Puerperium Free Knitting Pattern for Newborns by Kelly Brooker - Seamless Cardy Design for 8ply DK Weight Yarn

puerperium cordiqnn nfree knitting pattern bn kelln brooker

Pattern illustration

pottern description:

Puerperium is a very simply styled cardy, designed to be easy for new parents to dress their babe in the puerperium period (6weeks post birth). The pattern is seamless in construction, and offers a wonderful blank canvas should one decide to embellish. This free version is written for 8ply/DK weight yarn, and to fit a newborn babe, approx 2.7-3.6kg (6-8lb) in weight, with an approx chest circumference of 37.5cm


90g (approx 180m) 8ply/DK weight yarn 7-8 x 10mm buttons (dependent upon your row gauge) 2smalllengthsofwasteyarn


80cm4.0mmcircularneedle 5stitchmarkers darning needle(for sewing in ends)


kknit kfb knit into the front and back of the stitch (an increase) PMplace marker stsstitches cocast on k2togknit2stitches together ppurl s1pslip1stitch asifto purl,thenmoveyarn toback of work (see page 3) SM slip marker yoyarn over

Pattern illustration

free knitting pattern by kelly brooker for knit . jo . q qUo in t Please respect yourself and designers everywhere by obtaining your own legal copy of this pattern. Feel free to sell items created from this version of the pattern 02011 by Kelly Brooker all rights reserved Main pattern photo courtesy Leah Williams


ow 3 : s1p, k3, PMa, kfb, k5, kfb, PMb, kfb, k15, kfb, PMc, kfb, k5, kfb, PMd, kfb, k11, kfb, PMe, kIow 4 (buttonhole ro w): s1p, k1, yo, k2tog, kto end of row, SM as you pass them ow 5: s1p, k3, SMa, kfb, kto 1 stitch left before Mb, kfb, SMb, kfb, kto 1 stitch left before Mc, kfb, SMc, kfb, kto1 stitch left before Md, kfb, SMd, kfb, k to 1 stitch left before Me, kfb, SMe, k4 ro w I4 (b vtt on hole ro w ): s1p, k1, yo, k2tog, SMe, p until 4sts from end of row, SM as you pass them, k4 (1 0 0 t ) fterNOTinhove l64sts, o followj:4/35/45/35/41/4Io w 3 0 : s1p, k3, SMe, p to Md (41sts, front), remove Md, place next 35sts onto waste yarn, remove Mc, p to Mb (45sts, back),remove Mb,place next 35sts onto waste yarn,SMa,k4 p0r t ro w I: s1p,k to end of row,SM as you pass them (94st5) ro w 2 s1p, k3, SMe, p to marker, SMa, k4 row 3: work asfor ro w 1 row 4:(b uttonhole row): s1p, k1, yo, k2tog, SMe, p to marker, SMa, k4 row 5,],9,ll,l3:workasforrow row 6,8,l0,l2:workasforrow 2row I4: workasforrow 4 (buttonhole row) repeat r o wJ 5 - 14 until work measures approx 12-13cm from underarm, ensure you end having just worked r o w 13 Return stitches from one piece of waste yarn to your needle, and pick up 4sts under each arm, placing a marker in the centre of these 4sts just picked up ( 3 9 s t I ) (You will be working sleeve in the round, with the ‘magic loop' method. The marker sits under the arm and marks the start/finish of round) Knit in stocking stitch (k all sts, every round) until sleeve measures approx 10cm from underarm Work 4 rounds of garter stitch (k one round, p one round). Cast off Repeat for second sleeve E: For short sleeves, move straight to garter stitch edging, eliminating the 10cm of lengti Return stitches from one piece of waste yarn to your needle, and pick up 4sts under each arm, placing a marker in the centre of these 4sts just picked up(3 9 s t I ) (You will be working sleeve in the round, with the‘magic loop' method.The marker sits under the arm and marks the start/finish of round) Knit in stocking stitch (k all sts, every round) until sleeve measures approx 1.25cm from underarm Decrease round: ssk, k until 2 sts from end of round, k2tog Alternate working 1.25cm stocking stitch with a decrease round until you have a stitch count of 27sts Puerperium calls for the knitter to “s1p" at the start of every row. This is a non-standard abbreviation, which has been selected to give a nice smooth edge to the garter stitch edging. Toworka“s1p"theknitterneedsto: Slip the first stitch of the row as if to purl (so put the needle tip into the front of the stitch, from right to left), moving the first stitch on the left needle on to the right needle, then move the yarn to the back of the work, between the two needles. It is easier to ignore the s1p instruction and simply knit the first stitch of each row, however if you take the time to work the s1p on every row, you will end up with a very crisp edging to your work. の free knitting pattern by kelly brooker for knit . jo · qumint Please respect yourself and designers everywhere by obtaining your own legal copy of this pattern. Feel free to sell items created from this version of the pattern O2011byKellyBrookerallrightsreserved www.knitsoqunint.blogspot.com

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