ROLY POLY ROLL-BRIM MADuNaier MAD Cap Fancies: Knitting Pattern for All Ages


Pattern illustration

Materials: Size 7 knitting needles: 16" circular and doublepointed (for top of crown), worsted weight yarn, large yarn sewing needle, 3" piece of cardboard. Finished Size: Baby (17"), Toddler (18.5"), Child (19.5"), Adult (21.5"), X-Lg (23"); choose size about 1-2" smaller than head. Gauge: 17 sts = 4" Abbrev: St = stitch, K = knit, P = purl, k2tog = knit 2 together.


Directions for Baby are shown first, followed by Toddler, Child, Adult and X-Lg in parenthesis where different.

Brim and Body

Using 16" circular needles, cast on 72 (78, 84, 90, 96) sts, place marker and join to work in the round. Knit 10 (11,11,12,12) rows. Purl 8 (9, 9, 10, 10) rows. (1st Purl roll) Knit 8 (9, 10, 10, 11) rows. Purl 8 (9, 9, 10, 10) rows. (2nd Purl roll) Knit 8 (9, 10, 10, 11) rows. Purl 8 (9, 9, 10, 10) rows. (3rd Purl roll) Knit 1 (1, 2, 2, 3) rows.


For Baby: Start Crown at Row 5, skipping Rows 1-4; For Toddler: Start Crown at Row 4, skipping Rows 1-3; For Child: Start Crown at Row 3, skipping Rows 1-2; For Adult: Start Crown at Row 2, skipping Row 1. For X-Lg: Start Crown at Row 1. Row 1 (X-Lg start): [K2tog, K14] 6 times. (90 sts) Row 2 (Adult start): [K2tog, K13] 6 times. (84 sts) Row 3 (Child start): [K2tog, K12] 6 times. (78 sts) Row 4 (Toddler start): [K2tog, K11] 6 times. (72 sts) Row 5 (Baby start): [K2tog, K10] 6 times. (66 sts) Row 6: [K2tog, K9] 6 times. (60 sts) Row 7: [K2tog, K8] 6 times. (54 sts) Row 8: [K2tog, K7] 6 times. (48 sts) Row 9: [K2tog, K6] 6 times. (42 sts) Row 10: [K2tog, K5] 6 times. (36 sts) Row 11: [K2tog, K4] 6 times. (30 sts) Row 12: [K2tog, K3] 6 times. (24 sts) Row 13: [K2tog, K2] 6 times. (18 sts) Row 14: [K2tog, K1] 6 times. (12 sts) Row 15: [K2tog] 6 times. (6 sts) Cut yarn, leaving a 9" tail. Use yarn sewing needle to weave tail through remaining 6 sts, pull tight, repeat.

Fat Tassel

1. Wrap: Wrap yarn 30 times around a 3" piece of cardboard. 2. Cut: Cut yarn so tails are at same end. Then cut two 8" lengths of yarn. Thread one piece through yarn sewing needle, poke needle under strands at top of tassel (make sure you get under all of them!) then tie tightly at top, leaving ends long for attaching tassel in Step 4. Now cut all the loops at other (bottom) end of tassel. 3. Bind: Stroke tassel strands to smooth them together, then tie yarn piece around tassel about 1" from tassel top (tie tightly twice). Using a yarn needle, poke each of these 2 ends down through center of tassel so they are hidden among the 60 other yarn stands, with their ends coming out at bottom as part of the pack. 4. Trim: Obsessively trim strands at bottom of tassel until they are all the same length, as blunt as possible. 5. Attach: Using sewing needle and the 2 strands at tassel top, attach at last row of hat, tying them on inside of hat. (To make tassel stick up, bring one yarn tail out to right side again and wrap several times between base of tassel and top of hat, then bring to inside of hat and tie tight.)


Weave in ends and it's all done! Copyright MADuNaier 2014 - Make them to wear, give, or sell, but please don't sell my pattern!

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