ZIPPITY DOO-DAH Kid's Color Block Pullover Sweater Pattern with Magic Zipper by Amy E. Anderson

ZIPPITY DOO-DAH Design by Amy E. Anderson $\circledcirc$

Pattern illustration

Kid's Pullover Sweater in Color Blocks Advanced Beginner Skill Level 3 Sizes: Finished Chest Dimensions 24", 28", 32" Worsted Weight Wool Yarn Perfect for showing off your team colors!


Sweater for kids with a magic zipper - design by Amy E. Anderson Thislitlesweateralosyou tplaywith cooruing thmst basic prine of intasia. t isquick and easytoit. Directiosaregivnfiemlwithediandagenparenth.f onynmeisgien, i applitalls.


Cascade 220, Galway, or Dale Heilo worsted weight ! Color A - 150 (200, 300) grams Color B - 150 (200, 300) grams Size 5, straight and $16"$ circular. $10\;\mathsf{s t s}=2^{\ast}$ $^{24"}$ instockinete Needles: Gauge: Chest Measurement: $$ \begin{array}{r}{\boxed{\mathbf{\Sigma}}=\mathrm{Color~}\mathbf{A}}\\ {\qquad=\mathrm{Color~}\mathbf{B}}\end{array} $$

Pattern illustration

Body Back:

With Color A, cast on 64 (72, 80) sts. Begin working magic zipper as follows: Note: When switching colors in the middle of the row, always bring the new color from underneath. This causes the two strands to wrap around each other so that there won't be a hole at the join. Row #1 (RS): Knit 31 (35, 39) sts with Color A, Knit 33 (37, 41) sts with Color B. Row #2 (WS): Purl 33 (37, 41) sts with Color B, purl 31 (35, 39) sts with Color A. Row #3 (RS): Knit 33 (37, 41) sts with Color A, Knit 31 (35, 39) sts with Color B. Row #4 (WS): Purl 31 (35, 39) sts with Color B, purl 33 (37, 41) sts with Color A. (See Diagram A for a blow-up of the intersection between Color A & Color B) Repeat Rows #1-4 until body measures. $12\%^{*}$ (15", 18"), ending so next row worked will have RS facing. Next row: Slip 15 (17, 19) sts onto holder for right shoulder, slip 34 (38, 42) sts onto holder for back neck, slip 15 (17, 19) sts onto holder for left shoulder.

Body Front:

Work same as for back until body measure $10^{\circ}$ $12\%^{*}$ , $15\%^{31},$ ending so that next row worked will have RS facing. Begin neck opening as follows: Keeping in pattern, work 20 (23, 25) sts, slip the next 24 (26, 30) sts to a holder for front neck, break yarn for Color B, then work last 20 (23, 25) sts in Color B. Working Left shoulder in Color A and Right shoulder in Color B, decrease 1 st at each neck edge on RS rows, until you have 15 (17, 19) sts remaining on each shoulder. Work even unti front is $12\%^{*}$ (15", 18") long, ending so that last next row worked will have RS facing. Slip sts onto holders. Knit together and bind off the shoulder seams on wS, as follows: Slip one set of front shoulder sts onto one needle. Slip one set of the back shoulder sts onto another needle. Hold these two needles so that the RS are together and you're looking at the WS. Using a $3^{\mathsf{r d}}$ needle, knit together and bind off as follows: Insert needle through 1 st. on the front needle and 1 st. on the back needle, and knit these 2 sts together. Repeat


$\mathsf{K}=\mathsf{K}\mathsf{n i t}$ $\mathsf{P}=\mathsf{p u r l}$ $\mathsf{K}2\mathsf{t}\mathsf{o}\mathsf{g}=\mathsf{K}\mathsf{n}\mathsf{i}\mathsf{t}\,2$ together rds. $=$ rounds inc $=$ increase $\mathtt{d e c=}$ decrease $\mathsf{B O}=$ bind off Stockinette $=$ Knit on the RS, Purl on the WS for the next st. on the front and back needle, then lift the first st. on the right needle over the $2^{\mathsf{n d}}$ st. to bind off, as you would in ordinary knitting. Continue working in this manner to the end of the row.


Using 16" circular needle and Color B, with RS facing, Knit 34 (38, 42) from back neck, PU 10 (12, 12) from left side of neck, Knit 24 (26, 30) from front neck, PU 10 (12, 12) from right side of neck opening. You will have 78 (88, 96) sts total. Work collar as follows: Round 1: Purl with Color B. Round 2: Knit with Color A. Round 3: Purl with Color A. Round 4: Knit with Color B. Round 5: Purl with Color B. Round 6: With Color B, bind off all sts loosely


With Color A, Cast on 32 (36, 40) sts. Work 3 rows in stockinette, beginning with a purl row. Next row: Knit across, increasing 8 sts evenly spaced. You will have 40 (44, 48) sts total. Begin working magic zipper as follows: Row #1 (RS): Knit 19 (21, 23) sts with Color A, Knit 21 (23, 25) sts with Color B. Row #2 (WS): Purl 21 (23, 25) sts with Color B, purl 19 (21, 23) sts with Color A. Row #3 (RS): Knit 21 (23, 25) sts with Color A, Knit 19 (21, 23) sts with Color B. Row #4 (WS): Purl 19 (21, 23) sts with Color B, purl 21 (23, 25) sts with Color A. At the same time: Continue in pattern, increasing 1 st at the beginning and end of every $4^{\mathrm{th}}$ row, until you have a total of 64 (72, 80) sts. As you increase, be sure to keep the “zipper" in the 2 middle sts. Continue even until sleeve measures $10\%^{*}$ (13", 16"), ending so next row worked will have RS facing. Next row: BO all sts.


Weave in loose ends. Block sweater and sleeves by laying them flat between two damp towels, overnight. Sew sleeves onto body, centering the zippers at the shoulder seams. Sew up sides and sleeve seams. Leave cuffs and hem curled. ${\sf R S}=$ right side WS $=$ Wrongside $\mathsf{P U}=$ pickup

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