Dot's Lace Shawlette Pattern: A Free Fingering Weight Knitting Design by HappyKat Designs

Dot's Lace Shawlette

Designed by Kathy Crowell, HappyKat Designs

Pattern illustration

Dot's Lace Shawlette begins at center back and is worked downward. The shawlette consists of cascading motifs of paired fern lace, edged top and botom with garterborderswith smallleaflet insertions. Marie Barbara Sweeney was my Aunt Dot. She taught me to knit. She was the dietician at the local community hospital and surrogate mother to the staffand patients. Aunt Dot was the personification of the domestic arts. In recognition of her generous nature, I am providing this pattern without charge to Ravelry subscribers.

Dot's Lace Shawlette

For personal use only. Materials: 436 yards fingering weight yarn (Model shown in Valley Yarns Huntington, Color7062, 218 yd., 2 skeins ) Size 6 circular needle( $24^{\prime\prime}$ or longer) ; one size 9 needle for bind-off; 4 stitch markers; blunt yarn needle for finishing Gauge: 13 stitches and 14 rows $=2$ inches (Gauge not critical; however significant variation will impact yardage.) Size after blocking: 50 inch wingspan, measured along curve; 23 inch length center back.

Abbreviations :

S1wyf slip one with yarn in forward position (as if to purl) SK2P; slip one, knit 2 together, pass slipped stitch over M1 makeonestitch pm placemarker sm slip marker Slip all markers as you come to them. Ppurl RS right side WS wrong side 0yo;yarn over k2tog knit 2 together k2bl; knit 2 together through back loops or SSK Kknit st stitch CAUTION: It is essential to use the correct left-slanting (SK2P) and right slanting (K3tog ) decrease as charted. If only one type of decrease is used, the pattern will be distorted by unsightly lines (as I learned to my regret on my first version of the shawl). Note on borders: all rows begin with k2 border, end with k1, s1wyf. Borders stitches are not noted on charts.

Dot's Lace Shawlette

Directions: Neckband: With size 6 needle and leaving a ${\mathit{10}}^{\prime\prime}$ tail for finishing, cast on 4 stitches. K3, s1wyf. Repeat this row 34 times. Pick up 17 stitches from long edge of band and 4 stitches from adjoining short edge (25 stitches). Set-up row (Ws): K2, pm, p5, pm, p11, pm, p5, pm, k1, s1wyf. (The set-up is not counted in the row count.) Begin Charts. Charted row are worked: Border (k2), main wedge-shaped chart (Charts A, C, E or G), corresponding row of center panel chart (Charts B, D, F or H), main wedge-shaped chart again (Charts A, C, E or G), ending row with border (k1, s1wyf). Charts are worked from right to left, bottom to top. Only RS rows are charted. All WS charted rows are worked: K2, p to last 2 st, k1, s1wyf. Pattern repeats for each row are bordered in heavy black lines. Rows 1 through 11: Work Chart A and corresponding row of Chart B. Row 12: Knit to last stitch, s1wyf. Row 13: K2, yo, knit to second marker, yo, k11, yo, knit to last marker, yo, k1, s1wyf. Row 14: Repeat row 12. Row 16: K2, p to last 2 st, k1, s1wyf. Rows 17 through 21: Work Chart C and corresponding row of Chart D. Dot'sLaceShawlette Row 22: Repeat row 12. Row 23: Repeat row 13. Row 24: Repeat row 12. Row 25: K2, yo, k1, M1, knit to 1 stitch before second marker, M1, k1, yo, k11, yo, k1, M1, knit to 1 sti tch before last marker, M1, k1, yo, k1, s1wyf. Row 26: Repeat row 16. Rows 27 through 95: Work Chart E and corresponding row of Chart F (rows 27 through 56) twice, then work rows 27 through 35 again. Row 96: Repeat row 12. Rows 101 through 105: Work Chart G and corresponding row of Chart H. Row 106: Repeat row 12. Row 107: Repeat row 13. Row 108: Repeat row 12. Row 109: Repeat row 13. Row 110: Repeat row 12.

Dot's Lace Shawlette

Cast off on right side, very loosely, using size 9 needle and knit2 bind-off. (Knit first two stitches together, \*place finished stitch back on left needle, knit two stitches together. Repeat from \* across row.) Finish off. Weave in ends. Block. (Il recommend wet blocking to open lace and minimize edge curling.) The final garter rows provide sufficient ease that the border can be pinned out in points or as a smooth curve, according to your preference.

Pattern illustration


Pattern illustration

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Pattern illustration

Dot's Lace Shawlette: Chart B, Center Panel

Pattern illustration

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Dot'sLace Shawlette:Chart C

Pattern illustration


No Stitch 回yoknit k2tog sl1 k2tog psso k2tog tbl Created in KnitVisualizer (www.knitfoundry .com)

Dot's Lace Shawlette: Chart D or $\mathsf{H}_{r}$ Center Panel

Pattern illustration

Legend: knit yo sl1 k2tog psso Created in Knitvisualizer (www Dot's Lace Shawlette: Chart E

Pattern illustration

CreatednKtVisualwiu Dot's Lace Shawlette: Chart F

Pattern illustration

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Dot's Lace Shawlette: Chart G

Pattern illustration

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