Swirl Socks Pattern: Toe-Up Sock Knitting with Afterthought Heel for Women (with Men's Size Adaptation)

Swirl Socks

Simple toe-up socks using an afterthought heel.


Lisa Souza's Sock!, 1 - 4 oz (113 gram) skein in the Pacific colorway, 450 yards. The yarn is $75\%$ superwashwool & $25\%$ nylon. US size 1 needles, set of 5 double pointed needles Blunt tapestry needle to weave in ends


26 sts $\times\,40$ rows over 4 inches x 4 inches (10 cm x 10 cm) in pattern stitch 29 sts $\times\,42$ rows over 4 inches x 4 inches ( $10\ c m\times10\ c m)$ in stockinette stitch


Woman's small, medium, large. For men's sizes, knit the large size and increase the foot length.

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Pattern Stitch Chart:

Pattern illustration

Pattern stitch:

Round 1 & all odd Rounds: knit Round 2: k1, \*k2tog, yo, $\mathsf{K}\mathsf{3}^{\star}$ , k1 Round 4: k6, \*k2tog, yo, $\mathsf{K}\mathsf{3}^{\star}$ , k1 Round 6: k5, \*k2tog, yo, $\mathsf{K}\mathsf{3}^{\star}$ , k1 Round 8: k4, \*k2tog, yo, $\mathsf{K}\mathsf{3}^{\star}$ ,k1 Round 10: k3, \*k2tog, yo, $\mathsf{K}\mathsf{3}^{\star}$ , k1 Round 12: k2, \*k2tog, yo, $\mathsf{K}\mathsf{3}^{\star}$ , k1

Cast on 26 (26, 32) stitches using your preferred toe-up cast on method. I used Judy's Magic Cast-On. Toe Round 1: knit

ToeRound 2: $\sp{\star}{\sf k}\tt^{\star}$ , yo, k11 (k11, k14), yo\*, repeat for second half of stitches Toe Round 3: $\sp{\star}{\sf k}\tt^{\star}$ , knit yo tbl, k11 (k11, k14), knit yo tbl\*, repeat for second half of stitches Toe Round 4: \*k1, yo, k13 (k13, k16), yo\*, repeat for second halfof stitches Toe Round 5: \*k1, nit yo tbl, k13 (k13, k16), knit yo tbl\*, repeat for second half of stitches Continue in this manner until there are 52 (52, 64) stitches. Knit 2 more rounds. Start Pattern stitch on top of the foot (needles 1 & 2) and stockinette stitch on the bottom of the foot (needles 3 & 4). For smal&mediumsizes: Work the first Round 2 as follows: k2, k2tog, yo, k3, \*k2tog, yo, $\mathsf{K}\mathsf{3}^{\star}$ , k1. There will now be 54 stitches. Continue working the pattern stitch as defined above For large size: work the pattern stitch as above. Work until the foot measures 7 inches (8 inches, 9 inches), ending on an odd row.

Place waste yarn for afterthought heel:

Work across top of the foot. Using contrast yarn knit across the bottom of the foot (white yarn in picture). Return to the start of bottom of the foot and knit across again in the sock yarn. Work 2 more rounds.

You will now start working the pattern stitch on all the stitches. Increase one stitch at the start of stockinette section by replacing k1 for one of the k2tog. Continue until the leg measures 6 inches or your desired length ending on Round 7.


The ribbing consists of two rounds. Ribbing Round $1\!:\!\star\!1$ , slip 1 purlwise, k1, p2\* Ribbing Round 2: knit The slipped stitch should be aligned with the k2tog in the pattern below. If it doesn't align work the pattern stitch until they do align. Work until the ribbing is 3 inches long. Cast off loosely.


Using 2 double pointed needles, pick up the stitches on either side of the waste yarn. Carefully remove the waste yarn. I recommend you not cut it, just in case you cut the sock yarn as well. I use a needle to pull out one stitch at a time. The leg side will be off by one stitch, increase or decrease so that there are 27 (27, 32) stitches on each needle. Shift stitches to work on 5 needles. Heel Round 1 & all odd Heel Rounds: knit Heel Round 2: $\mathrm{}^{\star}\mathsf{k}\mathsf{1}$ , ssk, k21 (k21, k26), k2tog, k1\* Heel Round 4: $\mathrm{}^{\star}\mathsf{k}\mathsf{1}$ , ssk, k19 (k19, k24), k2tog, k1\* Heel Round 2: \*k1, ssk, k17 (k17, k22), k2tog, k1\* Continue in this manner until there are 26 (26, 30) stitches total ending on an even (decrease) round. Graft the stitches together.


Weave in ends. Wash in mild soap and block to dry. Or slap 'em on your feet and wear them.

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Pattern doesn't make sense? You found an error? Have a question? Contact me at miss maia@hotmail.com. Larger pictures along with corrections and questions regarding this pattern will be answered at http://maiaspins.typepad.com/maiaspins/2006/09/design_ a_sock.html. $\circledcirc$ 2006MaiaDiscoe,DeaTerra You may use this pattern for personal use, gifts, or for charitable donations. Copies of this pattern may be made as long as the pattern is unchanged and contains all copyright and contact information. This pattern may not be sold, given away by yarn stores, or used to create items for profit without my written consent.

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