Kanji Chart for Shinigami (Death Spirit) Knitting Pattern by Sarah McFaul - Free Download

Kanji Chart - Shinigami

Charted by Sarah McFaul Boldly declare with your knitting that you are to be feared! Death Spirit, Death God, Grim Reaper, whatever your translation, this kanji will make you cool and awesome\*. Just as a disclaimer, I don't speak or read Japanese, so I hope my pixellated version of this script is recognizable. Happy knitting and crocheting!

Pattern illustration

\*Actual levels of cool and awesome may vary from kniter to knitter. Side efects may include cravings for ramen noodles, a sudden obsession with small cute mascots, the desire to embark on a heroic quest, or the tendency to refer to people as 'ningen'. This chart is provided free for you to use however you wish. Language is free, after all. The designer is Sarah McFaul (aka Arzu on Ravelry) and she sometimes blogs about knitting in her spare time between attaining multiple graduate degrees, baking copious amounts of pie and cookies, and conquering new levels of DDR on her PS2. Feel free to drop by and say hello! http://cookies-and-lasers.blogspot.com

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