Cabled Mittens Pattern by Emily Benson - Knitting Instructions for Left and Right Hand

Spruce Tree Mittens

Designed by Emily Benson The idea for these mittens was originally a structural one: why not put all the increases for the thumb gusset on one side, to make a more form-fitting shape? The final result is a cozy pair of mirror-image mittens, with a tall and skinny cable up the back. The cable pattern reminded me of the shape of the spruce trees we have here in interior Alaska, where warm mittens are a necessity eight months of the year. Enjoy! Yarn: Malabrigo worsted, 1 skein "Burgundy" Needles: set of five US 7 $(4.5\;\mathsf{m m})$ needles, double pointed (or size needed to obtain gauge) Notions: tapestry needle, 3 stitch markers, cable needle Gauge: 18 stitches, 24 rows for 4 inch $(10.2\,\mathsf{c m})\times4$ inch( $10.2\,\mathsf{c m})$ block in stockinette stitch

Pattern illustration

Finished measurements: 4 inches $.10.2\,\mathsf{c m})$ wide (across palm), 11.25 inches $(28.6\,{\mathsf{c m}})$ I tll(including 3 inch $(7.6\,\mathsf{c m})$ cuff); designed tofit hand with 75inch $.19\,\mathsf{c m})$ palm circumference with 0.5 inch $\phantom{+}1.3\,\mathsf{c m})$ positive ease Definitions: P: purl KItoI: Knit one stitcn tnrougn pacK loop Kifb: knit one stitch through front and back loops (results in an increase of 1 stitch) C4F: cable 2 front by holding 2 stitches to front of work on cable needle, knit next 2 stitches, then knit held stitches off cable needle C4B: cable 2 back by holding 2 stitches to back of work on cable needle, knit next 2 stitches, then knit held stitches off cableneedle Ssk: slip next stitch knit-wise, slip stitch after that knit-wise as wel then knit these 2 stitches togetherby inserting left-hand needle through the front of both stitches simultaneously, wrapping yarn around right-hand needle, and pulling yarn through both slipped stitches at the same time (results in a decrease of 1 stitch) Stitch patterns: Twisted stitch rib: Left-hand mitten: Round 1: [K1tbl, p1]; repeat these two stitches to end of round Round 2: repeat round 1 Right-hand mitten: Round 1: [P1, k1tbl]; repeat these two stitches to end of round Round 2: repeat round 1 Cable panel: (worked across 9 stitches centered on back of mitten) Row 1: knit all stitches Row 2: knit all stitches Row 3: knit all stitches Row 4: C4F, k1, C4B Continue repeating these 4 rows

