Homestuck Extra Charts Collection for Personal Crafting Projects by S. Ann Ran

Homestuck Extra Charts

By S. Ann Ran 4 in x 4 in gauge: 20 sts by 24 rows on #9s Various imagery as created by Andrew Hussie for Homestuck in a smaller chart for people to use on smaller projects. All charts are 30 sts by 36 rows and the image is centered on that chart; the idea was that all the charts would be needed, and to have them in relation to each other. Some of the images used to create the charts came from the Homestuck Wiki; some came from Homestuck Resources (http:/, and the rest I generated with the font Arial. Using suggested gauge, each chart is 6 inches by 6 inches.

Pattern illustration

With the Caduceus, the bolded black lines are possible embroidery lines if you want to make the two snakes and the orb at the top more distinct. If you are going for a more abstract look, they can be skipped easily.

Pattern illustration

These charts are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License. to S. Ann Ran; you may use them however you would like for personal use, modify and distribute those mods for personal use, but nothing commercial for the original or derivatives.

Sburb Alpha

Pattern illustration

Sgrub Beta

Pattern illustration


Pattern illustration


Pattern illustration


Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration


Pattern illustration

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