row 9: K2, p3, \*skp, k2tog, p3; rep from \* to last 2 sts; k2. Row 10: P2, k3, \*p2, k3; rep from \* to last 2 sts; p2. Row 11: K2,p3, \*k2tog, p3; rep from \* to last 2 sts; k2. Row 12: P2, k3, \*pl, k2; rep from \* to last 2 sts; k2. Row 13: K2, \*k2, k2t0g; rep to last 5 sts; k5: 76 (76, 79, 82) sts. Change to MC. Purl one row. Next Row (Rs): Purl all sts, dec 6 (4, 5, 3) sts evenly across row: 70 (72, 74, 78) sts. Purl 3 rows. Dec row (Rs): Working in St st, k8 (10, 12, 14) sts, skp, kto last 10 (12, 14, 16) sts, k2tog, k to end of row. Repeat this dec row every 6th (6th, 8th, 8th) row 10 more times: 48 (50, 52, 56) sts. Work even until piece measures 11.5 (12, 13, 14)" from top of ruffle. End with a WS row. Shape armhole (Rs): Bind off 4 sts at beg next 2 rows: 4C (42, 44,48) sts. Dec 1 st each side every other row 1 (1, 0 2) times: 38 (40, 44, 44) sts. Work even until armhole measures 1.5 (2, 2, 2)". End with a WS row. Shape neck (Rs):k16 (16, 18, 18) sts, bind off 6 (8, 8, 8) sts for center neck, k to end of row. Working sts for left shoulder only, dec 1 st at neck edge every other row 8 (8, 6,6) times:8 (8, 10, 10) sts remain. Work even until armhole measures 4.5 (5, 5.5,6)". Bind off.

Join yarn at center for beginning on a WS row, work right shoulder as for left shoulder.
Block pieces lightly. Sew right shoulder seam.
With RS facing and CC, begin at left shoulder and pick up neck sts as follows: Pick up and knit 2 sts in every 3 rows along left front neck,pick up and knit 6 (8,8, 8) sts from center front neck, pick up and knit 2 sts in every 3 rows along right front neck and right back neck, pick up and knit 6 (8, 8, 8) sts from center back neck, pick up and knit 2 sts in every 3 rows along left back neck. Work garter st for 3rows.Bo. Sew left shoulder seam, including neck edging.
With RS facing and CC, pick up and knit 2 sts in every 3 rows around armhole. Work garter st for 3 rows. BO. Sew side seams. Weave in ends.