Detailed Guide on Crocheting a Shell Dishcloth with Specific Stitch Patterns and Techniques


Heklio einhvern fjolda af lykkjum sem er deilanlegur meo 7. Eg hekla yfirleitt loftlykkjur par til ég hef nao breidd tuskunnar (eins og ég vil hafa hana) og ef pad verda aukalykkjur, rek ég baer upp. Heklio umferoir 1-3 á teikningunni og endurtakio svo umferdir 2 og 3 par til tuskan hefur na0 peirri staerd sem 6skad er.

Shell Dishcloth

Pattern illustration

Chain multiple of 7 sts and then add 3. I usually make chains until I reach desired width and frog remaining sts. If there are any after frist row. Crochet rows 1 to 3 and then repeat rows 2 and 3 until desired length.

Pattern illustration

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