Kaura Hat Knitting Pattern: A Relaxed-Fit Design with Bobbles by Tikru

Pattern illustration

Kaura -hat by Tikru

"Kaura" mst iishThe hatprjt stated fromthe yourdfelfitws soot u kw thefelf the child when yugotthe pte ofotel infrot of yuCoois ast bor adI hve bouht th ybqeiis cotonwol dnefe conationfor me Tomy suprise the y keto me ad the patem pope out d sipe y gave spagce to muliple srfece. The ht ittfuwtht ue weev weight yarn. The high of the hat before decreqses should be 5 cm / inch even if you knit tighter version.

You need

Yam: Regi Cotton(Schchenmyr Nomotta, % newwool 3 cotton, 25% polymide, 20m per5g ball colour 3, 2 bl Use th yarn double. Needles: One 3mm / US 2 以 (4o0 cm / 16 inch) circular needle a set of dpn 3mm/ US 2 以 Cable neede pace marker tapestry heedle Gquge (relaxed and measured upside of the bobbles) 22 Sts ahd 30 rnd $\asymp$ 10 cm or 4 inch Let's start Toke a deep breath and relax..This qin't serious thing. Thishat isitherfmbfthetTheetht ptisretbtht frosthenfstsithec eu w decreases to shope the top of the hat. Using circular neede and double yarm Co io4 sts. Join to knit round, do not twist Moebius-hat is hard to decrease. Place marker to indicate beg of round. \*p\*r\*\*edthmthestrndeestevest. $\ B\vert=$ Kritbocklop Setup roud:\* p k pk(rb pael) pk p boble pone) k pk pk(rb pone) p p(cle pel\*ret \*\*3t. Begin to tollthe char I Repeat it 3 times (rounds I-30). Foll chart 2 fom roud 3. Notice decreqses startin md and be careful tht the ponels do not mix. Fishirek ym/inhtaTed tilthdepthhrmst

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Kaura hat

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

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