LifeBond: A Detailed Knitting Pattern for Triangular and Square Shawls with Knotwork Design


A Shin'a'in knotwork pattern Suitable for trianglar or square shawls

Pattern illustration

Test knit&photo abovecourtesy sherio

Pattern illustration

Triangle knit by Auoro


blank = knit 1 O = yarnover / = knit two together reading right to left skp reading left to right \= slip 1, knit 1, pass slipped stitch over (R to L) k2tog reading left to right A = slip 2 tog as if to knit, k1, psso = center column of chart. Worked once per row - center yarnover \*\* ALWAYS\*\* followed by skp


vs are knit (in the round) or PURLED (except for selvedges) knitting flat After the first chart the charts are only half of each repeat. Work each row of the chart reading right to left until the center column of the chart is worked (stippled background). Continue reading from left to right skipping the center. After the first chart there is an un-charted single stitch between repeats of the chart. These are the corners. Various options for alternate shapes and configurations are given AFTER the Chart. Cast on for the basic SQUARE is 8 stitches. Join and knit once around before commencing charts with the first row of the chart. iggested bind off is a perpendicular narrow garter edge of 3 to 5 stitches.

Pattern illustration

Copyright 2011 MMario Leo a Pola de Finale Emelia Free Will donations may be made through PayPal to

Pattern illustration

Copyright 2011 MMario Leo a Pola de Finale Emelia Free Will donations may be made through PayPal to MMario@

Pattern illustration

Copyright 2011 MMario Leo a Pola de Finale Emelia Free Will donations may be made through PayPal to MMario@

Pattern illustration

Copyright 2011 MMario Leo a Pola de Finale Emelia Free Will donations may be made through PayPal to MMario@

Pattern illustration

Copyright 2011 MMario Leo a Pola de Finale Emelia Free Will donations may be made through PayPal to MMario@



Pattern illustration

The pattern may be ended after round 158, with or without adding the suggested edge. Or the above extension (rounds 159 through 184) may be worked. This adds diameter to the piece and forms a neat decorative edge. It may be repeated as rounds 185 to 210 using 15 repeats on either side of the central column; and again as rounds 211 to 236 with 17 repeats but further vertical repetition is not recommended For the extenstion uncharted rounds are worked as the stitches present, knitting the knits, purling the purl and purling into yarnovers. Finish with a narrow perpendicular garter edge of 3 to 5 stitches


Knit two rounds plain and then a picot bind off consisting of: (cast on 2, bind off 4); repeated.


VARIANTS: Single Triangle: Cast on = 7. RS = k3, chart, k2 (for first chart) WS = k3, purl until 3 remain, k3 RS = k3, chart, k3 (after first chart) Double Triangle: Cast on = 9 RS = k3, chart x2, k2 (for first chart) first chart) WS = k3, purl until 3 remain, k3 RS = k3, chart, k1, chart, k3 (after Fichu (3 triangles) Cast on = 11 RS = k3, chart x3, k2 (for first chart) (after first chart) WS = k3, purl until 3 remain, k3 RS = k3, chart, k1, chart,k1, chart, k3

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