WelshDragon Knitting Pattern Chart by Melanie Fraser Shoediva - Knit Washcloth or Afghan Block Design

WelshDragon by Melanie Fraser (Shoediva) Thank you for downloading this pattern chart! I hope you enjoy knitting it! Any comments, let me know. Using the long tail method, cast on 43 stitches, or use centre 43 stitches in your chosen work. Chart is worked from right to left, with each odd row being worked in Knit; each even row worked in purl. If you wish to make the chart as a washcloth or afghan block: Using the long tail method, cast on 49 stitches. Row1: k1, p1, k1,(seed stitch border); knit across first row of chart; k1, p1, k1 (seed stitch border) Row2: k1,p1,k1 (seed stitch border); purl across second row of chart; k1, p1, k1 (seed stitch border)\* Maintaining seed stitch border as set, and working in stocking stitch as given for chart (where odd rows are knit and even rows are purl), follow design as shown until the end of row 47 as given on the chart. Work 4 more rows in seed stitch and bind off in pattern. The above border/chart combination should produce a square block in your chosen yarns, suitable for a one-off piece such as a washcloth. Should you wish to join blocks to form a blanket/afghan, it is advisable to work only 3 rows/stitches as a border in order not to have too bulky a joining border pattern between the blocks. Work from the chart directly, leaving off the border, if using the motif in a garment, e.g. a child's sweater. Text, Images and Patterns Copyright $\circledcirc$ MelanieFraser 2009. Theright of MelanieFrasertobeidentified astheauthorof thisworkhasbeen aserted yherin accordance with the Copyright,Designs and PatentsAct988PulishedasaRavelry.compay-for dwnload byShoedivaoumayse thispatrnforpersonalsenlyNot forresale. All rightsreserved.

Pattern illustration

Text, Images and Patterns Copyright $\circledcirc$ Melanie Fraser 2009.

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