Pattern illustration

Instructions: Left-hand mitten: Cast-on 34 stitches using US size 7 $(4.5\;\mathsf{m m})$ needles, orsize needed toobtain gauge Distribute stitches evenly on 3 or 4 needles Join to work in the round, being careful not to twist stitches Work in twisted stitch rib untilpiece measures 3 inches from cast-on edge (about 18 rounds) Next round (round 1 ofgusset):k14 stitches, place marker, k6 stitches, place marker row 1 of cable panel, place marker, kremaining stitches Roudtmalimaaatwfaa ining st Round 3: kto one stitch before marker, kifb, kto marker, slip marker, k next row of cable panel,slip marker, kremain- ing stitches (35 stitches) Repeat rounds 2 and 3 seven times more (42 stitches; end on row 1 of cable panel) Next round: kt marke slipmarker, ktomarker slipmarker, next row of cable panel slipmarker, kremaining stitches Next round: kto 10 stitches before marker, place next 10 stitches on waste yarn, remove marker, cast-on 6 additional stitches, tmarker sli marker, next row of cale panel, slip marke, kremaining stithes (38 stitches) Next round:tmarker,marker, ext rowf cablepane, slmarker remaning stitchs Repeat this round until piece measures $4\,5/8$ inches from thumb cast-on edge; end on row 4 of cable panel (about 29 rounds) Redistribute stitches on needles such that frst 9 stitches are on needle 1, next 10 stitches are on needle 2, next 9 stitches are on needle 3, and final 10 stitches are on needle 4 Next round (round 1 of derease rounds): sk,kntil 2 stitchesremain onneedle2,ktog, k,ktomarke slimark k next row of cable panel, slip marker, k until 2 stitches remain on needle 4, k2tog (34 stitches) Round 2:ktomarke, limarker, kext rowof cable pael, li marker kremaining sths Repeat rounds 1 and 2 three times more (22 stitches) Next round (rmve markersduring this round):sk, until stitches remain onneee, ktog,ssk, until stitchs remain on needle 4, k2tog (18 stitches) Slip stitches from needle 2 onto needl 1 purl-wise Slip stitches from needle 4 onto needle 3 purl-wise Cut yarn, aving tailofabout 1.ft in ength; uing tail graft topf miten togethering Kithenestch. Thumb: Pickup and knit7stitches fromworkjust above cast-onedge acrossthe topofthe hole left for the thumb;place these stitches on needle 1 Place live stitches held with waste yarn on needles 2 and 3 (5 stitches on each needle),remove waste yarn, k10 stitches Next round: all stitches Repeat this round until thumb measures 2 1/2 inches from base of thumb where stitches were picked up (about 16 rounds) Next round (round 1 of decrease rounds): [k2tog, k1];repeat four times more, k 2 stitches (12 stitches) Round 2: [k2tog, k1]; repeat thre times more (8 stitches) Round 3:[k2togl; repeat threetimes more (4 stitches) Cut yarn, leaving tailof about 6 inches in length; bring tail through remaining stitches and pull snug Weave in ends; if necessary,use ends to close gaps at thumb corners. Right-hand mitten: Cast-on 34 stitches using US size7 $(4.5\;\mathsf{m m})$ needles or size needed to obtain gauge Distribute stitches evenly on 3 or 4 needles Join to work in the round, being careful not to twist stitches Work in twisted stitch rib (remember to begin with p1 instead of kitbl) until piece measures 3 inches from cast-on edge (about 18 rounds) Next round (round 1 of gusset): k 5 stitches, place marker, k row 1 of cable panel, place marker, k6 stitches, place marker, k remaining stitches Round 2: kto marker, slip marker, k next row of cable panel, slip marker, kto marker, slip marker, kremaining stitches Round 3:kto marker, slip marker, next row of cable panel, slip marker, kto marker, slip marker, kifb, kremaining stitches (35 stitches) Repeat rounds 2 and 3 seven times more (42 stitches; end on row 1 of cable panel) Next round: kto marker, slip marker, k next row of cable panel, slip marker, kto marker, slip marker, k remaining stitches Next round: kto marker,slip marker, k next row of cable panel, lip marker, kto marker, remove marker, place next 10 stitches on waste yarn, cast-on6 additional stitches, kremaining stitches (38 stitches) Next round: k to marker, lip marker, k next row of cable panel, slip marker, k remaining stitches Repeat this round until piece measures 4 5/8 inches from thumb cast-on edge;end on row 4 of cable panel (about 29 rounds) Redistribute stitches on needles such that first 9 stitches are on needle 1, next 10 stitches are on needle 2, next 9 stitches are on needle 3, and final 10 stitches are on needle 4 Next round (round 1 of decrease rounds): Ssk, kto marker, slip marker, knext row of cable panel, slip marker, k until 2 stitches remain on needle 2, k2tog, ssk, k until 2 stitches remain on needle 4, k2tog (34 stitches) Round 2: k to marker, slip marker, k next row of cable panel, slip marker, k remaining stitches Repeat rounds 1 and 2 three times more (22 stitches) Next round (remove markers during this round): Ssk, kuntil 2 stitches remain on needle 2, k2tog, ssk, kuntil 2 stitches remain on needle 4, k2tog (18 stitches) Slip stitches from needle 2 onto needle 1 purl-wise Slip stitches from needle 4 onto needle 3 purl-wise Cut yarn, leaving tailof about 1.5ft in length;using tail, graft top of mitten together using Kitchenerstitch. Thumb: Eollou inctructionc for loft-hand mitton thumh

$\copyright$ 2010 Emily Benson.

All rights reserved. For personal use only; please do not sell objects knitted from this pattern. Please direct questions to Emily at erbenson1 $@$ or erbenson on ravelry.

Pattern illustration

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