Jeannie's Knitted Sock Pattern with Cables and Twists

Bloomin' Socks

This sock started off as a sketch of a flower. I wanted a flower at the top with leaves "growing" from the toe up towards the flower. I found a few different stitch patterns that I like, took what I liked from each of them, and combined them into the Bloomin' socks. Size: One size, but easy to resize.

Pattern illustration


Yarn: 1 ball of Opal 4-ply solid Needle: one size 0 (2mm) circular needle 40 inches or longer


32 stitches/48 rows $=4$ inches in stockinette

Sizing note:

Since this sock is a design on a purl background, you can add extra purl stitches as needed to either side of the charts. In the sample socks, I increased the sole to 35 stitches just before the short row heel and kept those extra stitches for the leg and cuff. The directions are written for a 64 stitch sock with out the extra stitches. Useful Turkish cast-on links:

While holding both needles together, use a Turkish cast-on, and place 12 wraps on the needles.

R1:Knit across top of foot (12 stitches). Knit across sole (12 stitches). R2: k1, m1, knit to last st, m1, k1 (14 stitches) k1, m1, knit to last st, m1, k1 (14 stitches) Repeat rows 1 and 2 until there are 32 stitches on each side (64 total stitches). Knit one row. \*Move last stitch from sole to the instep side. (33 instep stitches, 31 sole stitches) This is to make the foot symmetrical. Copyright $\circledcirc$ 2008JeannieCartmel All Rights Reserved. This pattern is for personal, non-commercial use. You may not sell this pattern or items made from this pattern.

R1: knit row one of chart A knit across sole stitches

After completing chart A, knit chart B. Alternate charts A and B until the sock measures 2 inches less than the desired length. End the foot before knitting across the sole. Mark the last line knit on the chart. \*For my pair,I knit chart A and B once and then rows 1-22 on chart A again. Heel: The heel will be worked back and forth over the 31 sole stitches. R1 (RS): k30, w&t R2 (WS): p29, w&t R3 (RS): k28, w&t R4 (WS): p27, w&t R5 (RS): k26, w&t R6 (WS): p25, w&t R7 (RS): k24, w&t R8 (WS): p23, w&t R9 (RS): k22, w&t R10 (WS): p21, w&t R11 (RS): k20, w&t R12 (WS): p19, w&t R13 (RS): k18, w&t R14 (WS): p17, w&t R15 (RS): k16, w&t R16 (WS): p15, w&t R17 (RS): k14, w&t R18 (WS): p13, w&t R19 (RS): k12, w&t R20 (WS): p11, w&t Note for next section: When knitting a stitch with its wrap(s), lift the wraps onto the needle first. R21 (Rs): k11, knit the next stitch with the wrap through the back loops, w&t R22 (WS): p12, purl the next stitch with the wrap, w&t R23 (Rs): k13, knit the next stitch with the two wraps through the back loops, w&t R24 (Ws): p14, purl the next stitch with the two wraps, w&t R25 (RS): k15, knit the next stitch with the two wraps through the back loops, w&t R26 (WS): p16, purl the next stitch with the two wraps, w&t R27 (Rs): k17, knit the next stitch with the two wraps through the back loops, w&t R28 (ws): p18, purl the next stitch with the two wraps, w&t R29 (RS): k19, knit the next stitch with the two wraps through the back loops, w&t R30 (Ws): p20, purl the next stitch with the two wraps, w&t R31 (RS): k21, knit the next stitch with the two wraps through the back loops, w&t R32 (Ws): p22, purl the next stitch with the two wraps, w&t R33 (Rs): k23, knit the next stitch with the two wraps through the back loops, w&t R34 (ws): p24, purl the next stitch with the two wraps, w&t R35 (Rs): k25, knit the next stitch with the two wraps through the back loops, w&t R36 (Ws): p26, purl the next stitch with the two wraps, w&t R37 (RsS): k27, knit the next stitch with the two wraps through the back loops, w&t R38 (WS): p28, purl the next stitch with the two wraps, w&t R39 (RS): k29, knit the next stitch with the two wraps through the back loops, w&t R40 (Ws): p30, purl the next stitch with the two wraps R40 (RS): k 31 Go back to where you marked the chart. Start knitting around the whole sock with the next line on the chart. Continue knitting and alternating charts A and B until the sock is 3 inches less than the length you desire. Knit the Flower Chart once completely. \*Formy socks,Istarted withrow23 on chart A since Istopped the foot at row 22. Next, I knit finished the rest of chart A and then knit chart B once. Cuff: Purl 5 rounds. Knit 14 rounds for a rolled cuff. Finishing: Bind off and weave in ends. Notes for the second foot: If you would like your socks to be mirrors and started the first foot with Chart A, start the second foot with Chart B.


Notes for stitches: Twist left: Slip the next two stitches onto the right needle purl wise and one at a time. From the front, insert the left needle into the first slipped stitch. Slide both stitches off of the right needle. From the back, put the free stitch back on the left needle. Purl one stitch, knit 1 through the back loop. Cable left: Rearrange the stitches the same as Twist Left. K1 through the back loop, k1 through the back loop Twist right: Slip the next two stitches onto the right needle purl wise and one at a time. From the back, insert the left needle into the first slipped stitch. Slide both stitches off of the right needle. From the front, put the free stitch back on the left needle. K1 through the back loop, purl one. Cable Right: Rearrange the stitches the same as Twist Right. K1 through the back loop, k1 through the back loop

Chart A

Pattern illustration

Chart B

Pattern illustration

Copyright $\circledcirc$ 2008JeannieCartmel All Rights Reserved. This pattern is for personal, non-commercial use. You may not sell this pattern or items made from this pattern.

Pattern illustration

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