Reversible Crohook Jacket Pattern for Children: A Detailed Crochet Guide (2-4 Years, Patons Fab Lemon Fern)


A fully reversible childs hooded jacket or cardigan, should fit 2 - 4 year old Chest size 74cm, Worked in Patons Fab Lemon/ Fern Tension:19st / 13 rows per 10cm


Colour A 175g Colour B 175g 4mm Crohook / double-ended crochet hook 5 x 2.5mm wooden toggle buttons Darning needle for sewing seams etc


Pattern illustration


R1 - 4 = one stripe, counting on the A side pattern stitch = Pick up stitch from front strand of next horizontal bar, pick up stitch through next two vertical bars together, ch 1 Rows with even number stitches end 'PU2V together, ch1, skip last H, PU last V at both ends' Rows with odd number stitches end 'PU2V together at neck/shoulder/armhole edge' When seaming, remember that jacket is reversible and seams should be neat from both sides; I seam twice, joining A to A then turning the work over and joiningB to B


Row:Colour:Insruction:Stitch count:
Left front
F1ACh 65, don't turn65st
F2APU 65, turn65st
F3BJoin in B,ch off 65, don't turn65st
R1BCh 1, Skip 1st V, patt to end, turn65st
R2ACh off,don't turn65st
R3ACh 1, skip 1st V, patt to end, turn65st
R4BCh off, don't turn65st
R5BCh1, skip 1st V, PU 1st H, PU 2nd V, ch 1, patt to end, turn66st
R6ACh off, don't turn66st
R7ACh1, patt to last V, PU last V, turn66st
R8BCh off, don't turn66st
R9BCh1, PU 1st V, ch 1, patt to end, turn67st
R10Aas R267st
R11Aas R367st
R12Bas R467st
BAABRepeat Rows 5- 868st
R17 R18-20B AABCh1 1, PU two stitches in 1st V, patt to end, turn Patt70st 70st
R21-24Rpt Rows 17 - 2072st
R25BAABCh 1, patt to end, turn72st
R26-28B AABPatt72st
R29-40BAABRpt R25- 28 three times72st
Divide for armhole
R44BCh off 42 st in B, turn, ch off 30 st in A, turn, pullloop of B through loop of A and pull A tight42st
R45-R60BAABWork on these 42 st only for 4 stripes, break off A after R5942st


R61BCh off 42 st then ch30inB,turn72st
R62ACh off 72 st, don't turn72st
R65-140BAABContinue in Patt for 19 stripes (20 stripes in total)72st
Divide for armhole
R141-164as R41-64
Right front R165-180 BAABPatt 5 stripes72st
R181 BAABCh 1,skip 1st V & 1st H, PU next 2 V and 3rd H together, ch 1, patt to end, turn70st
R185-188BAABas R181-18468st
R189BCh 1,skip 1st V & 1st H, PU next 2 V together, ch 1, patt to end, turn67st
R190 - 192AABPatt67st
R193 -196BAABas R189 -19266st
R197Bas R18965st
R198 A Patt
Buttonhole row R199 APatt 7 st,*skip next st on prev row, yo hook instead,cont in patt from following st* until st count is 21 inc YO65st
loop,rpt * * at stitch count 35, 49 and 63, patt to end,turn65st
R200 R201BCh off including YO loops, don't turn Patt, break off yarn B, turn65st 65st
R202B ACh off, don't turn65st
R203ASlip stitch through Vertical bars, finish off and break off A
Sleeves-two the same
F1 A Ch 54, don't turn54st
F2 APU 54, turn54st


F3BCh off54,don't turn54st
R1BCh 1, Skip 1st V, patt to end, turn54st
R2ACh off, don't turn54st
R3ACh 1, skip 1st V, patt to end, turn54st
R4BCh off, don't turn54st
R5-8BAABPatt over first 48 st only48st
R9-12BAABPatt over first 40 st only40st
R13-16BAABPatt over first 32 st only32st
R17-20BAABPatt over first 24 st only24st
R21 -24BAABPatt over first 16 st only16st
R25-28BAABPatt over first 8 st only8st
R29BPatt over all54 st54st
R30-76Continue in Pattern for 12 stripes54st
R77-80BAABPatt over first 8 st only8st
R81-84BAABPatt over first 16 st only16st
R85-88BAABPatt over first 24 st only24st
R89-92BAABPatt over first 32 st only32st
R93-96BAABPatt over first 40st only40st
R97-100BAABPatt over first 48 st only48st
R101-104BAABPatt over all 54 st, break off B leaving long tail for seaming arm54st
R105ACh1,skip 1st V, *slip st through next 2 V together, ch 1* rpt ** to last V, slip st last V, fasten off
SeamAHolding B sides together join A edges with a neat herringbone stitch
Set in sleeves to armholes - with B sides facing slip stitch evenly to join in A, then turn over and neaten seam from other side in B
HR1AWith B side facing pick up 76 st with A, skipping first and last stripe, turn76st
HR2BCh off, don't turn76st
HR3BCh 1, skip 1st V, patt to end, turn76st
HR4ACh off, don't turn76st
HR5-60ABBAContinue in pattern for 15 stripes76st
H R61APatt, break off A, turn76st

HR62BChoff,don'tturn 76st


Surface crochet a slip stitch row in A to cover the hood join on the A side Darn in all ends Sew onbuttons an'outside'

Pattern illustration

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