Amigurumi Human Pattern: Crochet Guide for Customizable Figurines with Interchangeable Clothing and Accessories by Melanie Blake



Worsted weight yarn in skin colours of your choice. Size G - 4.00mm hook Polyester fibrefill Wooden Dowel (Optional) Stitch Marker (Optional) FINISHED SIZE: Approximately 12" tall HEAD

Pattern illustration

With skin tone yarn, make a magic ring. Rnd 1: Work 6 sc in ring. Pull tight to close. (6 sc) Rnd 2: 2 sc around. (12 sc) Rnd 3: (Sc in nx st, 2 sc in nx st). (18 sc) Rnd 4: (Sc in nx 2 sts, 2 sc in nx st) around. (24 sc) Rnd 5: (Sc in nx 3 sts, 2 sc on nx st) around. (30 sc) Rnd 6: (Sc in nx 4 sts, 2 sc in nx st) around. (36 sc) Rnd 7: Sc in nx 18 sts, (sc in nx 5 sts, 2 sc in nx st) 3x. (39 sc) Rnd 8: Sc in nx 18 sts, (2 sc in nx st, sc in nx 6 sts) 3x. (42 sc) Rnd 9 - 11: Sc around. (42 sc) Rnd 12: Sc in nx 10 sts, work 3dctog in nx st (push out for nose) sc in remaining sts around. (42 sc) Rnd 13 - 14: Sc around. (42 sc) Rnd 15: Sc in nx 7 sts, dec, sc in nx 5 sts dec. Sc in remaining sts around. (40 sc) Rnd 16: Sc in nx 7 sts, 2 sc in nx st, sc in nx 5 sts, 2 sc in nx st. Sc in rem sts around. (42 sc) (Eye socket made, this is where you will insert your safety eyes) Rnd 17: Sc around. (42 sc) Rnd 18: Sc in nx 8 sts, (2 sc in nx st)2x, sc in nx 4 sts, (2 sc in nx st)2x. Sc around. (46 sc) Rnd 19: Sc in nx 8 sts, dec twice, sc in nx 4 sts, dec twice, sc around. (42 sc) Rnd 20: Sc around. (42 sc) Rnd 21: (Dec, sc in nx 4 sts) around. (35 sc) Rnd 22: (Dec, sc in nx 3 sts) around. (28 sc) \*\*\* Insert safety eyes now. Beginstuffing. Rnd 23: (Dec, sc in nx 2 sts) around. (21 sc) Rnd 24: (Dec, sc in nx st) around. (14 sc) Rnd 25': Dec around. (7 sc) Join and FO. Weave end in and out of remaining sts, Pull tight to close. Copyright Melanie Blake 2013 EARS (Make 2) With skin tone, make a Magic ring Rnd 1: work 4 sc in ring, pull tight to close. Row 2: Ch 1, turn. Work 2 sc in nx 2 sts, sl st in nx 2 sts. FO, sew to sides of head, creating a little fold as you do. (Make 2)

Pattern illustration



Pattern illustration

With skin tone yarn, make a magic ring Rnd 1: Work 2 sc, 3 dc, sc in ring, pull tight to close. (6 sts) Rnd 2: 2 sc in nx st, (sc,hdc) in nx st, (2 dc in nx st)3x, (hdc, sc) in nx st. (12sts) Rnd 3: Sl st in nx 4 sts, sc, (hdc,dc) in nx st, 2 dc in nx 2 sts, (dc,hdc) in nx st, sc, join. (16sts) Rnd 4: Working in BLO, Ch 1, sc around. (16sts) Rnd 5: Sc in nx 6 sts, make 4 dcdec, sc in nx 2 sts. (12sts) Rnd 6: sc in nx 4 sts, dec, make 2 dcdec, dec. (8 sts) Rnd 7 - 23: Sc around. Join. (8 sts) FO first lea Joining rnd: Sc in nx 4 sts, sc in st before FO of second leg and around, sc in rem sts of first leg. (16sts) Stuff feet and legs.


Rnd 25: Sc in nx 10 sts, 2 sc in nx 4 sts, sc in nx 2 sts. (20 sc) Rnd 26 - 28: Sc around. (20 sc) Rnd 29: Sc in nx 10 sts, Dec 5 times. (15 sc) Rnd 30: Sc in nx 5 sts, dec, sc in nx 6 sts, dec. (13 sc) Rnd 31 - 33: Sc around. (13 sc) Rnd 34: 2 sc in nx st, sc in nx 5 sts, 2 sc in nx st, sc in nx 6 sts. (15 sc) Rnd 35 - 36: Sc around. (15 sc) Stuff body Rnd 37: (Sc in nx 3 sts, dec) around. (12 sc) Rnd 38: (Sc in nx 2 sts, dec) around. (9 sc) Rnd 39: (Sc in nx st, dec) around. (6 sc) Rnd 40: Sc around. Join. (6 sc) FO, leaving a long end for sewing. Sew body to head, I used a dowel to keep the neck upright. ARMS AND HANDS (Make 2) With skin tone yarn, make a magic ring. Rnd 1: work 6 sc in ring, pull tight to close. (6 sc) id 2: (2 sc in nx st, sc in nx st) around. (9 sc) Rnd 3 - 4: Sc around. (9 sc) Rnd 5: Ch 3, sc in 2nd ch from hook and nx ch (thumb made). Sc around. (11 sc) Rnd 6: Skip thumb, sc around. (9 sc) Rnd 7: (Sc in nx st, dec) around. (6 sc) Rnd 8 - 15: Sc around. (6 sc) FO, leaving a long end for sewing. Sew arms to sides of body. I did not stuff arms. Make clothing and decorate as desired!! Some of my finished humans!! Alice in Wonderland - Burton Style

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

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Pattern illustration

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