Knitting Pattern for A LA TRESSE - Easy 8x8" Square with Braids and Garter Stitch


Pattern illustration

A whole sample is not essential to achieve the right measure for this small square. Just make sure that you work 8 stitches worked in garter stitch on Us 10 needle measure 1 inch. If it's smaller, try with larger needles (US 10 12) If it's larger, try smaller needles. (Us 9 1/2 ) It's a variant of the original pattern L' écharpe a la tresse, with three braids and none scallop on both sides. DIFFICULTY: EASY SIZE: 8X8" YARN: PUNO 2 di Filitaly-lab - col. 839 purple (120yds/1.76 oz. - 68% baby alpaca, 10% extrafine merino wool, 22% polyamide) NEEDLES: US 10 straights. Or, if you prefer, one 16" circular OTHER: tapestry needle, scissor GAUGE: 1" in GARTER STICH with US 10 needles 8 STITCHES STITCH PATTERNS & TECNIQUES: garter stitch stockinette stitch basic cast-on basic bind-off


CO - cast-on BO -bind-off sts - stitches k - knit p-purl rep - repeat


CO 60 sts · row 1: knit row 2: k5, \*p10, k10\* 2 times, p10, k5 · row 3: knit row 4: k5, \*BO 10 sts, k10\* 2 times, BO 10 sts, k5 row 5: k5, \*CO 10 sts, k10\* 2 times, CO 10 sts, k5 Rep from row 2 to 5 for 13 times BO all sts. Braid the 3 columns of "fettuccine" following the phototutorial of original pattern. And now, send it to "DIRITTI AL PUNTO"! ;-) I want your projects became a success! If you needs help, suggestions or information concerning this or any other of my patterns please e-mail Explain your question clearly andI will be pleased to answer you

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