Knitting Pattern for Adorable Floppy Eared Dog Hat for All Ages with Customizable Size and Color Options

Pattern illustration

Easy cute dog hat with floppy ears Size 4mm needles 100g double knit wool in pale brown or whatever colour you would like to knit it in Wibblywobblyeyes Glue Length of black wool for sewing mouth Length of brown wool for sewing nose


C/O - cast on tog - together alt - alternate dec - decrease RW'S - rows st's - stitches in's - inches cont - continue Basic beanie hat pattern C/O 88 st's RW 1 k2, p2 to end of row ending on p2 RW's 2 - 6 as row 1 RW 7 knit RW 8 purl Repeat knit 1 row purl the next (stocking stitch) until hat measures 7 1/2 ins long ) ending on a purl row \* Next row which is a complete knit row - k2 tog all the way across (44 st's) Purl complete row Knit complete row - k2 tog all the way across (22 st's) Purl complete row Knit complete row - k2 tog all the way across (11 st's) Purl complete row Cut wool leaving length of wool & thread threw remaining st's and pull up tightly then sew top of hat then all the way down to cast on edge \*(this is depending on who the has is for i.e. child or adult - also if you want a wider girth for your head size can you bigger needles) Ears (make 2) C/O 12 st's RW's 1 - 38 garter st (every row knit) Begin shaping - dec 1st at beg of every 4th row (twice) Dec 1 st at beg of every alt row (twice) Dec 1 st at beg & end of every alt row until 4 st remain Next row k2 tog twice K2 tog then fasten off leaving a length of wool to sew on ears Fold hat flat with the sewed together edges in the middle then turn this to the back Mark places for ears at sides of the hat (l did mine 2 in's from centre of the top of the hat and measured around the hat, then marked places then pinned then sewed into place Marked places for eyes 2 in's from outside edges of hat & 4 1/2 ins from C/O edge then glued wibbly wobbly eyes into place with glue (which can be used for material) Mark place for nose 3 1/2 in's from C/0 edge & also in between eyes ( I made nose by marking out a triangle then sewing with length of brown wool Mark place for mouth 1 1/2 in's from C/O edge (l made a line down from the nose with black wool and also cont to sew rest of mouth into a smile

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